

Hazel a 23 years old lady, was forced into pretending to be her twin sister, Harriet,who was one of the contestants for the concubine selection ceremony,organized by the Alpha’s mother for her son. Being selected as the Alpha’s concubine marked the beginning of her woes and troubles. Carrying his child,she was sent away from the pack by her mother and sister who wanted to keep their dirty secrets hidden Few months later, after she arrived to her aunt’s pack , Hazel gives birth to her son, who she named Axel. A calamity struck Shadow pack and the only solution was for the blood roaming outside the pack be brought back home. Plotting and scheming,Harriet’s mother abducts Hazel’s son and gives to Harriet who claims him as her son, and peace was restored to the pack. But long will Harriet’s joy last? Only time will tell how this web of lies and deceit will be untangled.

solo_Ohwofasa · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
13 Chs

Chapter four

Hazel's POV 


It wasn't easy lying to my family for more than a month that I had done as they instructed me and that I did not allow the Alpha lay me. They had believed me and while Harriet and my parents waited eagerly to hear back from the Alpha, I fantasized every night about another moment with the Alpha, replaying the time I had spent with him over and over again. The night I had given my innocence to him. The night that he had shown me to a world no one had ever shown me before.


If I could get another chance with the Alpha, I would do it over and over again.


"Girls! Come down for breakfast!" My mother yelled at us from downstairs. Harriet was the one to go down first, her eyes glued to her phone, scrolling through her news feed for any news from the Alpha, just as she had searched and waited since the past month. I wondered why the Alpha had not called on me again after that night. Was he unsatisfied with me?


I followed Harriet shortly after and joined my family at our small dining table where we had our breakfast.


"Do you think the Alpha doesn't want me anymore because Hazel didn't lay with him that night?" Harriet asked mother, her voice low and sad. I pitied the way she sounded desperate. But I didn't regret a thing. The Alpha deserved to be with someone who genuinely loved him. Not someone who wanted to use him because of his position and power.


"Of course not, darling. The Alpha is only taking his time before he summons you again. Let's be positive." Mother reassured her and Harriet sighed with slumped shoulders. After breakfast, I packed the dishes and was about to head for the kitchen when I suddenly stopped on my feet, feeling lightheaded and dizzy. My chest tightened and I could hardly breath.


I slumped to the ground, feeling my head cloud with darkness. And then, I passed out.


When I woke up again, I was in the hospital, surrounded by my parents and Harriet. They barely looked relieved to see me awake.


"Oh, you're awake." My mother extended a small smile at me.


"Wh…what happened?" I asked.


"You suddenly fell and passed out." Harriet replied to me, her tone lacking sympathy as she scrolled through her phone and did not spare me a glance. "Mother thinks you're sick. The doctor took a sample of your blood for a test."


As if on cue, the door was gently pushed open and a middle aged man wearing a doctor's coat walked in with a paper in his hand. Probably the test result.


"Hello, there, Hazel. I see that you're awake. How are you feeling now?"


"Better." I answered and he nodded.


"Your test result is out," he informed me. "You are four weeks pregnant, Hazel."


My parents' eyes dilated in disbelief at the news and so did mine. Harriet finally looked up from her phone and gawked at the doctor as if she had not heard him correctly. She shifted her gaze back to me again.


"You are pregnant?"


The doctor extended a small pitiable smile at me. "I'll leave you to your family now. And please, try to have enough rest. It's good for the baby." He said before walking out of the door again. As soon as he left, my family glared back at me in shock again. They could not believe their ears.


"How…how can you be pregnant, Hazel?" My mother queried me, shocked and confused. But I was too stunned to give a reply.


How could I be pregnant? How could I be so stupid to let something like this happen to me?


"Who is the father of the baby?" Harriet fired at me, her eyes wide and suspicious. My whole family glared at me, waiting for my response. I wished so badly that the earth would swallow me at this very moment.


"Answer me, you slut! Who the fuck is the father of the baby?!" Harriet suddenly yelled at me, almost causing me to jump out of the hospital bed in fear. Tears welled up in my eyes and my lips quivered as I struggled to say the name. 


"Answer me!" She screamed at me hysterically and out of fear, the name blurted out of my mouth.


"The Alpha."


Everyone suddenly went quiet as if I had just thrown a bombshell at them and the news from the television only added more salt to injury.


"Alpha Kain has today, rejected his Luna; Luna Blair, and has just made public his intentions to make his selected concubine; Harriet, his Luna."


My heart stopped beating for a moment and I looked down at my fingers, feeling numb and as though my whole world was about to crash. How could I be so dumb to get pregnant for someone I forbidden to sleep with in the first place?


My mother's next words broke my heart into a million pieces.


"You can never be the Alpha's choice, Hazel." Her eyes were hollow and emotionless as she spoke to me. The tears in my eyes fell to my cheeks as I listened to her hurtful words.


"You can never steal Harriet's spot. You are not worthy. You can never be like her. She is better than you in every way."


"Mother, please…" I tried to beg her to stop saying such hurtful words to me. Her words were tearing into my heart and killing me slowly.


"Harriet will assume her rightful place in the Alpha's life and you will keep your pregnancy a secret." It was a command. One I knew if I failed to obey this time, I'd have myself to be sorry for.


"The Alpha doesn't know you're a twin. So, I will send you to my sister's place in Starlight pack. I never want to see your face again, so don't bother coming back. Rot in hell with that bastard baby of yours."


And that was the last words of my mother before I began my new harsh fate of being a mother at twenty one, pregnant for a man that would never find out about his child. Still, I hoped destiny would smile at me and maybe let me cross paths with him again.


For now, I would keep my fingers crossed and wait for my Alpha while I cared for his baby. Or rather…, babies.