
Alpha Dhampir

Copyright to Legacy ZA 2023 I am Mia Steyn, the Year 1992 turned Eighteen Years old and am about to attend an Oprah with a friend, Jane Slovensky, in early evening of October 21st; I've always loved the thunder storms. I've always loved storm-cloud-grey. To see them swirling in the heavens brings a kind of inner glee. If I could reach up and bring down a handful of that cosmic swirl, if I could make a fabric from it that was ever-changing as the sky above is right now, I'd wear it forever. As my soul is renewed by the springtime flowers and the light, I was built for the fight, the sort that brings the soul-cleansing rain. I drive a black Bently. I stare at myself; In the mirror at my curly blonde hair and light blue eyes, five feet five, weight I'm heavier than a 20kg sack of potatoes and lighter than an Octopus. Style clothing- leather Jacket Denim jeans and boots or sneakers. Shades of Makeup - Preferably Dark Attitude - measures accordingly to your ego, to high I will shrink you smaller than the size of a foot. Relationship status ~Not interested “At least that's what I thought.” Who am I? That would depend on my Mood. Location~ Lost in Darkness Capabilities I can either transform into an alpha vampire, the most powerful vampire form. Unlike lesser vampires, the vampire lord possesses inherent skill in dark magic and may command legions of undead minions/vampires. Also known to have a certain resistance to sunlight for prolonged periods of time and have the fewest weaknesses; on top of that, even if I die, I am powerful enough to be reborn after a specific time period has past. This is because of a supernatural tether binding them to the physical plane as long as it's not separated in certain possible ways. Furthermore, depending on the user, they may have a demonic nature, thus granting them access to the most unholy of powers. I can speak to other vampires, or others in the dark or without being seen, or manipulate lesser beings to forget their encounters. I am between the powerful lords of darkness. Blood Transcendency - Gain infinite power from blood. Killing Empowerment - Grow more powerful by the death toll. Murderous Possession - I can become that of whatever I kill. Soul Manipulation - Manipulating its physical essence. Underworld Lordship - Hold all power in the underworld through bloodletting. Blue Blood - Have lived the life and acts like that of nobility. Dark Magician/Evil Sorcerer (varies) Daytime Walking - Vampire lords can withstand daylight for certain amounts of time. Demonic Force Manipulation - Might gain control over demonic forces. Infinite Resurrection - Even if the user dies, they can still return. Invulnerability - Be impervious to many forms of damage. Natural Superior Powers - my abilities are far superior to that of average vampires. Necromancer (varies) Superior Mystic Vampire - the alpha can be a superior vampire with potent mystic powers. Umbra Ancer (varies) ~Limitations~ Are subservient to those who are or become a Transcendent Vampire Physiology/Transcendent Werepire Physiology or other vampires of older age and power. Still possesses all of the natural vampire weaknesses but to a lesser degree. Supernatural Hunter are match against even the strongest of vampires. Though I can walk in daylight, I need to wear heavy clothing, as the sunlight hinders their regenerative ability. May be vulnerable to those with Alpha Were beast Physiology, assuming that vampires and were beasts are natural enemies. May be able to be defeated by an vampire Physiology. This is my story if how I changed into a Dhampir, after a classical night of Oprah on my way back home on the north of October 21st in 1992. Screams , Screams and Screams of these wasteful souls strolling up and down the streets with no direction, walking blindly past the other, as I sit in my office staring out of the window. This is the new version of me, or shall i say the better version of me? Thirst.

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7 Chs

Chapter 7 Dimitri

"Are you okay, Karalee?" Bella was beginning to think Kara would not make it; Karalee was bleeding severely.

She was ready to take Kara to the hospital when an older man appeared strangely, almost as if it was contrived.

His hair was wizened and straw-like, nearly fossilized; it was so dry. He had sad, way-worn eyes and a distinctive beard. It wasn't a thick, captain Ahab beard but something a lunatic might have: straggly, unkempt, and spittle-flecked.

"Grandpa, when did you get here?"

Bella ran up to her grandfather and hugged him; he folded his arms around, then noticed the girl lying on the table all bloody.

He narrowed his eyebrows, which made his wrinkled forehead draw a triangular shape.

"Who is this young girl? And why is she lying there bleeding out."

Bella grabbed her grenade's hands and dragged him over to Kara, "A vampire attacked her?"

Bella nodded; he rubbed his thick hands together and placed them on her neck; he then walked over to his bag, removing a leaf which he then placed inside a small wooden cup and used a wooden spoon to crush it; after crushing it, he rubbed it together in his hands and applied it on the wounds.

When he saw the symbol on her arm, his eye grew wide, "Is she one of us?"

Bella nodded as Charlie stepped closer.

"How is that possible?"He looked had a look of confusion; he looked over at Bella. "Where did she come from, and how did she find this place."

"A bear was attacking her; we never realized she was one of us until we brought her here."

The older man scratched in his bag, removing a book; it consisted of family history; he glanced through it until the middle page and then opened it; his mouth went wide open; he then walked fast over to the girl and checked the symbol on her hand and glancing back at the book, as if he was comparing.

"Get me a chair he ordered."

"Grandpa, is everything okay?" Bella handed him the chair, "is there any other markings on her body?" He questioned

Bella frowned, "no, grandpa." Why all these questions?"

"Nothing." He shook his head.

He sat by Kara, holding her hand; Bella became fed up and demanded to know what was happening.

