
Alpha Leon (Destined Luna)

"I don't need a weak mate, Ashley. It's time to reject you" Ashley felt her wolf protest bitterly at the word, rejection. "I, Alpha Leon Stone rejects you Omega Ashley Cambrian as my mate and Luna". Leon said coldly to the naked woman on his bed. Ashley suddenly felt a sharp striking pain in her chest and she cried in pain holding her chest as she watched Leon leave the room angrily. Ashley Cambrian, a weak Omega of the blue park finds her life in a mess when she realizes she is the destined mate of the strongest and most cruel Alpha, Leon. Her romantic world of being loved by her mate comes crashing down as Leon rejects her because of her rank. Leaving the marriage wasn't an option as she was used as a collateral of peace between her pack and the Dark pack fortress. What happens to Ashley when she isn't accepted in her new home? Would she be able to get Leon into accepting her? Or would she end up being caught in a web of conspiracies?

Olayide_Mercy · Kỳ huyễn
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12 Chs

Chapter Seven

Ashley's POV 

I looked at the girl in front of me, she wore a very mean and dangerous face and as she came closer, I felt my wolf trying to come out and my amber eyelid glowed brightly.

"What! Our Luna is an Omega" the girl loudly announced.

"What?!" Everyone wore a surprised face, it was obvious they didn't believe what they have heard.

I felt a harsh touch on my arm that made me turn and immediately I saw Andrea, holding my cheek bone aggressively while shouting.

"She's truly an Omega"

Andrea said something I didn't get hold off as she pushed me to the ground and then my opponent launched at me without mercy and all I felt laying down there was pain and my head was becoming more hazy.

Covered with blood, Bianca held me back up by the neck before throwing me into the circle of heartless female warriors.

Everyone took out their joy on me, I was weak and couldn't fight back so they mocked me to the face and then with my last strength I looked up to see a fist coming to my face but it was too late to dodge it and immediately everything blacked out.


In my pitch black world, though I couldn't see anything I heard some familiar voices.

"Where am I? And why can't I see a thing?" 

I couldn't remember anything and 

I tried turning my head and raising my body when I heard those voices talk again but I felt an excruciating pain so I just gave up.

"Has she woken up yet?" I heard Luna Becca say

"No, she hasn't. I guess her body is still trying to accept the drugs and heal from the numerous bruises she sustained during the fight"

"Drugs? Bruises? Fight?" Finally I heard something that reminded me of how I got here to begin with. It was the silly Luna fight that landed me here.

"This is all Bianca and Andrea's fault " Luna Becca said again

"Mom, can you stop blaming me? It's not like I was the one who asked Ashley to be that weak" Andrea boldly defended herself.


I didn't know what exactly was going on but I could sense that something serious was about to happen between Luna Becca and Andrea.

"Luna, please. Don't hit Andrea, it was all my idea. I just wanted to carry on with our normal ritual, I didn't know it would end like this " Bianca said in her fake sober voice

"Such a dramatic liar? She was obviously enjoying the sight of me bleeding and in pain and now she's trying to sound all self- righteous " I badly wished I could tell the Luna that she was lying but I was sure that even my mouth would be terribly battered to even talk.

"Leon won't be pleased to hear this?" Luna Becca said again

"He doesn't have to be pleased, all he has to do is send her back to her pack. He doesn't like Omega anyways so she's good as useless staying here with us" Andrea spatted and I groaned in pain as I heard.


"There's no but Bianca. Mom, we all know that there's no way Leon would ever settle for an Omega so let's stop acting like we didn't know"

As they kept bantering, I suddenly felt nauseous, I wanted all of them to leave but then I heard the most frightening voice I haven't heard in a while.

"What happened to Ashley?" Leon's voice suddenly echoed in my ears.

To be very honest, I was excited because I thought he came after hearing what happened to me but I was so wrong. Bianca explained what happened using her seductive voice and all Leon could say was; "I'd send her back when she regains consciousness"

The door was banged loudly and Luna Becca called after him and soon the room was empty. I didn't know when I started crying till I heard Zolan s voice.

"Luna Ashley! Can you hear me? Are you awake? Why are you crying?" Zolan kept saying with so much concern, gently touching my cheeks and wiping the tears off from it.

"I'd get the doctor for you" he said and then I heard the door get close. I weakly opened my eyes, I was in a fully equipped hospital room. Soon Zolan came in with a doctor, he bowed before leaving me alone with the doctor.

I sighed at his little act of respect, it would be a shame if he was being nice because of Leon, though it felt nice knowing someone was still concerned about me here.

The doctor said I'd be fine in a matter of weeks and I'd need to get around using a wheelchair then when my legs condition improves, I can walk with crushes as my legs were badly wounded, my hands were also in a pretty bad shape as it was castbinded.

"How long would it take for me to get out of here, doctor?"

"Roughly two to three months but I can discharge you as soon as you stop using the wheelchair and that should be in a month time"

One month was long especially if I'd have to return back to my pack. It would be a pity if I returned home when my parents thinks I'm enjoying my married life.

I tried standing up and I couldn't, I looked at the doctors and nurses who only smiled awkwardly at me.

"It would take a while but you'd heal gradually "

This sounds like I'd be staying here for a while now.