
Chapter 25

“Doesn’t look like much does she?”

I’d planned to feign weakness, but the truth was

that throwing away the alpha mantle had taken a lot more out of me than I’d expected. So there was nothing pretend about my passiveness as one heavy human body after another jumped down to squelch through the muddy pit beside me.

“Looks can be deceiving.” This was Quill’s voice, his southern drawl no longer sounding so charming now that I understood the depth of his depravity. “So pay close attention.”

Then the cowboy shifter’s firm tone flickered into laughter as he caught sight of my underwear. I hadn’t taken the time to rip the thin layer of cotton off my wolf’s body during the minute recently spent in human form, instead choosing to focus on hunting down and then donning Crew’s collar during my last seconds alone. Now, as I realized how absurd my bedraggled wolf must look in her Tuesday undies, I regretted the oversight.