

[CURRENTLY ON HOLD] The Alpha King AZRON KING, always upright and fair. He leads his pack like his family due to which their pack Black Luna is the strongest in the world. 7 feet tall with midnight black hair along with striking silver orbs. Defined muscles still a lean figure he has women both werewolves and humans dying over him. But the problem is, he still hasn't found his mate. One day after a dispute, he went for a walk intending to cool himself down, not knowing the walk will change his life and give him the most precious surprise. Maybe his mate?

Sugar_05 · Kỳ huyễn
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10 Chs


When I'm With You I'm Happy,

When We Hug It's Like I Don't

Ever Want To Let Go, When

You Make Me Smile It Brings

The Sunshine Out In Me,

When I See You And Our Eyes Meet,

It's Like Something I've Never

Felt Before.



Phenomenal. That's how my day today was. I can't believe I really won.

Today's after parting ways with Siya and Aarya, I drove straight to my home. As it was Saturday, my father along time my sister were home before me. My mother too was back. After disclosing everything that happened today to them after much dramatic suspence, my family gave me equally dramatic reaction. My parents started fake crying, saying that I'm so big now, etc etc. My sister too dropped drastically on the couch, pretending to be dead. Ha ha ha. Very funny.

After too much drama and whining, my family congractulated me, praising me a lot. They even gave me gifts and a cute l family feast. I loved it. There was my favorites and not to mention the gifts! My papa gave me the imported painting set I wanted for a long time. My mamma gave me a beautiful lightening cup. It projects lights, like galaxy. It's so beautiful. And my sister, she gave me a cute and elegant dress along with matching jewelries. Uff. I'm in love with my sister.

After dinner we called it a night. Right now I'm in my bed. Rolling here and there, too existed to sleep. God!



I woke up the next morning, fee exhausted. Ughh. Who til me to sleep so late. I just hope I did not get dark circles. Thank God it's Sunday, or else I can't even think about going to uni. For the past months I was busy with my studies and painting. It was really tiring. Now I can finally take a rest.

I fresh up, after doing my business I change into my sports outfit. A gray sports bra and black yoga pants, along with black snickers. I tie my hairs in a messy bun. I may look frail and dainty, but I have a Black Belt in Karate. No matter how much my family try to protect me from the dark side of the world, people can't stay too naivety, right? After hearing some news I searched up the net and got to know the world isn't all about love and sweets. There are many meanies and baddies who hurt people. Specially girls.

After that I requested to my family to let me get a martial arts teacher. They, of course refused at first, saying that I won't need them as they are here to protect me. But I insisted stubbornly cause I knew it's not only about fighting, it's about an assurance that I would be able to protect myself when I feel threatened. After some logical words mixed with some coddling were presented, my family, at last agreed.

I started learning Karate and boxing, now at the age of 19 I'm a Karate Black Belt. I'm proud of it too. Girls aren't weak, they don't need anyone, specially men to protect them. Girls can be JHASI KI RANI [Queen of Jhasi] and kill their enemies with their swords. Or they can be SAVITRIBAI PHULE [The first teacher who taught girls] and brighten the world by her knowledge. Women can be JIJABAI, supporting and make a SHIVAJI or they can be DRAUPADI, and make you crumble like DURYODHAN.

{AUTHOR'S NOTE: These are all, some Great Personalities of INDIAN history. You can search of them on Google if you don't know them.}

Back to the point. I left my room and headed towards my Karate practice room, and if you are wondering let me tell you. My family, as doting as always made a private practice room for my Karate Practice. I practice for two hours, then once again head towards my room.

After taking a nice and warm shower, I pick up my outfit for today. As today I'm not going out much, I just simply put on a soft and comfy sweater in sky blue color and soft, white shorts. I put on my bunny slippers and go down to eat my breakfast. As it's Sunday my father and sister are home. After having a great, tasty breakfast along with a lot of talks, we yet again separate to do our own things.

I reach my room and ran straight to my bed. I plop on my soft bed and pick up my phone from the night stand. Hmm? I have some messages from Mrs Vishvakarma. Oh! It's the details regarding our departure. Soo, according to it we are to take off the day after tomorrow, we will be there in almost twelve hours, and did I tell you where in Italy we are going? My bad, we are going to ROME!!! Wow right?

But the key point is that I Really Need Start To Packing My Bags. I only have one day, as tomorrow we would have to go for our visa checking. Sigh. Poor me. I pouted.


{Time Skip}

Time passes so quick na? I didn't even knew when time went by so fast. It was just yesterday when I was packing my stuff, eating with my family and now here I am at the airport, all ready to take off. Yesterday we got our visa checked, all the details and timings were discussed too.

''Be careful, alright baby? Don't talk to strangers. Do not follow anyone. Don not take anything any stranger gives you. Do no-'' I cut off my rapping mom.

''Do not stuck your hand out of the airplane's window. Do not go to an occupied washroom. Do not find a boy and get married. Do not forget to shave. And do not even dare of finding for a girl to marry. Any else grandma?'' I asked sarcastically.

''.... Actually yes. Do n-'' Seriously?

''Mom.'' I whined.

''OK OK. I'll stop. Just take care of yourself and don't forget to call us, hmm? And yes, don't trouble your teacher too much.'' She says

''As if I do even a little.'' I said proudly.

They all chuckled.

''Yeah, yeah. Now go, or else you'll get late.'' As if on cue the announcement of our flight was heard. Mrs Vishvakarma too said we should go now. I reluctantly hugged them, bidding them by. After passing the security check. I wave at my family for the last time. Siya and Aarya wanted to come too, but I refused then because I knew if I see them all altogether, I won't be able to leave. You see, I'm really sensitive.

We finally boarded the plane, sitting on my seat the only thing in my mind right now is.

''I just hope everything goes well.'' Not knowing that it would be tooo well. Sigh.