
Alpha and her Human Mate

Janessa James is a CEO and Alpha of the Dark Moon Pack. She is successful in both arenas and loves what she does. Drake Star aka Justin Case is a human hiding a big secret. He isn't exactly what he seems to be. When Drake takes a job at Janessa's company, she realizes that he is her mate, but can she accept a human as a mate? Will Drake's secrets put Janessa at risk? Is Drake interested in having Janessa by his side? On top of that, Janessa has to fight to prove herself worthy of being an Alpha in a world dominated by men, even when it comes to her own mother. How will Janessa survive her mother trying to push her out of her position? Join the journey of Janessa and Drake.

LNCWrites · Kỳ huyễn
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50 Chs

Truth Comes Out


Holy hell! She is an Alpha! That is pretty major. I know that an Alpha runs the pack and are held in the highest regard. I can't say it's surprising though. She is truly a Boss, and not just in the literal sense. The way she commands a room and the power she exudes; it is inspirational to say the least.

I must have been lost in my thoughts for too long. "Drake…..Drake, are you okay?" Look at Janessa and there is concern all over her face. I shake my head slightly and smile at her.

"I'm good. I was just thinking how awesome it is that you are an Alpha and how it makes total sense that you would be one." Janessa's eyes light up and she looks relieved. I lean in and kiss her cheek. She may have thought that I'd feel some kind of way since she is in such a high position and I'm a man. Honestly, I am nothing but proud of her and consider myself lucky.

"Um….so….." Janessa is looking a bit nervous, though I'm not sure why she would need to be. "Do you….I mean….have you…..um….." I chuckle. I have never seen Janessa so tongue tied. I grab her hand and rub circles on the back of it. It seems to soothe her as she takes a deep breath and lets it out. "Have you heard about fated mates?" I close my eyes for a minute. Fated mates...fated mates... I open my eyes and look at Janessa.

"I think so. Isn't that like a soul mate or something?" Janessa smiles.

"Something like that. The Moon Goddess creates a perfect match for us. We can sense them when we turn 18. The mate bond draws us to each other." I think I remember that conversation from years ago. It always seemed like a great thing to have; someone who is made only for you.

"What about it though?" I'm curious as to why she is bringing this up. Is she going to tell me that she has a mate? If she does, what have we been doing?

"You…..well, you are my mate. We are mates." Wait….we are mates?

"So your Moon Goddess matched us together? I'm your soulmate?"


"How could you tell?"

"Your scent when you walked into my office that first day was a dead giveaway. You smelled so amazing. I'm so drawn to you. Your touch leaves sparks all over." Everything Janessa is saying is bringing a realization to me. I felt those things just like she did. I knew that there was an unexplainable draw to her. It makes me crazy that I just have to be near her at all times. I can feel the sparks when we touch and it is amazing. We are mates. She is my soulmate. Damn, I'm a lucky man!


Well that conversation is over. Drake looks to be deep in thought and I'm not sure if that is a good thing or a bad one. I gently touch his arm and he smiles at me. "I'm a lucky man," he says with a smile. Drake leans in, presumably to kiss me, when the door swings open.

"Al- Uh, Janessa…."

"It's okay. He knows everything," I smile at Dr. Marsh.

"Well in that case, Alpha, you are free to go. Please take it easy today. I'd suggest no training until tomorrow." I nod to the doctor and he walks out of the room. I turn to look at Drake.

"How about we get cleaned up and I can give you a tour of the pack."

"That sounds great, but I don't have clothes." I laugh. "Trust me, I will take care of it. I will have clothes brought for both of us."

_Hey, Gemma._

_ALPHA! How are you feeling? Are you better? When are you being released?_

_Gemma, calm down. I'm good and I'm okay to leave. Please have someone send clothes for me and Drake._

_Yes, Alpha. See you soon._

I focus and see Drake staring at me with his mouth open. "What the hell was that?"

"I was mindlinking. It is a way to speak to other pack members without using a phone. It is best for when we are in our wolf forms."

"Well, that is cool as hell." I laugh and lace my fingers with his.

"Someone will be here soon with clothes for us, then we can get out of here."


We finally leave the hospital after showering and changing. I decide that we should walk to the packhouse so I can point out things to him along the way. As we walk, members greet me and tell me that they are happy I am well. I stop and talk to everyone. Drake takes these opportunities to step back and let me work. The show of respect from Drake is overwhelming and I consider myself truly blessed by the Goddess. Drake and I just left the training fields. Drake was extremely interested in training one day. "So, how did you know about my kind anyway?" I ask as we walk hand in hand towards the packhouse.

"Well, I know you heard Samantha make the comment that she was planned to find a way to end me, right?" I growl at that. The thought that this woman was meant to end my wonderful mate just pisses me off. Drake chuckles. "Well I was about 16 at the time. We were housed together and we developed a bond. I loved her, but clearly I was just a job to her. I had planned to escape and had hoped that Samantha would come with me. About 3 days before my planned date, Samantha was moved. I was devastated and I was determined to escape and find her. The day came to leave and everything was going well. No one suspected a thing and I was able to slip out that night as planned. I didn't make it to the first check point though." Drake stops walking and looks up at the sky.

"Some men happened upon me and they…..they attacked me. I was beaten severely and left to die. I guess, now I know it wasn't a coincidence. I'd imagine that Samantha told them my plan." I step in front of Drake and wrap my arms around him. It pains me that he went through all he did. I wish I could take his pain away. Drake wraps his arms around my body tightly and kisses the top of my head. "I was found and saved. I didn't wake up for 2 weeks and then I didn't leave the hospital for a month and a half. It was really bad, but I survived. Turns out I was staying at a local pack; a wolf found me and took me in. I stayed at the pack another 2 years. I trained with them and learned from them. It was great." Drake drops his arms and grabs my hand. We continue walking towards the packhouse. To imagine that he was welcomed by a werewolf pack is so heartwarming.

"So how is it that you could beat up vampires and two of my top warriors?" Drake laughs at this.

"Well, I did train at the pack. Also, in order to save me, they had to give me a lot of blood. Turns out the only blood they had was werewolf blood. I'm not a wolf, but it did make be a bit stronger than a regular human." To think that I made the assumption that he would be weak because he was a human. How stupid was I? We got to the packhouse and went in through the back. The dining room was buzzing with activity.

"Are you hungry? We can get lunch here."

"I'm starving. Lead the way, Alpha."