
Alpha's Pregnant Omega

After living in hellish prison for 16 years, you're finally rescued. But what do you do when you soon realize that there is now a thread, a connection to the warden you've escaped from? BLURB: He could clearly see the way the water droplets ran down her back. The brown curls, almost black due to being wet, stuck to it, gave such an alluring contrast to her skin that seemed to glow in the moonlight. She turned, causing her ample breast to come into view. A single droplet hung precariously from a pebbled nipple. Was his eyesight always this sharp? It appeared like a pearl, begging to be licked away. He groaned as he could almost taste the cool freshness on his tongue before it was replaced with the heat of her flushed skin. Unzipping his jeans caused his member spring forth, drenched in the constant precum that flowed. Just the thought of sucking on her breast made him groan in frustrated desperation. He buried his face between the fleshly orbs. Biting and licking, he was pleased to see his marks on her skin. A fierce desire to possess came over him and even his wolf growled at the feeling. How is it that she smells even better that the soap she just used? Other Omegas used the same kind, yet their smell would cause his stomach to feel upset. Inhaling again, he pinning her against a tree. The same tree he was hiding behind before. Lifting her up, he devoured her lips while wrapping her long legs around his waist. Slightly bending his knees, he entered her in one deep thrust. She was hot and tight. So tight that if it wasn't for her juices, he wouldn't be able to move. Gripping himself tighter, his imagination became wild. Just thinking about her breathy moans or her screams of pleasure caused a shudder to pass through him as he came into the tissue he had thoughtfully grabbed. Why, why not just take what he so obviously wants? What's stopping him? If it were anyone else, he would have slacked his lust, had some fun, and moved on. The fact that this question ran through his mind without an answer was the reason for his pain.

Kelenne · Thành thị
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83 Chs

Chapter 19

"I quit." Sammy slammed his fist down on the Gamma's desk. He just left his broken friend still asleep and quietly stormed out of her room. He had to stop a few people from waking her and even dared to glare at them while telling them in no polite terms to get their own breakfast. He was annoyed, angry, and irritated right now and the person he wanted to vent to was not here. Now that he thought about it, this would be the perfect time to take her away from this ridiculous pack since the Alpha was away.

He was brought back to the present when the Gamma glared at him and tried to use his authority to get him to back down but to no avail. The benefits of not having a wolf and being trained the way he was, definitely came in handy now. "What is the meaning of this Samuel?"

"The meaning of 'this' you ask?" Sammy scoffed, "I knew something was up the minute you ordered me to get back to the city, without me even grabbing my toothbrush. It was all so your dear 'Alpha' could take advantage of my friend and rob her of her innocence. I will never forgive him for this. I would mop the floor with his ugly mug if he was here right now."

"How dare you disrespect your Alpha like that." Steve all but raged at Sammy. "You could be punished for that. I understand that you're upset, but you should still show some respect for him and for me." Calming himself, Steve sat back down and resumed sorting through his files. "As for your resignation, it is not accepted."

Gritting his teeth, Sammy fumed. What could he do? He needed to help his friend but if he doesn't get a hold of his emotions, things could go south. He should change strategies. Straightening himself, Sammy cleared his throat. "I'm sorry Gamma, you are right. I let my emotions get the better of me. You know that Ros... I mean Trishanna is like a sister to me. I do hope you will forgive my outburst." Steve nodded. "Then, please excuse me." and with a bow, he left. He needs to come up with a plan before he makes his next move.

Sammy headed to the kitchen to grab something for both him and Trishanna to eat. He saw the state the members left the kitchen, and he knew he would have to clean it up before Trishanna saw it. Shaking his head, he made some sandwiches, grabbed some snacks and drinks, and packed them in one of the baskets found on the shelf. An impromptu picnic is just what was needed. Making his way back to her room, he figured it was a great time for them to visit their beloved Rosie. Maybe they will be able to get the answers that they need.

When Trishanna opened her eyes, she looked at the clock in the corner. Even though a piece of the face was missing, it still gave her a good idea of the time. Her eyes widened when she realized it was after ten, yet for some reason, she just did not care. If fact, it would be better if they put her out of her misery. She turned only to find Sammy's jacket lying next to her. So, it wasn't a dream, Sammy really came to her last night. The thought of his disappointment in her made two fat tears squeeze through her tightly shut lids. Trishanna simply curled herself, clutching the jacket and taking comfort in the familiar smell. How she wished that Rosie was still here.

"Rosebud, are you up now?" Sammy asked as he entered. Trishanna hummed and sat up. Pushing the hair out of her face, Sammy knelt and hugged her tight. "Don't worry, I'm gonna figure out a way to get you out of here. Okay?"

"Okay," Trishanna responded. Weakly smiling so that she doesn't worry him more, she was about to ask a question, when her stomach rumbled. "Sorry 'bout that. I haven't been eating well these days." She said sheepishly.

"Well, that's good, since I think we need a change of scenery. So, get up and get ready, I'm taking you out on a date to our favorite spot." Trishanna got up and grabbed some clothes. Making her way to the nearest bathroom, she just couldn't care less what the other omegas will say. She did her business and took a shower. She put on a decent pair of jeans and an oversized jersey. Walking back into her room, she ran a brush through her hair and pulled it in a ponytail, the ends brushing between her shoulder blades. Her complexion was a bit better; she didn't look as pale as before. Trishanna took that as a good thing and turned to Sammy. All he did was stretch out his hand which she gladly took.

Sammy led Trishanna through the back door and into the woods. This area had the least amount of activity and that's why it's their favorite spot. Trishanna closed her eyes and inhaled. How long since she's been outside like this? Their pace was not hurried and the feel of the late summer sun gently beaming through the trees felt good on her skin. It was the first time in a long time since she felt at peace. But this pathway always made her, made them feel like that. Trishanna opened her eyes and watched Sammy's shoulders begin to relax. She squeezed his hand, and he looked back and smiled at her. That was enough to let her know that no matter what, somehow, things will work out.

A short while later they came to their spot. It was a large square boulder, and in front of it was a small mound with a single rose bush planted. They placed the basket on the rock and sat at its base, leaning against it. Trishanna leaned against Sammy's shoulders. "Hi Rosie, sorry it's been so long since we came. How are you? I'm sure you're not happy with me right now. I hope you can forgive me for not keeping the promise I made."

"I'm sure that she knows it wasn't your fault, so you don't have to apologize, not to Rosie, Rosebud."

"You're right Sammy, she always knew when we were right or wrong anyway." Turning back to the rose bush, Trishanna inhaled deeply. This was Rosie's favorite flower and when she died, they were not allowed to plant anything on her grave. In fact, a lot of people died that day as there was a small attack, so the Alpha just dug a large hole and buried everyone together. Both Sammy and Trishanna were enraged but as pups, this was all they could do. They chose this spot as this is where Rosie brought them when they got punished unfairly and she wanted to comfort them away from prying eyes.

They sat in comfortable silence, each sharing their thoughts with the only mother they have ever known. After a while, Sammy stretched and pointed his chin towards the basket. Trishanna smiled and nodded and with that their picnic began. They ate while talking about nothing serious. Sammy wanted to keep thing light, so he regaled stories about some of his experiences doing undercover work, only the good parts, some greatly embellished and soon Trishanna was giggling as he reenacted the time he had to dress as a call girl to escape a burly guy who was to be his 'client' for the evening.

It was just the thing needed and after spending another hour, they both knew it was time to head back to the real world. With one more glance at their symbol for their beloved mother, they headed back, but not before Sammy vowed to Rosie, that he would get her out of the pack one way or another.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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