
Alpha Ares Sadistic Mate

In a kingdom of powerful were witches. The jealous sister of the queen and her daughter, Mary, plotted to take the throne from the Queen and her daughter. A series of events spawned, leading to the queen's death and one of her daughters, who was already a mate to the mighty Alpha Ares. The queen's sister and her daughter conspire to eliminate the queen's second daughter, Jamie. Rather than kill her since she is just a little girl, they wipe her memory and send her to an orphanage home meant for humans. When Jamie turns twenty, fate pushes her to Lory, Ares's sister, then after that, she meets Ares himself. While adapting to the Alpha and her new residence, she has a series of dreams which exposes her true identity as a girl that holds so much power, which leads to a war between her new family and her former kingdom because they are all connected.

Efuadreams · Kỳ huyễn
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12 Chs

Chapter 10

Ares, deep in conversation with his beta before the interruption, turned to see what caused the sudden silence. He stifled when he saw his mate by his sister's side. His blood stirred hungrily against his wishes. He couldn't help the desire that threatened to show its ugly head.

But by the Moon goddess, she is beautiful! He thought. He had never really taken the time to access her properly.

The first time he had seen her in the tunnel, his only desire had been to mark her. He couldn't believe he had found another mate. He didn't think it was possible, but when his wolf, Gremos, started to grow restless, he knew she was his.

Although he wasn't sure, he could entrust her with the responsibility of being a mother and queen to his pack. This was why he was suddenly angry Lory had brought her to this dinner for his people without his consent.

Jamie's eyes met Ares at the head of the table, and she immediately began to heat up. His hair cascaded freely around.

The outline of his body on the tux he adorned looked like that of a god. She swallowed painfully, feeling the dryness in her throat. There was absolutely no reason for a man to be that gorgeous. Her eyes rested on her favorite features in his body, his eyes.

Looks were now throwing daggers at her. Slowly she shifted closer to Lory, whose eyes trailed hers and landed on the scowling alpha.

"Ignore him," she whispered just as they got to the table.

As they took their seat, Jamie beside at another end of the table, conversations returned, but Ares' eyes never left Jamie, who looked everywhere except before her.

"She's beautiful, isn't she?" Ares heard Josh say and quickly turned to his friend with a warning glare.

"Calm down. I know she's yours," he laughed, but that didn't seem to ease his friend.

"What is wrong?" He asked, praying he doesn't do anything irrational now. He knew his friend's relationship with his mate was unusual, and he could not understand why.

Everything he had seen so far made him believe Jamie was an excellent person, and she was also drop-dead gorgeous. He really could not understand why Ares acted so stern with her.

"Nothing," the alpha declared and returned to his food, avoiding his sister's eyes.

"Bastard!" She muttered to herself and immediately stood up. Everyone's eyes rested on her again as she cleared her throat to garner their attention.

"Don't you dare!" The look on her brother's face screamed, but she couldn't be faulted for her brother not still understanding she would always do what was right, despite his reservations. It wasn't in her nature to do evil. She just couldn't.

"I know you must be wondering who the lovely lady with me is. You've all behaved very well for people whose dinner got interrupted. There is a perfectly reasonable explanation for it all," rumors suddenly started flying around. Many people had guessed that the lady with the alpha's sister was the new Luna.

A week ago, there had been a meeting involving the elders to discuss if Xander should be downgraded to the position of an Omega after losing the alpha's mate. Since then, there was great curiosity to finally meet this woman who managed to cause chaos in the alpha's household so quickly.

"She's my brother, our alpha's mate. She is our Luna. I present to you all, Jamie," she said and clapped. There was suddenly hooting and howling everywhere in a welcome celebration.

At first, the sound scared Jamie, but slowly she realized it was their way of accepting her. She visibly relaxed and began to smile in appreciation. As hard as Ares tried, he couldn't shake the swell of pride in his chest. However, as her eyes found him, he quickly shook it off and threw his face away.

If anyone saw the behavior of their alpha odd, they did not dare speak. Whatever it was between the mates, they were sure to settle it in private. They also knew the alpha's sister was too outspoken to let any lousy blood go unchecked.

They were all happy that the alpha had found another mate. No one thought there would be another after the last. It was a rarity, for which they were all grateful. The dinner progressed beautifully afterward.

Jamies stomach hurt from laughing so much at the charming elder Hakeem's tale. He kept on dishing one story after another. The last story he told caused a disagreement with more aged Darius, who insisted he was there when it all happened, and soon enough, an argument ensued.

The view alone was comic relief, and it took the interference of the alpha announcing his early retirement for it to die down. Everyone was surprised to see Ares walk away even before it was time to retire. It was very much unlike him.

Ares returned to his bedroom and let out a growl of frustration he had been holding in.

"Unbelievable!" He thought, punching the wall. He couldn't believe how everyone was so at ease around Jamie. It was almost as if they had all forgotten about her.

"I'm so sorry" he fell to his knees beside the bed.

"I couldn't honor your memory enough," he said, covering his eyes with his palm in pain.

"Even if they have forgotten you, I promise I will always remember you," he whispered into the night.

The afternoon of the next day, Jamie found a lovely dress in her closet and quickly dressed up in them. Lory had invited her to do a little sightseeing, and she couldn't help the excitement she felt.

As she stepped out, she bumped into someone and instantly knew who it was. Her heart-thumping was already enough explanation.

"Sorry," she began to say when she saw his eyes grow dangerously cold.

"Who gave you this dress?" He asked in that baritone voice that signaled trouble.

"I saw it in my closet and thought it was one of the clothes Lory brought for me to wear. Why?" She asked nervously.

"You are going to take it off now!" Dragging her with him.

"I don't know and–" she was saying but quickly hushed, sensing the foolishness of speaking at this moment. As soon as they were back in the room, he flung her on the bed and shut the door before turning to face her again.