

"Alpha Max of the Hell Fire Team's got them, and it is the best time to capture this big fish." Alpha Kenneth soliloquizes, and acts so, diligently and with immediate effect and alacrity. "He is coming to annihilate your pack tomorrow morning, get sense and move into my pack house." Kenneth yells, standing in front of the Rise Moon pack which Alpha Fred leads. "It's the Hell Fire team, he'll be here with brimstone and all kind of fireworks!" Then, the one hundred and one warriors get up, and do so. Midway getting through to Kenneth's pack, Alpha Max catches up with them, and the battle is left for Kenneth and Emilia, Fred's only daughter who has brought the witch power upon herself. Emilia fights with all the power she has but all to no avail since Alpha Max has a strong connection with the moon goddess, the only solution for Moon Rise Team not to get cleared off is for Kenneth or Fred to surrender, and shed off their powers. That night, Alpha Kenneth was called a living hero since he lost his wolf power to save Emilia, his chosen mate, from dying, as Alpha Max takes Emilia as his mate, Alpha Fred and his Betas as his servants, annihilating the Moon Rise Team Pack as well. With swollen and red eyes, Alpha Kenneth utters a revengeful comeback to Alpha Maxwell. "I'll own my mate once again. Good luck to you." Kenneth says, walks out on them, and heads to his pack to gather himself for the upcoming war. War is looming.

DovePaul · Kỳ huyễn
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9 Chs

Do You Know Kenneth Is Tougher Than Max Is?

The long sharp incisors merely sticking out of his mouth makes Emilia scream on top of her voice as her witch spirit alerts her that this is another Alpha of a different pack.

"Melissa." She calls her godmother in the spirit realm as she beholds the Alpha who claims to be a wizard. "Which Alpha is this? How do I defeat him?"

"Alpha Kenneth." Melissa instantly replies. "Cooperate with him."

Emilia's face comes down into scared one as she stares at Alpha Kenneth who now looks way normal than ever. Her lips quaver as she hesitantly tilts her head and sees Fred and his Betas still conquering.

"You…" she stammers, pointing at Alpha Kenneth. "… can you help?"

Kenneth scoffs as he moves near to her and as he does, Emilia shifts backwards tills she hits the wall and lands on the ground. Fred sees her as Kenneth tries to go on top of her to mark her and that diverts his attention as he gives Max the last hit while he proceeds towards Kenneth with his wolf snarling more loudly.

"Fred, it's me, Kenneth." Alpha Kenneth says. "Only if you'd cooperate."

Fred's wolf doesn't hear his words, and so with his hairy claws and bloody fangs, he darts towards Kenneth and sends him to the ground with overlapping yelping and squelching.

"Fred. Enough." Emilia sobs, seeing Kenneth getting hurt but suddenly, an approaching object catches her attention. She courageously stares back at the object and there she sees Alpha Max, standing in acute wholeness and in a right physique. He scoffs and twists his hands, making Kenneth overcome Fred now, and making Emilia bleed.

"I am the wizard." Max tells her as he smirks and pouts evilly. "I spoke through him."

Emilia sighs in shock as she clutches to herself and hits Fred's wolf. Obeying, Fred turns back into his human form, Kenneth already is, Max is, Emilia is, and then the four Betas are.

One of Festus' Betas has been injured while one of Max's Betas has been injured too, say vice versa.

The four Betas all lay on the ground, oozing out blood and waiting to see whose wolf will heal first as though they are into some sort of competition.

"Alpha Kenneth, thanks for the grace." Max chuckles as Kenneth tosses the buttons on his shirt and shrugs his shoulders in fury. His lips start to quaver in acute displeasure as he stares rudely at Alpha Max. Max scoffs as he stares at another direction.

"Good to meet you, Alpha." Max requests for a handshake from Kenneth. Kenneth walks towards him and stretches his left palm to return his shake but with another intention in his mind.

As he steps forward, he slaps Max hard on his chin, making the ground vibrate with shocks in form of gasps from Emilia, Fred, the four Betas and other survivors in the pack.

"How dare you do that!" Max's face reddens as he spits at Kenneth. "If you try this again, I'll make sure you don't own your pack any more."

"Try that." Emilia cuts in. "Try it with Alpha Kenneth as you have done with Alpha Fred and let's see how it goes."

Kenneth slightly chuckles, inwardly blushing from his mate's comments.

"And who is Alpha Kenneth?" Max rolls his eyes at her. "When an Alpha like me is on the throne, who the hell is Alpha Kenneth?"

"The Alpha of the ravaging fire pack team." Emilia replies. "As you see Kenneth, he doesn't have one pack only, he has twelve at least. So you had better get out from this pack right now before any other thing happens."

"Let me tell you my intention." Max brings his voice down to whispers. "I want Emilia in my pack as I go."