Her grandpa looked up at her.

"She is the last."

"What do you mean she is the last grandpa?"

"She is the chosen one?"

"I don't understand this chosen one story, grandpa and the last."

The old man folded his hands over her hand, "she is the last of our kind; in the book, it says a wolf, not a werewolf, will attack her; however, this attack is unusual; this wolf who has attacked her was chosen to be at her place."

Bella was still confused as the rest of the pack came closer.

"What does this mean we have to protect her? And why is she so weak?"

Her grandpa shook his head and smiled, "you have alot to learn; everything that happened to her up till this minute was meant to happen; she is not weak; she just does not know her strength because of her weakness of guilt of consuming her."

"I don't know under, Sir." Said Charlie

"The old man stood up and walked over to his back, removing a tiny see-through packet; it looked like salt. "After the agreement between the Vampires and wolves, we all stayed on our territory, then one attacked a human; the lady who was attacked is still unknown, but they learned that there is a child.

Confused, Bella narrowed her eyes, "what does all that have to do with Kara?"

The grandfather moved over and placed his ear against Kara's chest, "she will be fine."

"But grandpa, you have not told us how this relates to Kara?"

"He walked over to the markings on the wall and placed his index finger on the lining. "Have any of you wondered what is this?"

"Yes, it's how long we have owned this territory?" Bella Answered,

"That would be the case if this book was not beside it." This was a countdown to this day, and when the time is right, you will have a clearer perspective. I will stay here until she fully recovers."

The pack looked at eachother; grandpa never stays over, "why now?" but they wouldn't ask that; it would then seem as if they didn't want him here." Bella smiled and walked over to Charlie and the pack.

"What is the deal with this new girl? Is she that special that he is now staying over because of her?"

Bella looked back, "he never even cared about me the way he cares about her."

Bella felt a slight Jealousy.

"Even Dimitri looked at her like he had recognized her."

"I thought I was the only one to notice." Bella looked at Charlie; Damian Bella, the younger brother, stood up and walked to the door, "have you heard that?"

Damian got inside; the grandfather looked over his shoulders. At this point, there is something out there. He stood up and took the see-through plastic and opened the block, and scattered it over the entrance.

"Thats so they won't get in."

There were hissing sounds as it became louder; Bella and the pack noticed what appeared to be shadows.

"Dimitri has brought a bigger army; what is going on, "dont worry, they can't get in, but they are here for Kara." Said the Grandfather.

"Why don't we just give them what they want?"Demanded Damian.

"We can't, and we won't; you guys are safe for as long as you stay inside."

Damian appeared at the front of the cave; he was wearing a red suit, and he clapped.

"The old man has come." He has done one of his magic tricks here by the entrance.

His eyes lightened up, red as he grinned; he stared at the older man trying to inflict pain.

The veins on his forehead grew bigger; nothing was happening.

Then five vampires appeared beside him, trying to enter.

"You won't get to this girl while im alive." Said the older man in a tired stern voice.

"Get away from here," Bella screamed as the other vampires revealed their fangs and hissed.

"Dimitri turned and looked at his men; we will come back; it's only so long they can stay here, old man. Are you sure you won't give up the girl?"

"Over my dead body."

Dimitri laughed, clapping his hands, "dead body, hey? Age will kill you, my friend."

"We had an agreement, Dimitri. I spoke to your grandfather."

"Exactly, we had an agreement, and you and your pack of dogs chose to break that agreement, but this can all go away, and we are back to our agreement.•

"How stupid do you think I am? I know you would kill us even after handing her over."

Bella s eyes became wide.

Dimitri sharpened his nail, "well, you are right; you know my grandfather passed away, and that agreement means nothing now; I can promise you and your dogs a painless death." Damian became furious and was about to out and attack them; he would then break the seal, and Charlie caught up to him in time.

"A weak mind is always an angry mind; this is why I won't let you dogs live, boys. He almost made it to do next time, I will hold out a bone, and these weaklings might just come out."

He then glanced at Bella and grinned "and you, my, I will turn you into a real woman." Bella spat at him.

"You disgusting creatures won't touch us, let alone come near us."

"We will see, but for now, I will leave my nocturnal friends by the entrance till you exit, and who knows what might happen? Let's go, boy."

Dimitri turned around and walked away, "Grandpa, do you realize they are going to kill us because of her?"

Her grandfather calmly nodded, "yes, and it will all be worth it."

The night felt longer than usual; the wolves couldn't go out hunting since the vampires were out there waiting for them; they became hungry, and hunting animals at night was their means of survival.

Kara tossed and turned and sweated in her sleep, even screaming; Bella felt sorry for Kara. It's been the second time she has been attacked.

The others in the pack started becoming agitated because they were stuck there, and some were foolish enough to say they would rather be out there hunting and risking being killed. The seconds, minutes, and hours went by, and Kara had sweated the poison out of her body; the older man continued applying the crushed leaves on her would,

And also put some on the tip of her tongue.

The morning sun rose high and shined directly on her, others around her were asleep when she opened her eyes she saw the strange older man by her side, he was holding her hand, she pulled away, frightened at the man by her bedside.

She slowly climbed off and remembered what had happened; the pain was gone, and so were the wounds. She felt different; she felt the best she had felt in ages.

Kara looked around and noticed the white line by the front. As she was walking towards it, a voice screamed out to her, "Stop."

Whats Karas purpose

Legacy_zacreators' thoughts