
Alpha’s Mark (Three lives Of A Witch)

“ Tell me girl, how do you possess my mate mark?,what sorcery did you use?” His voice dull yet husky’s queries out, his marble eyes scan through her eyes that grants not a glance at him. “Listen, I’ve said this earlier, I don’t know who you’re or what you speak off. “ She said in rest of a sigh, exhausted her mind is at the triples questions being sent at her. More than anyone she’s in dubious , one moment she was caught on a mission to steal a gem stone and the next she’s being interrogated after an hour of torture. For all she knows she’s just a human girl with ill luck to have cross paths with lunatics like them. Ella is a human girl who gets entangle in the supernatural world due to a mark she possess , that just happens to be the mate mark of a royal alpha. In the depth of figuring the mystery of her possession of the mark, secrets are dig out ,curses are revoke and forgotten prophecy is reborn.

MisMuoka · Kỳ huyễn
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19 Chs

Prophecy (Birth of the Devil’s Child)

In genesis, a prophecy carved in written foreign language of the first centuries. Misters of the royal court contacted monks and seers of vast knowledge to interpret the alien language. With months of work and months of researches, the monks and seers were able to translate the words that strangely carved on the walls of the palace. In their common language which read.

"Behold and be warned, a child shall be born, one of his kin, one breed from a witch of a mystery clan. A child who shall unleash the chains of his or her father and set the world in flames of the master of the underworld . Chaos will be the dwell of all beings and perish would be the next meal to the mouths. The world will become his domain and it habitants his puppets. So be known and be warned if ever his child be born , the world would seize its natural existence of order."

Fear bounded in their hearts as the mystery words were read into prophecy. Ages to come they set high guards and strict laws of romance outside ones race and religion not permitted .

Years and years , they practiced the guides felt safe to them in order to evade the prophecy from coming to alive, yet with the decades the fears in their hearts faded as were the truth in those words said to be prophecy.

It became the silence tale , a myth or man made to insert fear in the common people.

Well until that faithful night of nothing but evil to the world.


October 18



Silence as the days flakes laid, children in rage of six to nine played their bodies in days coated white ice that laid still and polite on their thick wood clothes made from their mothers love. At another end, few threw balled flakes at one another, as their laughters warmed the ears of their parents that sat not far across their little village houses made from bamboo tress and woods.

In minutes to follow, the beautiful melody of their laughters and shared joys was consumed by the heavy steps from closed by. Quick as they could, mothers pulled their children from the path of being stumped upon by the royal soliders that were chasing on their giant horses .

"Don't let her escape, catch her" a solider on the front black horse scolded the words to his subordinates at his lead. From his thick dark armor that braced his chest ,thorn up helmet that stock on his head and steel sword that laid glued at his side belt, he was odd as the head and general of the common comrades.

"There she is" another called out in direction to the woman being chased, as she took routes in the thick dark woods. Behind they chased forsaking the humanity of her stomach being swallow or feet naked to the harsh thorns of the forest .

Deep in the woods, dark clouds soon shadowed the white moon that fought it way to glow but yet concealed by the stormy thurders that accompanied .Leaves and braches danced its way on the crumbled muddy grasses that had felt the weights of many angry steps.

On high pace she ran through the God forsaking trees that gave not a survival direction to her.

'Run,run,run no matter how tire you're. If you're caught you're dead' she sang through her head with every step took with heavy breathes. She continued for minutes, just for her body to take rest on the eaten bark tree, on sight of loosing the soliders.

"Here you're " her breathe siezed in with sight of the seven elders. The seven elders were the lords of the early ages , the controller of both supernaturals and humans , they were the prosecutors and law givers. The council that carved the part others take , the powers were theirs to control and all feared them.

Seeing one at then meant your prosecution day had arrive and nothing in world could save you, less say all seven of them.

"I haven't done anything wrong" the woman bust out in anger and helplessness. Her dark ginger eyes settled at the seven giant elders that returned no less of a prosecution guilt on her.

