
Alpha's Pregnant Omega

After living in hellish prison for 16 years, you're finally rescued. But what do you do when you soon realize that there is now a thread, a connection to the warden you've escaped from? BLURB: He could clearly see the way the water droplets ran down her back. The brown curls, almost black due to being wet, stuck to it, gave such an alluring contrast to her skin that seemed to glow in the moonlight. She turned, causing her ample breast to come into view. A single droplet hung precariously from a pebbled nipple. Was his eyesight always this sharp? It appeared like a pearl, begging to be licked away. He groaned as he could almost taste the cool freshness on his tongue before it was replaced with the heat of her flushed skin. Unzipping his jeans caused his member spring forth, drenched in the constant precum that flowed. Just the thought of sucking on her breast made him groan in frustrated desperation. He buried his face between the fleshly orbs. Biting and licking, he was pleased to see his marks on her skin. A fierce desire to possess came over him and even his wolf growled at the feeling. How is it that she smells even better that the soap she just used? Other Omegas used the same kind, yet their smell would cause his stomach to feel upset. Inhaling again, he pinning her against a tree. The same tree he was hiding behind before. Lifting her up, he devoured her lips while wrapping her long legs around his waist. Slightly bending his knees, he entered her in one deep thrust. She was hot and tight. So tight that if it wasn't for her juices, he wouldn't be able to move. Gripping himself tighter, his imagination became wild. Just thinking about her breathy moans or her screams of pleasure caused a shudder to pass through him as he came into the tissue he had thoughtfully grabbed. Why, why not just take what he so obviously wants? What's stopping him? If it were anyone else, he would have slacked his lust, had some fun, and moved on. The fact that this question ran through his mind without an answer was the reason for his pain.

Kelenne · Thành thị
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83 Chs

Chapter 51

It's been two weeks since Bradley's return. Two weeks that were filled with so many changes for Trishanna. After that first night, she officially moved into Bradley's room. Well... her stuff was moved into Bradley's room. The next day, Bradley held a discussion with his entire pack and let everyone know just what was going on. He also stated his plans and in front of everyone, he knelt on one knee and asked Trishanna to become his mate. Cheers erupted so loudly that he hardly heard her answer, but Trishanna leaping into his arms and giving him the greatest kiss he's ever had, was enough for him.

Soon that meeting turned into the mating ritual planning team and the couple just left it up to the members. Truth be told, neither of them really cared about the color or the menu. It was like planning a wedding, but for the couple, just both of them taking their vows was all that they need. Of course, they gave their input when pushed, and now two weeks later, everything was ready.

Trishanna stood in front of the mirror of her old room, staring at the vision before her. She was wearing a floor-length, off-shoulder ivory dress. She looked like a bride and a small gasp escaped her. There was a knock on the door and Samuel stuck his head in. A whistle escaped him, and all of a sudden a bunch of nerves took over. "Sammy, what am I doing? I can't do this. I'm not good enough." Trishanna could feel a wave of panic rising in her and she just wanted to climb out the window and keep going. Samuel held his friend and stroked her back, trying to calm her.

"Shhh Rosebud. You can do this, and trust me. You are more than enough. This pack loves you and has accepted you as their Luna and most importantly," he leaned back to cup her face, his thumbs wiping away the tear on her cheek. "Alpha Bradley is crazy about you. You have him eating out of your hand without even lifting a finger and trust me as a male with a mate. If you try running, he is going to burn the world to the ground trying to find you. And he will." Trishanna giggled and she felt the last of her nerves settle. Samuel was pleased and gave her a peck on the head. "Now that I"ve heroically stopped the waterworks, I have a surprise for you."

He opened the door and briefly spoke with someone. He spun around holding something behind his back. As he approached, he had a sheepish smile on his face. "I know that if there was one thing to make this day perfect would be to have Rosie here." Trishanna felt her eyes become misty and blinked away the tears. She nodded at Sammy. "So, this was the one thing I told everyone, I would take care of." Samuel pulled a bunch of freshly picked roses from behind his back. Just from the scent and color, she knew exactly where he got them from. "Oh Sammy, you didn't", she whispered.

Samuel returned to their old pack and went to the rosebush that was their memorial of the woman who raised them. "I thought that this would help you feel complete when you took your vows today, and I even took a piece so that we could plant it here. This way she can be closer to us. I already spoke to Bradley about it and he agreed." Trishanna was overcome with emotions and all she could do was hug him. "Thanks, Sammy. This is the best gift I could ever have." Samuel kisses her forehead and hugged her. "Anytime Rosebud".

A knock sounded and Trishanna quickly wiped her eyes. It was a good thing that she wasn't wearing a lot of makeup. Turning back to the mirror, she quickly repaired the damage. "Come in," she said. Alexa pushed her head in. "They are ready if you are. They asked me to come get you. Alpha Bradley's aura is starting to get a bit scary." Trishanna smiled at her impatient mate. With one last look in the mirror, she nodded. Alexa disappeared and Samuel held out his hand. "Alright milady, let's do this."

They headed to the backyard and when the door opened, soft music filled the air. Set up in a corner was a small live band, the sounds of the violins floating on the breeze. The air was not too warm and the smell of the trees and flowers all melded together. There was a walkway covered with a white runner, and flower petals scattered about. There was seating on either side filled with members and distinguished guests like Alphas of other packs. Closer to the front were a few members of the council, bearing witness to their mating ceremony. Trishanna felt her stomach tighten, but when she looked at Bradley standing at the end of the aisle, all her fears and doubts disappeared. She felt like she floated the last few feet and now she was standing in front of the man that meant her whole world. The only man who showed her love in so many ways that she could never doubt him.

Bradley watched Trishanna glide up the aisle towards him. The closer she got, the calmer his wolf became. She looked so beautiful that she took his breath away. Even his wolf who was a hound dog everytime he so much as thought of her, was speechless in the face of her beauty. She wasn't overly made up, but her natural beauty was simply encouraged. Her dress fit perfectly, and it seemed that only he noticed the slight bump. He licked his lips. He would have a lot of fun peeling that number off of her later.

Now she was standing in front of him, and he took her hand. He thanked Samuel and gave his hand a quick shake, promising to take care of her. It seemed like Samuel saw the sincerity in his eyes caused he nodded in approval. With a last kiss on her cheek, Samuel released his little sister and took his seat next to Alexa. Trishanna's nerves began to make an appearance once again, but one squeeze from Bradley's warm hands quelled any thoughts. She took a deep breath and looked at the Officiant. He cleared his throat and began the ceremony.

Bradley seemed in a daze, staring at his mate. She looked so cute standing there paying close attention to what was being said. Guess he should too, but how could he when she just passed her tongue over her lips? He stifled a groan and tried not to get aroused. Could he just take her straight to his room after this? He wasn't sure how he was going to survive the entire function. His wolf interjected with the idea of a quicky. Hmmm... how could he convince her to disappear with him for a few minutes?

Trishanna peeped up at Bradley and noticed the look in his eyes. Oh no, she learned what that look means. She squeezed his hands and leaned in to whisper. "Pay attention or I will make him start all over again." Yikes, Bradley thought. That would be torture. A quick nod and he paid attention like his life depended on it. Trishanna tried not to giggle. How could she ever think that she couldn't handle him?

As they got to the part about making their vows, a commotion could be heard coming from the front of the house. Everyone paused, wondering what was going on. It didn't sound like an attack, yet the air shifted. Soon the reason for the commotion appeared and everyone gasped in shock.

What the hell is going on? I was getting ready to catch the bouquet.

Kelennecreators' thoughts