
Alpha's daring Queen

Who would believe that in a world full of mystery, Half human half wolf really exists. What will you feel if you just not saw and met the beast in human form, but you also had mate by one? Would you believe in it or treat it as a dream. A beautiful dream or a nightmare?

Lady_xheimin_143 · Kỳ huyễn
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19 Chs


"Why did all of you come along when I clearly said just stay with the kids until we came back?!!" Keizer growled at his naughty brothers.

It's almost daybreak when they reach the place where his kids met the woman. He can't believe those two brats can go this far following her. But to their dismay, there's no one inside of the house. Keizen and Keizo use their sense of smell to find the woman's scent but they didn't smell anything. Only some stains of blood left on the floor of the house is their only proof that she's wounded.

"Where is she?" Kaizo didn't mind his big brother's question. But instead he asked eagerly.

"How the heck do I know?!. All I know is that we left her here wounded." Keizen wrinkled his nose in annoyance. How come even the trace of her scent suddenly vanished? Where the hell did she go? In her state there's no way she can manage to go down from here to town in the middle of the night.

"I thought it's only big brother who's cruel among us. How could you leave her in that state?" Keizo teases his brother. He doesn't like the look on his face. He's too serious and too worried. If this will continue his evil personality will take over him and he really doesn't want that.

Their second elder brother has two personalities. The friendly and kind one, and the merciless evil one. The evil Keizen is too much to handle that even their big brother can't do it either. He turned like that whenever something came up that was beyond his control. Kenzo admits that his sadistic side comes from his brother. Indeed he's a doting brother to his younger siblings but also he's the most terrifying brother they have. He's really a two faced king among Montreal brothers.

"Hey.. Hey I can't help it. I don't want to leave her here with her state but those hunters surely won't let us off when they see us. And besides, I'm too worried that those two brats will transform in front of her if we still delay our leave at that time."

"Come to think of it. I wonder what's going on with those two. They haven't returned to their human form even after the full moon is done." Keizel has been thinking of this matter since his nephews came back. In fact he wanted to stay and wait until they transform into their human form but his curiosity towards the mystery woman is too strong to ignore.

Keizel has been studying the life and behavior of his nephews. A half human and half wolf. Since this is the first time their kind has this kind of case. So far he managed to write down all the things he found unusual about the difference between them; the pure blood wolf and his nephews. Those two show him a lot of what he needs to learn. On top of that Keizel is also interested in his only niece. She's a pure human with a blood of their kind. He wonders what Cassie's future will be.

"Do you think those hunters took her?" Keizie asks then yawn. This is the first time he runs that fast and that far and now he's tired, hungry and sleepy. He smelled something in the kitchen and went there while still talking to his brother. "Well if your description of her is true. There's no way those huntsmen got interested in her when they saw her here and found out that she's alone."

"Hey.. Hey Keizie.. What do you think you're doing?" Keizen asked. He knows this guy really well. He's really a man with a few words and loves to sleep more. But when he's hungry he becomes instantly talkative and his nose is good at finding food.

"I'm tired and hungry. I smell something interesting the moment I enter this house so… I'm giving this food an attention. He looks lonely and cold." Keizie replied nonchalantly.

Keizen is about to answer when their youngest brother suddenly runs upstairs. Keizer quickly ran after him. "Hey third!!!! Where are you going?!!!"


Keizer saw his brother inside of one of the rooms after he followed him when he just ran to their surprise. He's in human form now. Keizer couldn't believe how his baby brother grew so fast. He's not a weak boy who always cries after they lose their mother. He's now a fine young man.

Keizer saw him pick up the thick blanket on the bed with a blood stain. He can't believe what he saw in his brother's eyes while looking at that dress. Is that sadness, affection and worriedness he saw there? It's just a flash and too fast to analyze but he knew what he saw.

"Keizo.." He called on him.

Keizo looked at him without any expression on his handsome face. His distant and cold eyes that they know really well.

"Big brother.. This is hers. This is her blood. And this is her scent." He said without a hint of any emotion.

Keizer reached the blanket and smelled it. The blood is already dried because of the cold weather and the scent of it is not that strong anymore. While the scent that lingers on the blanket tells something about him. This scent is familiar to him yet he can't point out where he encounters this smell.

Keizer looked around. Trying to find some clues on what this woman looks like. Or find something that will lead them to who she really is. He also asked all his brothers to gather some clues they can use to find her. Keizer knew that this was clearly an invasion of privacy and private properties. On top of that they are not in their own territory but he doesn't care at all. That scent. He must find out who's the owner of that scent!.

Their plan of totally invading the privacy of the house is interrupted when they smell the scent of their kind approaching to where they are. Keizer quickly ran down and asked all his brothers to follow him outside. Indeed. They saw a pack of wolves outside the house. They might be in human form but the fact is that they are all the same kind. It takes one to know one.

"My… My… Looks like we have visitors here. What makes the Alphas of the North visit our territory in these late hours?" A tall guy with pale skin glowing under the bright moonlight speaks upon seeing them.

"It's been a long time.. Who would have thought we would meet here of all places? He added with a smirk on his handsome face.

"It is indeed a long time… Little bolt." Keizer smirks back at him. He grinned when he saw the face of the man contorted with disgust.

"Don't call me that!! I'm not a little anymore!!!." the man called little Bolt hissed on him

"You haven't changed a bit, Bolt. You're still the easy to tease and the short tempered little boy who's obsessed to become like his big brother." Keizer mocked him.

"Where is my brother? Upon saying his brother, Bolt's expression becomes serious. "Tell me how do you want me to address you? Mr. Montreal, Mr. Keizer? Or do you still prefer to call…. Hunter?"