In slow breath she clutched on her knees and took support on the tree bark. Her body weakened from the earlier run, either way she was surrounded and there wasn't a chance to escape.

The rumors of her strange pregnancy was a fuel flame that caught the attention of people, months and months the murmurings became a hard secret to swallow. As it grew wild soon it reached the ears of the elders. A pregnancy of three years and six months is a much even for a witch, more say a light witch as her.

By say a light witch is born with purity and kindness of all, bless with abilities of healing and communicating with nature. Motherhood to them was only a period of weeks and hers was beyond delivery time which led fear in her kin's hearts, more fear related to the old forgotten prophecy.

As it stood her marital status was single and no lover was known for her , even those close to her were in disbelieved to see a bump on her.

She was a mystery that none got to solve, her lone character rare her from her siblings. Her, didn't possessed the abilities as her siblings, oddly her powers were that of a strange dazzled. But again they couldn't be sure as she was taken in by the past elder of the light witch as a child, her root and bloodline was unknown to them. The best known to them from their investigation was her being an abandoned child whom was taken pity on.

"Huh" , an elder huffed, shading his dark pupils to gold. He stormed his right hand that was covered in bronze glove with spike claws .

He led the claws in spiked to his half smooth face.

"You claim to have done nothing yet you flee from our summon" he stated breaking the gap between them.

What did they expected ?, for her to appear to their call and have her killed?.

Even she knew of the consequences awaited her , the best to her thoughts was to escape yet disposed out by the person she trust the most, friend.

"You stand charges which can only be redeem by death" another elder said, with much broader shoulder than the first ,his skin lays blend in furr, his eyes in reflect of the dark eclipse moon.

"Paul" a pitch yet sluty voice called out in his ears, tangling her nails on his chin and hairy chest that took cover of a half piece material across to the shoulders.

"Let have Kanu take the first lead to her sentence" she whispered behind his ear with eyes washed at the first elder, who detested with a grunt to her offer.

He did not required her or her toy of a lover offer, he was the red wolf , rare of all the wolves. And even without a park to rule , his dominant was known and his strong personality could carved him any path he wanted.

"I have done nothing wrong, my baby's innocent" she murmured out the words , fear settled in with each step Paul took to her. Her hands relented on her swallen stomach, as she surmornsed the last energy she had, in defense of her baby. To her nothing mattered but her baby, she did not care what they had to say about her child or the curse words that were used to label her baby, all she knew was it was her baby, its was a part of her that she was willing to fight for . She could be hanged and prosecuted for all she cared but her child was yet to to see the world and there was nothing they could do to stop her, even if she had to face all seven elders.

"It useless, you can't cast a spell" the once female voice spiked in with a crackle that hinted irritation to the others in watch.

Of course, her powers had been locked out by them, the earlier tea served by her so call friend must have blocked her energy channels and was defenseless against the gaints at her neck.

"Please don't kill me, I don't want to die, spare my life for the sake of my baby. She deserves to live ".

Her eyes pleaded out with tears, terror and fear registered on her face, more than anything she needed to protect her baby, to her her child growing in her womb meant the world .

With scanned at the seven faces, she crawled her weak body at the toes of the pale figure that stood bright in white , grace with beauty of light and snow. With hands and head at her toes she pleaded for mercy.

"Mistress ",she called out in sore voice .

"Mistress, you're kind hearted and mother to all, please save my baby. I don't want my child to die. Don't she deserve to live?".

With locked eyes Mistress lily shut her ears from grasping her cried or viewing her body that's torn in bruises and scars. If it was at any situation she would have help but it was matter of the world and she couldn't risk the lives of millions for just one child whose destiny is set to destroy the world and all that lived in it.

Mistress lily, head of the white witch clan. Good in nature and an earth nature witch filled with love and kindness. Her straight long white hairs flew down her shoulder revealing her enlightened silver pearl earrings that held magic powers.