"Not possible." Kenneth replies almost immediately. "I knew your intention from the outset."

"I've been quiet, Maxwell and the only reason I'm not arguing with you is a tangible secret of yours that I know." Fred tells him.

"Would you like to tell me, Alpha?" Max scoffs, looking at Kenneth with one eye.

"You have a direct connection with the moon goddess." Fred replies. "I guess you've been able to do this only because moon goddess supports you. That's why I have been silent. Moon goddess clearly wants us in another pack entirely."

"Yes, you got that." Max clicks his tongue and smirks immediately he hears the last sentence.

"Not your pack." Emilia says. "The last thing we that we are left will do is to resort to following you to your pack."

"I have nothing to say to you." Max furrows his forehead. "Since you don't wanna listen through my cool voice, the water a horse doesn't get forced to drink, will be imperative in no time. Good luck." He says and tilts his head sideward as though he's epileptic, then his two Betas rise in air and stands erect as he twitches his hands again.

"A proof to you." He winks at Emilia. "That I'm a wizard. Let's see how you'll win me." He smirks and storms out of the pack house with his two Betas following hard after him.

Kenneth fumes as he follows after him but Emilia drags him back.

"Don't go. Don't argue with him." She tells him and Kenneth uses that opportunity to attempt a hug but Emilia dodges her body as Kenneth reaches out to the wall and winces.

"Kenneth, are you with us or for us?" Fred solemnly asks.

"For a pack that has been ruined this way, you shouldn't ask such questions." Kenneth replies as he leans his back against the wall. "You should beg an Alpha for help."

"We can't do that." Emilia cuts in and Kenneth shrugs. "Dad, please go confirm wolves that survived."

"I don't think anyone did." Kenneth snickers.

"I need to have a tete-a-tete with you. What about that?" Emilia suggests as she faces Kenneth.

"That would be lovely. But, what do you know me as?" Kenneth asks, questioningly.

"Fred. Go. Now. I don't like to shout." Emilia tells her father, Alpha Fred.

"But your wolf likes to. Please, be careful. I'll be around, okay?" Fred shivers as he moves away from them and mopes around the pack house.

"Moon Goddess has shown me to be your mate." Emilia tells Kenneth once she drags him to a corner. She can't help staring at his lips as if they should munch hers at this moment.

Kenneth twitches his legs and his cheeks flush as he cups Emilia's jaw immediately.

"Oh Wow." He remarks. "This is great! Thank you for telling me. So, are we good to…?"

Emilia jerks his hands off of her jaw as she sighs and cuts in.

"We are not good to go. I'm only saying this because I want you to help I and my Dad with his Betas and survivors to escape this entire vicinity."

"And after I do that, you'll look for a sexier Alpha." Kenneth chuckles softly.

"What?" Emilia rolls her eyes at him. "I'm not joking here. Not at least."

"I am not, either." Kenneth replies. "Alright. Follow me behind to my pack house."

Emilia waits a second before she replies; she sends suggestive looks at him as he gesticulates kisses to her, it lasts for few minutes until Emilia comes back to her senses.

"Should a witch follow the leader of wizards to his pack house?" Emilia insinuates.

"Only Max is a witch. I am not." Kenneth softly replies.

"You can't deceive me. I know your intentions and I won't get you near me. Save us or leave us alone."

"To save you, if you can't follow the damn simple instruction I gave, then forget about it." Kenneth grumbles as his stomach wildly rumbles.

"That's it, coming out." Emilia sets herself on the alert. "We will escape ourselves. Don't bother. Thank you."

Kenneth's eyes start to redden as horns protrude out of his heads while he gnashes his teeth and shivers, his body size increasing with minute. Then, Fred joins Emilia and looks up at Kenneth who is now as tall as the pack house. He sees his two Betas dozing off on the ground. Then, a red liquid drops to the ground. Emilia's and Fred's gazes point at that and Kenneth uses that opportunity to grab them both. Emilia yells as Kenneth growls and holds her amidst his right palm while Fred is in his left palm.

Emilia sees a very distant journey and she wishes she could convince Kenneth to dump her but not Fred except if he would follow suit. She would get to a place not even near here at all.

Fred's Betas slowly rise to their feet and with the experience one of them has, he gets into a room and comes out at once with a pail of water. Not hesitating, he pours it on Kenneth's wizard extra tall body and both Emilia and Fred drop to the ground while Kenneth dissolves back into his normal human form.

Again, the paranormal water has worked.

"Wow. You'll surely be able to help." Emilia comments.

"Only if you'll be my mate." Kenneth replies. "That was past though. From now on, you're not to take this voluntarily but mandatorily. You're my mate and I'm getting you by force."

"Don't let my power thrust out now, Kenneth."

"Let it." He scoffs. "And I'll wholly suppress that little power."