
Alpha’s Desired Slave

To spare an innocent she has to become his Sex slave. When Jason attacks her pack, Daniella, a half-breed wolf, wants to save a young wolf, but to do so, she has to accept his bargain. She must be his sex toy until the next full moon. Daniella despises the alpha she must now give her body to, but she can't deny the response he inspires within her. sex Exploring the deceased pack's lair Alpha Jason stumbles onto something that could destroy all breeds of wolf. The leaders of Daniella's pack had been experimenting on wolves. The reasons why are still unknown, but Jason will do everything in his power to find out the truth, especially when he discovers Daniella was one of their experiments.

Maureen_Elochukwu · Kỳ huyễn
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159 Chs

chapter 65:Aiden’s POV

I could feel my anger pulsing through my veins, through every part of my body and I feared that I wouldn't be able to hold myself any longer, even when my mother had placed her hand on mine, it did nothing to help. I was battling with myself and trying to restrain spyro from breaking free to claw at the faces of the dolts before me.

"How the fuck?!" I started off trying my best to stay calm as my fists gripped the sides of the board room table harshly, I could hear the wood creak.

"Did it happen?!" I finished off with an angry yell and the warriors standing at the edge of the table flinched and so did the ones seated around it. I had assembled all high rankers and the top warriors for the meeting, they all looked tired but I didn't give a flying fuck. Their luna was missing and so was our child and now the two devils after her life were gone When I had secretly asked if today could get any Worse, I didn't mean for it to come to reality.

"We are sorry your highness!" Their leader squeaked causing me to growl loudly as my claws extracted.

"You are sorry?" I sneered moving around the table to bracing towards them but my mother held my hand in an iron grip and I looked down glaring at her wishing her to let go before I threw her across the room.

"Calm down Aiden!" She barked authoritatively at me matching my murderous glare, "Let the mutts speak!"

"Please. " I could hear Willow and Judas mutter at the same time and I moved my glare at them causing them to cower. The room was filled with an eerie silence as my anger grew grave which each passing moment, enveloping the roomn and forcing them all into submission.

"Speak!" My mother signalled at them with the flick of her wrist before leaning back in to the chair with her hands folded across her laps, "There had better be a reasonable explanation." The morons began to speak at her request and after beating about the bush, they finally said exactly what happened and by the time they finished their tale my anger had blown off the top. I glided across the room and in an instant had the head of the prison guards pinned to the wall with my hands Wrapped around his throat and my claws digging in his neck.

"So you mean to tell me that all five of you highly trained idiots mounted to guard two prisons got drunk and fell asleep before noon thereby letting the prisoners escape and you didn't think to tell me that they escaped more than ten hours ago but you waited till midnight to inform me cause you were trying to find them!" I yelled out my words in one breath while squeezing his throat harder. He struggled against me, gasping with his eyes popping out, "You incompetent dolts!" I threw him towards the other four and they all fell to the ground tumbling over themselves, "Tell me why I shouldn't kill you?!" I growled towards them but mother was before me again pushing against my chest while Willow and Judas tried restraining from behind.

"Calm the fuck down Aiden." Her hands gripped my face forcing mne to look down at her, Gabby wouldn't want you behaving like this." She implored me with pleading eyes.

"Well, Gabby is gone and is definitely in danger since those lunatics are out and it's all their fault." I moved again but she stopped me yet again using her super strength this time which matched mine.

"Come sit." She led me back to where I was to be seated and forced me down on the chair, "Calm down Aiden, you need to be clear headed to get through this."

I stayed silent erossing my hands and leaning my chin on them while being utterly distressed at what my mate could be going through right now or where the hell Kate was. The next few mninutes were spent discussing what our next step was and exploring ur options of who could have possibly taken them if not for Titan and Laya. Akanther was our next option but no vampires were detected at them party. I was asked severally if I felt anything due to the mate bond but I couldn't feel anything so either the mate bond was completely severed or Gabby was out cold, her being dead wasn't an option cause if she was I would have known, the pain would have been much, too much to bear andiwould have been half way into the after world to join her.

"Who served the drinks to you dafts?!" I thundered at the guards who were still standing at the corner of the room quivering in their foot wear, "Answer me?!"

"It was the luna's friend." One of them answered

"And this person has no name I presume?" I sent him a death glare.

"It was Andros, he said the luna wanted us to have the drinks for our hard work." He gulbed. "And we accepted without suspicion."

"That treacherous swine!" I banged my fists against the table cracking the fine polished wood in the process, "How dare he?!" I asked hurt at his betrayal. I couldn't believe what I had just heard, he had played by our side all this time only to go ahead and betray us.

"I can't believe this." My mother growled, her brows knitted in anger, "I shall pop his head off his body!"

"You, you and you." I pointed at three really hefty warriors, "Grab that hybrid idiot and get him to the dungeons for questioning." I instructed them and they left immediately.

"The rest of you." I said referring to Judas, and Willow, the other high rankers and the warriors, "Assemble yourselves outside the castle we are resuming another search meanwhile, tell my messenger to inform other kingdoms about the search for my mate, daughter and the other two." I said referring to Titan and Laya. After going over the plan again we all left the board roomn to carry out the search. It was futile as I expected and we returned back to the castle enmpty handed. I was getting weaker, my anger was heightening and I was losing my already affected senses. I stormed into the castle and went straight to the messenger to see if he had done as I asked him to and we already had replies all of which stating that My mate nor Kate nor the prisoners were sighted. left my office angrier than ever and went towards the dungeons expecting to take my anger out on Andros and hoping to get questions and answers out of him only to be intercepted by the guards I had sent to get him.

"He is already in the dungeons I presume."I quirked my browS at them.

"No your highness." The first guard stated, "We didn't find him."

"What?!" I roared punching the wall beside me not wincing as the bricks collided with my knuckles,

"What do you mean?"

"All traces of him are gone." He said, "His room is cleared out."

"Find him." I barked, "Inform the others and find the leech!" By afternoon the next day I was already torn apart in and out, I was near tears, I hurt all over and my heart ached the most. I couldn't focus, I didn't know what to think or what to do next. Gabby was gone, I couldn't even feel her despite the mate bond. Kate was missing. Titan and Laya were still on the run and Andros was gone without a trace. The moon goddess was really testing me this time and I swear by her, I couldn't handle it. I leaned against my office table in exasperation, tears leaked from my eyes as Spyro howled from not being able to get a hold of Hera. We had exhausted all our options by now, searched everywhere including the human world but all plans yielded nothing. Dear moon goddess, I pleaded lowly in my heart, Please help me, I prayed in a low voice as the only thing I needed now that could get me out of this was a miracle, and I really need it to happen fast as am loosing it.