
Alpha’s Desired Slave

To spare an innocent she has to become his Sex slave. When Jason attacks her pack, Daniella, a half-breed wolf, wants to save a young wolf, but to do so, she has to accept his bargain. She must be his sex toy until the next full moon. Daniella despises the alpha she must now give her body to, but she can't deny the response he inspires within her. sex Exploring the deceased pack's lair Alpha Jason stumbles onto something that could destroy all breeds of wolf. The leaders of Daniella's pack had been experimenting on wolves. The reasons why are still unknown, but Jason will do everything in his power to find out the truth, especially when he discovers Daniella was one of their experiments.

Maureen_Elochukwu · Kỳ huyễn
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159 Chs

chapter 72

I was filled with exertion as i drowned in pain. The more she grew colder and limp in my arms, the more the pain grew. I expected it, but I didn't know it will be this grave. I yelled out in agony as I let her body drop limp to the ground. I felt like my heart was being pulled out and something from me was being disconnected. It was the pack bond. Helena had explained all these to me. She had said that as the luna, serving as the mother of the pack, once I am mated and sealed to the pack, every death of any pack member, I shall feel. But she never told me that it will be this terrifying but then I remembered that I had taken her life myself making it all worse. I fell to the ground laying by her dead form. Tears rolled down my eyes not because of the excruciating pain but because of the fact that I had just killed someone. I raised my hands to my face, my palms coated in red blood, her blood. It was one thing having someone killed to save yourself but it was another thing taking someone's life with your bare hands. Another thing was that the pain I felt at the moment, she didn't deserve it, she didn't deserve me going through this for her but then I realised that I rather have her dead and bear this pain now than she staying alive and killing me in the end. She deserves it, I said to myself, She deserved worse even, I looked to her side to see her completely ashen and lifeless now. The pain I had felt had begun to subside but it was still terrible.

"I am proud of you Gabby, Hera sobbed quietly, Former you would have let her have your head, you wouldn't have been able to kill her but now you are stronger, you ended the life of someone who had always been on your neck, you did it without my help even. The tears that fell from my face this time were tears of relief and for a moment I forgot that there were other villains after me but that didn't stop me in basking in the haven of taking one down,

"Thank you Hera, I said to her before silently whispering my thanks to Helena and my mate. Aiden had given me all the support I needed and Helena whom regarded as a mother had taught me how to defend myself in any situation, without her training, I wouldn't have been able to do this.

"You are welcome, She smiled at me, Now, we have to get out of here! Quickly before they come back.

I staggered to my feet clutching unto my very battered arm. Hera hadn't been able to heal it well andI was still weak but I had to just move on. I went over to Laya and looked at her bloody outfit with a grimace. I couldn't go out in the snow with a ragged dress, I would freeze to death and the thought of that made the dead woman's clothes look appealing. Moments later, I was dressed in her outfit which was a little too big for me. I smelt of her blood and mine as the clothes clung to my body. I tried not to Wretch on the blatant realisation that I was actually wearing her bloodied clothes, a corpse's outfit. I shook off my thoughts and walked to where the other weapons were on the wall. I grabbed a dagger and a small axe, looked over at Laya again, the buzzing of flies could be heard as they perched on her, I shook my head one last time and pulled away my gaze before making my way out of the house. It was late afternoon but the skies were gloomy and everywhere seemed dark. I stood few feet away from the old manor not knowing where to follow. There were no houses around here, it was Like it was situated in the middle of a forest, I couldn't tell if we were still in the supernatural world or not. I took the left against Hera's decision of taking right, not like we knew where we were headed exactly. No matter where we took, the most important thing was for us to get away from here. I waddled through the thick snow and as we got farther from the house, it got deeper and deeper. I was freezing I couldn't wrap my hands around myself as I held onto the weapons with them. My arm was still bleeding and I was trying my best to keep my head up and not fall.

"Keep going Gabby, Hera cheered me on excitedly, We can do this! We vill be away from here in no time. I nodded and kept moving, I couldn't run through the snow and I didn't have my powers to melt it. At a point, I fell to my knees and began clawing my way through. A harsh storm had started, it snowed heavily now and the wind blew harshly. My eyesight was weakening as I strained them to see. I stood Up to see how far I had gone from the manor but before I could look behind, a harsh pain sent me plummeting onto the snow, I yelled and Hera howled. It was like a thousand spiky tentacles were attached to every part of my body draining off my energy, my heart ached, the terrible ache I felt when I killed Laya and now I felt it again. I think someone else is dead! Hera cried out in a motherly howl and tears ran down my eyes as the pain continued. My mind wandered thinking of who was dead now, silently praying that it shouldn't be the people closest to me. I struggled to get back on my feet despite the pain. I dragged myself on the snow as the excruciating feels got more intense, my head banged and I could barely see shit. Hell! I couldn't even feel myself anymore and somehow I had lost my dagger and axe. I continued to yell in pain, tears streamed down my face as I kept fighting to keep myself up but it was no use. From a distance, I could hear feet and horse hooves, no one could use a car in this weather, "Help! Help!" I cried blindly as they got nearer and nearer, "Help please." I said again as I heard them before me now, their horses neighing as they were brought to a Halt.

"Oh! I will help you alright!" I was lifted off the ground and thrown over a horse like a sack of grain. Through mny pain and misery I recognized the voice, it was Titan. He had caught me again.

"The little witch tried to escape!" I could hear other familiar voices of my former pack members and soo the voices grew into distasteful murmurs. I trashed against the horse blindly still not being about to open my eyes as the pain grew. I fought against him not minding his yells and harsh words and soon I was pushed off the horse. I fell to the ground with a thud and tried scampering away but he held me again, "I was going to take it easy on you but I see you deserve a lot of things but easy isn't one of them." I could tell that he was smiling, "Bring the ropes!"

One thing led to another and my arms were being tied to two separate ropes. I fought as hard as I could, squinting my eyes, trying to see my dilemma but all I could see was shadows and snow. My arms were outstretched and tied to two different horses with mounted riders. After them being satisfied with how tightly I was tied and with the amount of pain they could cause, they began to plan their movement. My arms were fanned and I felt every single strain and pull in my muscle, with jeers the horses took off dragging me on the snow being suffocated with the flakes and freezing in anguish. I bore the pain, I didn't fight nor did I wail. I kept mute, silent tears streamed down my cheeks at the loss of the pack memberI felt and as I was dragged through the snow with insults and jeers being suffocated with the flakes and freezing in anguish. I bore the pain, I didn't fight nor did I wail. I kept mute, silent tears streamed down my cheeks at the loss of the pack member I felt and as I was dragged through the snow with insults and jeers being hurled at me, I made a silent promise myself. It was an important promise, it was a promise that spelt out that I, Gabby Evander would kill Titan myself.