
Alpha Kane : The story begins

A supernatural love story between a powerful alpha king and a human determined woman. When a magic portal sucks Emma park and drops her in the wolf realm... What twists and turns come up in her life as she struggles to keep up with her mate.. Does her mate accept her? Does he reject her because she is human? What turns does her life take when she realises there is no way back? Keep reading to find out (I know the description sucks, but trust me, the story is fun) book 1 of the mystic series. This book is just the beginning of the supernstural series. stay tuned

aarushi_jain_5418 · Kỳ huyễn
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19 Chs

prove it

Emma park

I woke up in a comfy bed, dressed in a sweatshirt. I opened my eyes and saw a tall handsome,mouth watering man towering over me, I did the one logical thing I could think off

"Aghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.... Who the hell are you and where is that cute little Wolfie... Atlas... The name is Atlas I think. Look Mr I may be human but I know I have a mate, Atlas made it very clear that I'm his... Don't you dare try anything with me or I'll bite you" I screamed. I may have been abused for a week and a half but they broke my skin not my spirit. Also now that I know I have a mate who loves me, I am not giving up.

I crawled to the furthest corner of the humongous bed, taking the sheets with me as I started at the man whom I don't why I kind of felt connected to.

"Sweet heart.. I'm Ethan Kane, the human part of your mate Atlas... Good to know that you already know who you belong to"  He said.

He can not call me sweetheart, only Atlas and his human part can call me that. This fraud really needs to be taught a lesson. But them again, what if he actually is saying the truth and he is Atlas. So I decided to ask him to prove that he was my fluffy Atlas.

"Prove it" I said

"Prove what, love? " He asked as he widened his eyes to the size of giant saucers.

"That Atlas is your wolf" I said with a slight roll of my eyes

"Of course love" He said.

He is calling me love and my body is feeling tingles.... This does not look right. But the books said that when your mate speaks to you then you feel tingly. Is he actually my mate?

I watched as he stripped to his boxers and then just stood their with his eyes closed. Minutes passed and final I had enough, this man was a fraud.

"I'm waiting mr Kane... Where is Atlas? " I said crossing my arms below my chest , glaring at the fraud mate.

I want Atlas and I want him now. I may not be a wolf but I have read enough books to know that if your male mate is not the one near you then hell breaks lose. I am assuming that Atlas is a male and he is highly powerful.

I finally looked up again and saw my fluffy brown with white paws and tail staring at me. Atlas.

"Atlas, look at you, your so fluffy and soft." I gushed as I got out of bed,

Atlas barked happily as I crawled towards him

I , began to stroke his fur making Atlas purr. Do dogs purr? I thought only cats did that . He was so adorable. I'll buy him all the plushies he wants. What? I saw so many plushies in the corner of the room, I'm assuming they belong to Atlas.

I kissed his snout and smiled. Altas, wagged his tail  and began to lick me while pushing me down onto the fluffy white carpet.

Suddenly it wasn't a wolf on top of me, it was a man, a very naked one I must say. . I closed my eyes while pushing him off me. Control your hormones naked man.

"Now do you believe me my love, I am your mate and Atlas is my wolf" He asked softly as I  opened my eyes and nodded softly.

"Sorry I doubted you, I may not be a wolf but I read enough wolf novels to know that a male alpha is very possessive of his female and I didn't want to piss of my mate within 20 hours of us meeting" I said and he nodded.

He stood up and offered me his hand and made me sit in the bed I was lying on previously

"So I'm Ethan Kane, alpha king of the wolf realm and your mate. You are? "He asked

"Emma park, a simple human who was wondering around in my house in the before magically getting sucked by a giant glowing portal and landing in front of a very nasty wolf who whipped me 10 times before another wolf stood above me protecting me, I guess that wolf was Atlas "I said and he nodded. Did I see his eyes change colour slightly? Yes I did.

"You are a king? " I asked

"Yup and alpha king to be precise" He said

"Wow! Uhm, Ethan, what does that make me? " I asked. Curious as to what role I have to play.

"That makes you, queen Luna" He replied

"Me, a queen? Perish that thought. I was a simple human a few hours ago, wondering around in my kitchen, trying to eat my taco, when a big round golden glowing portal opened up above me and just sucked me in. Who made that portal? That person needs to be taught a lesson for teleporting me at the wrong time" I said angry at the fact that some one accidentally made a portal and transported me to God knows where, I got whipped and starved for crying out loud.

