
Alpha's Pregnant Omega

After living in hellish prison for 16 years, you're finally rescued. But what do you do when you soon realize that there is now a thread, a connection to the warden you've escaped from? BLURB: He could clearly see the way the water droplets ran down her back. The brown curls, almost black due to being wet, stuck to it, gave such an alluring contrast to her skin that seemed to glow in the moonlight. She turned, causing her ample breast to come into view. A single droplet hung precariously from a pebbled nipple. Was his eyesight always this sharp? It appeared like a pearl, begging to be licked away. He groaned as he could almost taste the cool freshness on his tongue before it was replaced with the heat of her flushed skin. Unzipping his jeans caused his member spring forth, drenched in the constant precum that flowed. Just the thought of sucking on her breast made him groan in frustrated desperation. He buried his face between the fleshly orbs. Biting and licking, he was pleased to see his marks on her skin. A fierce desire to possess came over him and even his wolf growled at the feeling. How is it that she smells even better that the soap she just used? Other Omegas used the same kind, yet their smell would cause his stomach to feel upset. Inhaling again, he pinning her against a tree. The same tree he was hiding behind before. Lifting her up, he devoured her lips while wrapping her long legs around his waist. Slightly bending his knees, he entered her in one deep thrust. She was hot and tight. So tight that if it wasn't for her juices, he wouldn't be able to move. Gripping himself tighter, his imagination became wild. Just thinking about her breathy moans or her screams of pleasure caused a shudder to pass through him as he came into the tissue he had thoughtfully grabbed. Why, why not just take what he so obviously wants? What's stopping him? If it were anyone else, he would have slacked his lust, had some fun, and moved on. The fact that this question ran through his mind without an answer was the reason for his pain.

Kelenne · Thành thị
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83 Chs

Chapter 41

After a chaotic seventy minutes, the three were finally seated in Bradley's office. They were waiting for Lorenzo and his mate to join them. Bradley linked the kitchen staff asking for some drinks and sandwiches to be brought as they just may be there for a while. Trishanna smiled at him gratefully as she was beginning to feel hungry. I guess now she knows why her appetite grew a bit. She just thought it was from the supplements. There was a knock and Samuel poked his head in. "I was looking for Trish, and they said that she was here. Is it possible that I could borrow her for a bit Alpha?"

Trihsanna saw the sparkle in his eyes and knew that whatever it was he wanted to tell her was huge. She wondered if she could ask to be excused, but at the same time, the doctor arrived. Bradley saw how much she wanted to be there for her friend, but taking care of this matter comes first. "I'm sorry Samuel, right now we have a very serious matter to discuss and it involves the health and safety of your friend. I'm not sure how quickly we can wrap things up, but I promise that as soon as she is free, I'll personally deliver her to you." Samuel nodded disappointed and left, closing the door behind him. Once again, Trishanna wished that she could link him, but she hoped that when she explains what was happening, he would be there for her like always."

There was another knock and soon the refreshments arrived. Trishanna stopped the Omega from leaving and quickly took a pen and a blank piece of paper from Bradley's desk, she quickly wrote a note to Sammy, telling him that she has some big news to share and that she can't wait to hear his. The Omega bowed and left to give the note to the new trainer that everyone was talking about. It gave her the perfect opportunity to speak with him. After they left, Bradley locked the door to ensure privacy, despite the fact that the room is soundproof. "Auntie," he noticed Trishanna's look of confusion and made a mental note to explain it to her later. "As you know, Trishanna is my mate, the Luna of Goldmoon. Today we found out that she is expecting a pup, but it is not mine. At least not biologically."

Councilwoman Seers raised an eyebrow at the news. She thought that Trishanna's scent had changed, but chalked it up to a change in her eating and environment. "Interesting. I'm assuming that the father is the Alpha from Bloodmoon?" Just hearing a reference to that jerk, made Bradley clench his jaw. Not trusting himself to speak, he just nodded. "Well, congratulations are in order, but I don't see why I'm here?"

Lorenzo cleared his throat. "You see, there is a matter of marking while pregnant that we wanted to discuss with you as a representative of the Council. I know that you have vast knowledge, some that may not even be recorded." When it seemed that Councilwoman was not quite following along, Trishanna fiddled with the hem of her top. "Umm... when Bradley found out I was pregnant he said that he accepted me and the pup as his, so then we kissed and things got heated and when he was going to mark me the doctor told him to stop as it could hurt me and the child so we were wondering if its true and if you know more about it?"

The elder woman looked at her nephew and linked him, "That's my boy, staking your claim. Reminds me of your father when he found your mom." Bradley ducked his head, embarrassed. He remembers how in love his parents were and was glad to be just like them. Councilwoman turned to the doctor and asked, "Tell me the reason why you stopped them from bonding and we'll go from there." Lorenzo shared what he'd read and it seemed that what he said was true. "Yes, there have been cases where there was death, of sometimes the mother, child, and the Alpha."

"Do you know why?" Lorenzo asked with his trusty notepad in hand. The Councilwoman took a bite of her sandwich. Dabbing a crumb from her lips, she began sharing what she knows. "Since Alphas are the strongest of us, their genes are mostly superior. It has a great instinct to survive and when impregnation takes place, it has the power to temporarily change some of the genetic structure of the mother to ensure survival. Just how it is difficult for Alphas to exist in the same pack without there being strife, unless of course in times of multiple births, like twins. Due to this instinct, a female pregnant with an Alpha's child can mate, but only with the father of her child. It is also possible with a lower or unranked would as it will not pose a threat to the genes. However, if another Alpha were to mark her, this change in her DNA due to the marking and bonding will put the pup in danger as it would be to opposing forces fighting for the same space, and if the mother is not strong enough, it can cost her her life."

Everyone was blown away by what was revealed. If that is true, it means that Trishanna can't bond with Bradley until the pup is born. Will he still want them then? What if another female comes into the picture and seduces him into marking her, what will happen to her then? Thoughts like this swirled in Trishanna's mind, causing her to feel dizzy. Bradley sensed that something was wrong and asked Lorenzo to check. After doing a quick exam, he encouraged Trishanna to lie back on the couch. Bradley raised her legs and sat, placing them in his lap. He removed her shoes and began to rub them, his touch calming both of them down. "Don't worry my Luna, we will figure this out."

Everyone stood up to leave, yet just as they made their way to the door Councilwoman Seers added, "Oh... did I mention that most Alpha's can sense their pups in the womb, especially when there is a rival Alpha around? It is all about survival of the genes after all." As she made her departure after dropping that bombshell, the others could only stare at each other, wondering what on earth the near future holds.