"I'm sorry but am afraid I can't help you in this situation. Your child must die, he or she holds a great threat to the world existence, to protect many I won't mind sacrificing you and your baby"

She tightly said averting her gaze from meeting the poor soul on the edge of death .

"No" , tears scrolled down her cheeks, her eyes scanned the seven faces that stabbed her glares of death.

"This is injust ,seven elders all gather to kill an unborn baby that hasn't course any danger or threat to anyone . Is this the justice you stand for?" .The fighting mother scolded out.

"How coward of you, all of you. This is how you show your might. You can't kill my baby, I won't let you".

"Woman stop be insolence and accept your death, there is nothing you can do to stop us from giving you death . Your baby is evil and a spring from the demon god, she is a curse and so must die" king Suleiman burst out, reaching for her stomach with his sword.

King Suleiman ,a human king known for his greed and selfish act. He ruled for powers, ambitious and hunger for blood.

At trouble times he had to lead his troops to help defeat prophecy from coming to true.

Another by Rose petal charged for her neck but went floated in the sky from a blast of energy that erupted from the mother.

Held by shock, they froze their eyes at the amount of energy and power the baby had . Soon anger took charge, as they rage for her relentlessly but to no avail as her body has being shielded with a bubble. Fear and amusement spread through the few faces of the heads.

A second blast of defense energy had Rose body bleeding with thin air to squeeze in to her burning lungs. Her husband Paul rushes to her aid, with her head in his arms he howls out in agony to his mate defeat.

"Rose dear ,my love" he wept with mind blurred in anger on sight of his mate lost of breathe in faints. He leaned her against the same tree she had crash in, warming his body as it took shift to his giantic beast form of a grey blood wolf.

His body charged at the mother , throwing in punches that came back at him, more he went on every failed he got from venting his rage. With every slam he gave at the bubble he came bouncing on the ground with hard groans to accompany the pain.

" Paul", lady Mas called out to his stubborn ears that refuse to heed.

"It useless, the baby is protecting itself, if it this powerful while in the stomach imagine the powers it would possed while birthed to" lady Mas continued in disgusts, more than anything she despised the idea of being powered over by anyone and from situation she could tell the baby was one powerful beast if ever brought to live and she like always she got rid of all that posed threat to her.

"Then what do you have us do?",Lucy asked in irritate. Lucy leader of the cruel moon pack, as it name implies the pack was known for it cruel technics and heart of no mercy. Ones caught in their territory you're a dead man or woman, the pack was know for its might female alphas and warriors. They were so established in rage that men feared them.

"Let thy feed on my new spells " she said with balled fists as her eyes stabbed murderous gaze at the mother whose body lend aid .

Could they be right?, was her child truly the ill fated one that would unleash hell in the world?.

No, there was no possibility to such, her romance was true and pure with a man of good, his heart was clean and true to his country, much so that he died saving it.

The motherly affection couldn't comprehend those facts and even if she did, she couldn't possibly have them kill her child. Good or evil it was a part of her she was willing to protect.

"Leave that to the witches, would you?"

Lady mas tauntly replied her, digging her hate-compiting eyes. Lucy snorted out with a scoff and rolled of her eyes at the way they both have been carrying their hate for each other for hundreds of years and yet it seize to never end.

"Well then, do your witchcraft " Lucy purposely hit the anger button, more than anything witches of those age despised when their work was labeled as witchcraft and all were well aware.

Lady Mas proceeded forward, turning deaf ears to her taunts. She led her hands to Mistress lily that reluctantly concealed the match bond. Two in one, they chanted old texts from the book of genesis, their bodies emerge with energies of two color. One as pure as the blue moon came through the veins of mistress lily, symbolizing her nature and heart of purity. Another of that of the solar eclipse moon , emphasizing on the stubborn and hard heart of lady Mas. With both energies entangled the eyes of others stayed still and unmoved as it wasn't the first to witness such .

With their merged energies, lady Mas influenced the a wind from a circle of hand hands , in instant she had it directed at the mother with intentions of demising her.