
Alpha King's Tequila

Deandra Sparks wasn't immune to arrogant male energies especially when it came to a powerful one like this one in front of her. She had read about Andrè Rossi and seen most of his pictures but seeing him in person, she felt she should sue all those photographers for not doing justice to his great beauty. Damn. The guy was hot as hell! He was saying something but Dee was not listening. Her lips fell slightly open as she followed the trail of his lips on the back of her hand. How would those lips feel on hers? ******************************** Andrè Rossi the son of one of America's most influential businessmen, Lukas Rossi, woke up to see a false publication on the media by his ex-girlfriend, accusing him of rape. And now his distraught father whose greatest fear was a bad family reputation had sought to hire the service of a media revamper that would help erase the scandal that his son had plunged them into. What happens when the feisty, masochist article writer Deandra Sparks comes into the picture? Will her flame burn the infamous New York award-winning Casanova? Is she willing to quench this fire in him? And what happens when she is in a struggle between yielding to his soft touches and keeping to her resolution of not mixing business with pleasure?

Gemini_writes · Thành thị
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29 Chs

Dragged to a date

"Dee, who is at the door?" Chloe asked from the living room, abruptly driving Dee back from her shocking paralysis.

"What are you doing here?" she quizzed Andrè who raise his eyebrow at her in a prevalent way and then in a flash, he barged past her and just as she turned to stop him, he caught her off-guard by bending down to sweep her off her feet.

"Hey, Let go this minute! Bring me down you son of a gun!" she shrilled, banging on his hard back but he didn't budge. Chloe who flew up from the seat she was sitting when she heard Dee's outburst abruptly stopped and started grinning like a love swooned teenager.

"Chloe, do something. What's funny?!" Dee shrieked, still pounding on Andrè back. He opened the first door but Chloe ran towards them to direct him to the right room.

"Here," she pointed, still thrilled by his disposition.

"Urgh! I'm so killing you, Chloe. This is the highest form of betrayal!" Dee continued thrashing about on Andrè who dropped her the moment he entered her room and flung the door closed.

"Get out this minute! How dare you? This is preposterous. The highest form of humiliation. Get out this minute!" she barraged at him, pointing towards the door.

" Ms. Sparks, I told you I hate my time being wasted. It's either you dress up now, or I will help you and if you ask me I think I would prefer the latter," he said, working closer to her. She backed away, running deeper into the room. She was flummoxed by his audacity. To think Chloe betrayed her.

"I will not follow you to any stupid dinner date. Suck it up!" she yelled and dodge when he took angry strides in towards her.

"Last warning Ms. Sparks," he said calmly, not moved one bit by her whin-y tirade. She crossed her hand over her chest and eyed him, very conscious of the bum shot and skimpy singlet she was on.

He looks at his Rolex wristwatch and shook his head. He removed the watch and dropped it on the table that was in the room. Then followed by his phone. Then he removed his tuxedo, followed by folding his shirt.

"What are you doing?" she questions, wondering why he was folding up his shirt to display his impeccable abs peeking through his white vest. When he was through, in two strides he clasped his hand around Dee who tried to dive from his grasp but he was faster and wrapped his hand around her waist.

"Let me go, you egocentric buffoon! Chloe!" she yelled but there was no answer. Then after some time, she had a giggling sound from to back of her door as Andrè heaved her towards the bathroom.

"I have little patience for female tantrums, Deandra. Maybe you would have to include that in the article." he yanked the door of the bathroom open and dumped her on the tub. He reached out for her dress to discard it too while she struggled, finally deciding that he was crazy.

"Fine! Fine! I would dress up. I said I would dress up. Just go away, please..." she cried.

He paused and smiled. " No stunts, Dee. I have less tolerance for trickery. I would wait in the living room. Ten minutes and I would be back," he said, walking to the door. He left the bathroom and Dee exhaled, cussing what fate had made her meet such a brute like him in the name of a job.

She showered fast and came out. She stood in the mirror and looked at herself, wondering what he was thinking. He seriously wanted to see her naked? She blushed, thinking how it would have felt to let him bathe her. Every part he had touched during their small brawl still tingled. she shook out the thought and went to the closet to look for the dress to wear for the night

"Defiant bastard!" she cursed and pulled out a short off-shouldered red gown with an embroidery at the waist. She wore it after her lingerie and went to the mirror to apply some powder and transparent gloss to her already plump lips.

By the time she was through, she pulled out a short heeled sandal to complement the dress. As she was struggling to wear it, the door opened and Chloe twirled into the room, a smile of victory etched on her face.

