
ALPHA'S sweet criminal

WARNING : this series is 18 + rated read at your own risk , ( this is an omegaverse series ) "let go of him first , i will marry your son and sign the contract " jain will said in a tied up situation. jain have always hated alpha's since they make omega's insecure about there life , giving them the fear of being attacked at any moment . he always lived has a beta with lie , that he even managed to become an skilled undercover agent in the military administration . finally he fell in love with someone . but this did not last long for him . his parents were selfish , just like his sister they have exchanged him for a some of money to grow there business . to such an dangerous family jain tried to run away with his lover .the next moment before they could board ,they were caught by the guards of the shion family . he had no choice because he was threatened using steve and his hidden identity to the administration has hostage . finally he became someone else bride . "one day i will kill you lucas walton and your entire family " "sure , lets see" the great alpha replied.

author_pjlee · Thành thị
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7 Chs

chapter 5

Jain was about to touch and open the door which he was curious about, suddenly a hand from behind him, grabbed his waist and pulled him from behind Jain was startled for a second.

" what are you doing honey, just standing in the lobby alone? "

" you, it was you I was scared to death " he signed in relief, "it was just Lucas", he thought.

lucas smiled at him, jain suddenly realized that Lucas hands were on his waist, and Lucas tried to slide his hand in.

" let me go, you idiot what are you doing "Jain struggled to break free from his arms.

lucas giggled "Why were you standing here, instead of going to your room ?"

" it was nothing, it's none of your business" Jain replied,

"I was just curious what was behind this room "and then you popped up behind me, scaring me to death "Jain thought as he once again glanced at the room door before leaving.

lucas didn't want Jain to go away just like that, and suddenly grabbed jains hand.

" why are you leaving ?," Lucas asked, he just wanted to have more conversation with jain a little bit .

" why? Of course I am going to my room now, now let me go? jain tried shook of his hand but couldn't do it.

"aren't you curious about this room? lucas asked since he knew Jain was really curious about knowing what actually is there behind that fancy door.

Jain paused for a second while he still kept onto holding his hand " So what if iam? .....but now my curiosity is gone since you appeared", Jain pouted

"Lucas smiled "Well I will let you open this door to see what's inside? but on one condition!".

" condition ? " Jain frowned has he asked "what condition ?" he asked

"It's simple, just give me a kiss, right here? he pointed to his lips as he let out a wide smile.

jain blushed " Wh..what ? Kiss, no way, I will never do that, Now let me go ", he shook away his hand and headed towards his room before entering he paused then turned towards Lucas" Don't act as if you are nice to me Lucas, did you forget that you have separated me from steve and even marked me without my consent, do you think I will forgive you just because we have been married, it would be nice for you to give up ....I will never be your omega " Jain glared at him with anger and then closed the door with a slam.

"pft , its cute " lucas gave out a smile , yet his kept staring at the door and signed.

"master lucas " a clam voice sounded right beside him , it was the head butler coronal ,

" i think master jain was bit harsh to you sir " he said with sadness on his face , he has been standing there since the time,when lucas came up to his room upstares .

" its,ok coronal, i dont feel ofened by his harsh words , because i deserve it ,..........what he said was true i seperated him and my mother forced him to marry me , so there is not point in arguing back or being angry on him .

lucas opened his room door before he could step in "Don't worry coronal eventually he will understand me " he said and closed the door.

coronal lowered his head with a sad expression because coronal knew the secrets behind the door.

Lucas and Jain meet each other for dinner once they both freshened up and showed up at the dining hall, Jain was still uncomfortable with the clothes he was waring, it's a girl's cloth after all . Lucas and Jain don't talk much together, Jain was still upset inside, for the things caused by his (Lucas's)family, it is even painful for him to think that Steve is in a coma because of him.

Jain glanced at Lucas, who was concentrating on his food "I will never love this guy, no matter what " he frowned has he thought and continued to have his dinner, suddenly their eyes meet. Jain averted his gaze to the other side , Jain got upon finishing his dinner and left straight to his room since he was so tired from all day trip within the mansion.

Lucas, went to his room after some time, it was midnight, and Lucas couldn't get much of sleep as usual, so he decided to take a walk in the garden, the wind was quite chilly outside . " it's quiet, isn't it Ella ?" he muttered then smiled as he called out the name of his past love, with deep sadness in his heart, as he caressed the roses with gentleness, meanwhile, Jain got up from his bed, he always had a sleepwalking syndrome, he came out of the room, and got out of the house as he started to sleepwalk outside barefoot.

Lucas was admiring the roses, which were planted by his past lover Ella, suddenly he heard the sounds of footsteps, Lucas turned to see who it was, and he was surprised to see Jain right behind him, jain turned to the other direction and was about to walk away , Lucas caught his hand and stopped him from further moving. Jain did not struggle, nor did he say anything, he just stood like a statue with half of his eyes open.

"wait jain , what are you doing hear , bear foot ?" jain didn't answer him .

"sleepwalking "Lucas thought.

" And he is still wearing the gown , maybe he doesn't have pair of clothes," he thought and smiled ," so you have a habit to walk in your sleep ha~?" he chuckled has he pulled him closer and kissed his forehead . Lucas took him in his arms, in bridal style and went inside the mansion. jain finally fell asleep in his arms .

to be continued ...........