"Darling, relax, I know this is a lot to take in, but I'm sure that whoever opened the portal, knew what they were doing. As for the fact of you being queen, don't fret it, I'll help you at every step. This realm will love you " He said as he rubbed my arms trying to calm me down

"What do you mean by realm? Am I not in the realm I was in before? " I asked, realising that a person in the cells told me this as well.

"Sweetheart, your in the wolf realm now" He said and I swear my eyes widened again

"You mean that portal just teleported me to a new realm? " I asked and he nodded

"Holy cows! I shifted realms! Am I dreaming? This can't be true!" I spoke, distressed with the new information. Well maybe old information, but it just registered in my brain, now.

"It's true, darling, going switched realms and landed in the arms of your mate" He said

"You actually are my mate, aren't you? Does that mean you will always be there with me? " I asked

" Every second of your life, I will be there with you" He said sincerely, his sincerity was reflecting in his eyes.

"I have a mate. Holy moly! This is insane but I love it! What all does your realm offer and who all live here in this... Castle, I assume that what we are in? " I asked. I mean a king lives in a castle , right.

"Yup, we are in a castle A. K. A our home. And the people in this castle are our beta, Zander, gamma Brian, Delta Christian, their mates Zuri, Bianca and Christina respectively. My younger brother David and his mate Diana, aka the prince and princess of our realm. Doctor Lydia and her mate Lucas and their kids, about 50 Royal helpers with their families and of course us" He said

How big is the castle? That's a lot of wolves to keep in four walls.

"That's a lot of people. If I'm not wrong beta is second in command, gamma third and Delta fourth... With alpha being the most powerful one... Right? " I asked.

I saw his eyes go cloudy, did I break him, oh shit! Emma do something, you can't just break your own mate with 24 hours of meeting him... At least give him a year before you break him.

"Hey... Are you okay Ethan? Your eyes went glossy" I asked looked as I shook him

"Of course baby, I'm fine... I was just talking to Atlas who was acting like a pain in the ass" He said

I frowned. Atlas is anything but a pain the ass.

"Don't call Atlas a pain in the ass... He is so innocent and cute" I said

"Darling, I have been living with him for decades, he anything but innocent" He said

"What do you mean? " I asked. He is innocent, he is a puppy, for gods sake, domesticated puppy.

"Darling the Atlas and Ethan you get to see, is us being us with you, the rest of the realm witnesses a bad ass alpha king who is ferocious and displays zero emotions. The in my friend I have I Zander and that to due to the reason that he is the only one who can handle my anger" He said

"Oh! How old are you? I am 20" I asked, changing the subject. I cant think of them as killers.

"22" He replied

"How many realms are there in this universe? " I asked

"Well we have the human realm, wolf realm, vampire realm, devil and angel realm, wizard and witches realm, merman mermaid realm, dragon realm and the alien world. I guess that is 8 realms" He said.

"I think I am going to stick to the wolf realm... The other realm seems scary" I said. If arriving in the wolf realm led to torture, I . Not going out and exploring anymore realms. No fucking way, not even if a portal sucks me, I will not go.

"Well we won't let you leave" He replied

"I'm hungry... Does your realm provide food? " I asked. I just realised, I need food, my tummy demands food, that meanie wolf didn't feed me. Wait what happened to him?

Whatever happened, I don't care.

"Of course it does! We also eat to live. Follow me" He said as he stood up and held my hand as he led me somewhere

"What would you like to have, Emma? " He asked.

"Anything which I can eat" I replied, I just need food, be it anything, even if it's just fruit and mind you I hate fruits.

"Does Alfredo pasta and bread sound good? " He asked

"It sound perfect" I replied as I sat down at the dinning table watching him.

"I hope you don't mind us eating from the same plate... It just felt a bit more... " He trailed of

"Romantic? " I completed his sentence  and he nodded. Did he just blush. Awe, he is so cute

"Of course I don't mind... After all we are mates"i said as I wrapped some of the pasta on my fork and offered him the bite.

"You're such a good cook" I said as I chewed on the pasta he fed me

"Just wait till you have the food made by our chefs, I assure you you will forget about me being a cook after that"he said as he took a sip of the wine.

If this is my new life, then I better get used to it.

Can we explore the castle, after eating... I really want to see it" I asked

"Off course, we can" He replied

I saw his eyes go glossy again. Is he talking to Atlas again? I want to talk to him as well.

"Let's roam around the castle love" He said and I nodded as I took his outstretched hand

"I think I need to change into something more appropriate, Ethan" I said as I glanced at my outfit. I don't want to give everyone in the castle an accidently panty show.

"Yeah... Ugh follow me.. I may have something that will fit you" He said as he led me to a room