"Look at who is going on a date!" she hummed and came towards Dee who straightened and threw her a dark look. "Betrayer!" she mouthed and finished with the other leg.

" I don't mind whatever you say, baby as long as you are out of the house with that delicious burger out there. God! I like him. Did you see that dominance? I would kill to have a man monopolize me like that," she crooned, flopping down on the armchair.

"Whatever, Chloe, please can you dress up and go with him in my place? Maybe both of you are fitted." Dee rolled her eyes and walked to the door.

"Have fun, sweetie. And make sure you fuck too. You have to release some of that pent-up energy..." she thrilled and Dee paused at the door turning towards her and begged her with a sign to shut her mouth, bending over to hold her stomach. Chloe laughed hard at her reaction.

"Make sure you fuck, I'm serious." Chloe mouthed to her. Dee stood up and opened the door slowly before walking out.

The minute she came out of the room, Andrè who sat sprawled on the couch his bulky form practically occupying the entire space stood up and smiled smugly. "There you go...You look stunning," he mused and she sent him daggers with her eyes. When she came closer, he extended his hand to her and hooked her hand into the crook of his arm, and opened the door for them to pass through.

The driver climbed out of the black G_wagon and opened the door for them. She entered first, followed by him. She scampered to the farther corner of the car as though it would clown her from him.

"I can feel we are going to have a great night, Ms. Sparks," he intoned and pulled out his phone that was ringing. He looked at the caller and busied the call. Dee noticed but decided to ignore him.

"So let's talk, Dee. What's going on? What's with all the cold shoulders? Did I do anything wrong to deserve all these?" he asked. She didn't respond. She continued looking out of the car at the flitting building as they sped down the road.

He inched closer and she snapped her neck about to look at him. " To be frank, I like your fire. For reasons I can't decipher, it drives me," he chipped. By now they were close. Dee was past angry now and was appalled at his audacity. Why would he be this straight with her?

"I just want to be left alone," she grumbled out, not wanting to raise her voice at him. He observed her closely and then he reached out to pick up one of her hands in his which he raised towards his lips. Dee protested and strived to retrieve her hand from him but he held on tighter until it was close to his lips. He placed his lips on it and maintained eye contact with her. He stretched his pink tongue out and licked her palm. He held it tightly so she doesn't extract it.

He made circular motions on the palm causing Dee to gasp, finally giving up. She stared at him, her blue eyes turning a darker shade of ocean. Suddenly he bit down the palm and she gasped and pulled at the hand, her eyes drooping shut. What was he doing to her? The action sent shots of sexual adrenaline shooting through her body. She fought to keep her eyes open, not to give him the impression that she was enjoying what he was doing but the torture became too much combined with the fact that it's been a while since she last shagged.

Her eyes drooped close and the next time she opened it, she met with his green eyes staring directly into her scared orbs. She gasped and tried to back off but she had no room since he had her cornered from every side.

"Andrè..." she whimpered.

"Shush.." he placed a finger on her lips, shutting her up. Their breaths were merged now and his minty breath assaulted her senses. He bent low and pecked her nose, then he laid a light kiss on her mouth. She whimpered again and closed her eyes, her body unable to bear the wait anymore. She wanted to feel those wild hands on her.

She opened her lips and waited, yet nothing. Losing her patience she opened her eyes a little and met with the temeric face of Andrè who had a victorious smirk on. The feeling immediately evaporated and she pushed at his chest, her cheeks heating up in embarrassment at how much of a wanton she must have appeared to him. After all her contemptuous feats, then she allowed him to numb her sense in such an easy fashion.

"I am quite satisfied with my finding and I would live with that. I had feared the worst before." he shrugged, straightening his cravat, and smirked again at Dee who decided to never say a word, but the outrage in her was too much. She just wanted to hit him, to vent all the curses on him for doing that to her.

What wickedness!.

And you fell! She chastised herself.

"Are you that prideful that you couldn't deal with my rejection?" she asked calmly but coldly.

He looked at her and his smile expanded in answer.

"I hate you so much. I just feel like smacking that arrogance off your face. What the fuck do you want to do with me?"

He shrugged and went back to typing something on his phone, ignoring her to deal with her wounded pride. This was too painful, Dee thought. To think she thought he did not affect her in that way.

She tightened her legs to stop the tingles she felt down there from his closeness. The heat in her body still refused to throw down.

She bit into her lower lip and decided then and there that he wouldn't go scot _free for what he did this night. She would pay him in his coin and she would make sure it would be a greater punishment than he had inflicted on her this night.


