
Alpha Maxwell, Please Don't Chase Me

Gina had constantly been on the run from Maxwell after she fooled him three times in one go. She signed a contract but fled with his money, she promised him a child but fled with their son, and she promised to stay by his side but once again tricked him. He gave her everything and had been patient enough. Maxwell was starting to get pissed. All he wanted now were the three things she took, his money, his son, and his runaway Omega mate. “Please Alpha, stop chasing me, just let me go?” She begged in tears, however, Maxwell was far from tired. “Even if you went to the depths of hell, I'd find you and bring you back to my side.” Regardless of how much she pleaded, she was now in his hand and he wouldn't mind proving to her how far he'd go to find her. No matter what, he would never stop chasing her.

IamDora · Kỳ huyễn
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8 Chs

Chapter 1. A Cat and A Mouse.

The moon hangs low in the cloudless sky, a cool breeze blowing through my messy tresses as I stare into the alluring gaze of a befuddled male.

"What's this about? Why did you call me out here?" He asks slowly, his brows furrowed in confusion.

I duck my head, sucking in a deep breath as I muster enough courage to confess my feelings to the handsome wolf I've admired for years.

On the rooftop we stand, nearly toe to toe. It feels so intimate. 'It's now or never.' I think resolutely.

With a flush high on my cheeks and my heart pounding in my chest, I finally opened my mouth, words spewing from it nervously.

"I- I've watched you from afar... and, and I've admired you for so long," I confess, my voice barely above a whisper.

I straighten my shoulders, my fingers clenching on my worn skirt. I dare not look up to stop my cheeks from flushing.

"I-I like you a lot. Actually, I love you." I finish through trembling lips.

Right after it's quiet for a moment, save the hallowing breeze that whispers as if mocking me. I sigh, feeling the weight on my shoulders disperse after my confession. I chanced a glance up at the silent man, trying to gauge his expression.

Haiz! He sighs, caressing his temple with one hand. I don't think I like the sound of that sigh.

His hair nearly silver in the moonlight, simply stares at me with solemn eyes, his lips pressed into a thin line.

I feel trepidation rise in my chest at his expression as I know what's coming.

"I'm sorry, but I can't accept an Omega as my mate," he says.


What did I expect, I knew I had this coming and yet… It feels so tough to take in.

His words break through my chest and spears my heart. The man looks away from my heartbroken expression, his face twisting into a frown.

"I have responsibilities to my family, and I need a strong partner to fulfil my role," he explains quietly, his words falling like heavy stones between us, as he stares at me with pity.

"Look, I'm sorry, but you're just not my type, and I doubt you ever will. I cannot be with an Omega." He says simply before turning on his heel and heading to the rooftop door.

As he leaves, I'm left alone on the rooftop, the cool breeze carrying the sting of rejection.

"Well, there goes another one," I say to myself with a sigh.

I hold on to my tears as I encourage myself, "come on Nika, you're tougher than this."


Heavy vibration of music syncing with one's heartbeat, varieties of colours changing rapidly, echoes of marching footsteps, the smell of alcohol and of course a lady deep in sorrow.

"It's not fair, I didn't ask to be born this way~" I sob loudly, blowing my nose for the fifth time.

"This is just a rejection, Nika. You can't let it break you," my friend Serena says, patting my back.

Fooling myself that I could be strong earlier, it took me less than twenty minutes before I burst into tears, actually I'm quite surprised that I held on that long. If it weren't for my friends who saw me I would definitely still be on the rooftop, on a quest to help me find happiness I'm dragged here.

Jasper, always the one to speak her mind, chimes in, "Exactly! You're amazing, Nika. Besides, I always keep saying he doesn't look worth it to me, I mean girl you need to check your eyes."

"Hey!" Serena yells.

"It's the damn truth," Jasper snaps.

I stare at my friend's unsure what to do, they're supposed to be helping me get over this heartbreak but here they are.

"I know, but I really liked him," I reply wetly, wiping away my tears. Serena hums with sympathy.

"We know honey but you can't let one rejection define you. He's just one wolf in a pack of many."

"This is the tenth rejection I've had. I can't take it anymore Serena." I confess, tears welling up again. Serena shushes me, her brown eyes warm and comforting as she places a hand on my trembling shoulder.

"It doesn't matter." She says firmly.

"Bu-!." I try to argue when Jasper cuts me off.

"She's right, Nika. You're a catch, and any wolf would be lucky to have you," adds Jasper.

I sigh, slumping into my seat as I admit defeat.

"Do you understand that I'm not getting any younger?!!!" I yell.

"Of course we are. We're your friends and we know what's best for you. You should enjoy the night Nika. Tomorrow is another day" Serena says imperiously, her lips curled into a pleased smile. She clicks her glass with Jasper, who winks at me before throwing back her shot.

