Bella's life was saved by a werewolf named Zack over a century ago on a battlefield. And until now, Zack has been Bella's lone salvation. Bella has fallen in love with Zack and eventually Zack reveals his feelings as well, but Bella denies her feelings towards Zack since she believes she is cursed. Her eyes have been cursed. It was said that if someone stared into her eyes, they would perish and die.
When Angelo grabbed both of Bella's shoulders, she let out a startled cry. A crash was also heard by her. It appears that he has lost control of the plate he was carrying. Bella grimaced in response to the strain that Angelo's hold placed on her shoulders.
"I-I'm hurt," Bella responded, stumbling over her words.
"Listen, Bella! Zara is immune to all physical contact. I didn't put myself in this position to deliberately let other people hurt her! Do you understand?"