

Chapter 9

Adira's POV.

As the bartender from the club called me and tried to describe who he was talking about, I knew it was Greg— my boyfriend immediately.

What has he gotten himself into this time?

"I'll drop here," I said, telling the cab driver to stop. He slowly pulled up in front of the club. I paid him and grabbed my bag, climbing down from the cab. I sighed as I took a look at the club. It wasn't even night yet.

I walked into the club and despite the time, it was almost filled up. The loud, deafening music and the constant contact with people irritated me and I just wanted to get out of this place as soon as I can.

I walked to the bar and saw Greg sitting with his head rested on the counter. I waited for the bartender to attend to who he was with and then he walked over.

"I'm Adira," I said and he nodded.

"He came here about an hour ago, he had some bruises on his face," the bartender said and he handed me his cellphone.