I force a weak smile at their antics, grateful for their attempt to mend my broken heart.

I lift my glass, wiping my teary eyes with the back of my palm.

"You're right. Cheers." I say softly as we clink our glasses together.

As the night progresses, they decide that drowning my sorrows isn't the solution; instead, they drag me to the front row, regardless of my protests, to witness a spectacle of male strippers.

The pulsating beat of the music reverberates through the dimly lit room as I find myself seated in the front row, my friends on either side, urging me to let loose and forget the heartache. The air is charged with anticipation as the male strippers take turns captivating the audience.

It's really interesting and very hot but after the fifth performance, I was starting to get a little bored and was more than ready to call it night.

"Guys come on, that's enough. We should head home now." I try to whisper to my friends.

Serena shakes her head adamantly.

"No! We're not going anywhere until you get over your heartbreak!." She says with a glare. I huff in exasperation, frankly tired of her stubbornness.

"But I'm fine now! Promise-."

Suddenly, the atmosphere shifts when a masked figure takes the stage, dragging back my attention to the raised platform. He moves with an alluring grace, his every step a dance of itself. The crowd is captivated, and I can't help but feel a twinge of curiosity.

He's like a creature of the night," whispers Serena, her eyes wide with fascination. Jasper nudges me, "Maybe this is what you need – a bit of mystery and excitement." The brunette teases when she sees my stupefied expression.

The man's gaze slowly swings around the room before his eyes lock with mine. He lazily lifts a finger before beckoning me with it.

"Oh my…" Serena murmurs in shock.

As if bewitched, I find myself on stage, caught in the tantalising gaze of the masked stripper. The crowd cheers as he pushes me into a chair, and my cheeks burn with embarrassment. Offstage, my friends giggle and exchange mischievous glances, clearly delighted by the unexpected twist.

As the masked stripper approaches, his eyes lock onto mine, and a sly smile plays on his full lips. I can't see too well due to the dimness in the room but I can still make out the outline of his face and the powerful rolls of his shoulders.

He's gorgeous. My mouth dries when he stands before of me. I feel my breath hitch when he leans down as I become the centre of his attention. An unexpected thrill courses through me when the distance fades between us.

The room fades away, my embarrassment forgotten, leaving the two of us in a world of our own.

My eyes widen in shock when the stripper nimbly seats himself in my lap, our body barely touching, as he uses the sides of my chair to balance himself. I feel sparks shooting up my spine when I stare up at the man looming over me, the heat in his gaze nearly burning me up.

He begins the dance, a symphony of seduction that weaves through the air. His movements are sinuous and spellbinding, each twist and turn a testament to his inherent sexiness. I watch, entranced, as he peels away layers of his clothes, revealing glimpses of sculpted muscle beneath.

The masked stripper's touch is electrifying, the graze of fingers sending shivers down my spine. The room becomes a kaleidoscope of sensations, and I'm lost in the rhythm of his movements. His eyes never leave mine, my heart stuttering in my chest.

As the beat reaches its climax, the masked figure leans in, his breath warm against my ear. The proximity sends a flush of warmth through me, and I can feel the heat rising in my cheeks. The music fades, leaving only the echo of our shared moment.

With a final, lingering gaze, the masked stripper retreats from the stage, leaving me breathless and yearning for more. The crowd erupts in applause, but my mind is consumed by the spell cast during those intoxicating moments.

After the performance, they encouraged me to shake off the weird encounter.

"You needed that, Nik's! A little spice to break the monotony," Jasper teases, tugging my mused hair playfully. I chuckle awkwardly Before escaping to the bathroom to splash some water on my overheated face. I retreat to the private lounge later, seeking solace from the chaos.

An announcement echoes through the room from the intercoms – they're auctioning off one of their best strippers for a night with any lady.

The crowd votes for the masked man, and the bidding begins. Anxiety courses through me when I hear the atrocious amounts being called through the intercom system in my room.

'it's so much!.' but even as I think this, the thought of the masked man going to anybody else tonight fills me with a cold feeling.

I look at the keypad beside my chair, the numbers taunting me.

I bite my lip in agitation before impulsively spending my entire month's salary to secure the mysterious stripper.

"Sold! To room B13." The announcer yells over the channel.

After hearing the answering ding of my purchase going through, I suddenly feel an onslaught of warmth, a fiery discomfort settling within me. The door swings open, revealing the masked stripper – now known as the enigmatic Moonlight – who enters with a sigh.

The man pauses at the entrance as he stares at my prone body on the couch.

"Are you okay?" Moonlight asks, observing me with concern. Sweat beads on my forehead as my cheeks flushed with an unfamiliar heat.

"H-help me," I utter through cracked lips, my hands stretching feebly towards the man. Moonlight quickly shuts the door, sealing our fates together in the dimly lit room.