
Alpha’s Desired Slave

To spare an innocent she has to become his Sex slave. When Jason attacks her pack, Daniella, a half-breed wolf, wants to save a young wolf, but to do so, she has to accept his bargain. She must be his sex toy until the next full moon. Daniella despises the alpha she must now give her body to, but she can't deny the response he inspires within her. sex Exploring the deceased pack's lair Alpha Jason stumbles onto something that could destroy all breeds of wolf. The leaders of Daniella's pack had been experimenting on wolves. The reasons why are still unknown, but Jason will do everything in his power to find out the truth, especially when he discovers Daniella was one of their experiments.

Maureen_Elochukwu · Kỳ huyễn
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159 Chs

chapter 62:Aiden’s POV

Soft music flowed throughout the castle awakening me from my state of slumber. It was expected. It was how I had woken up every morning on my birthdays, it was how other kings before me had awoken and how the ones after me will be roused. But this time, it was different. This time I had the pleasure of walking up to the most beautiful person I had ever laid my eyes on. My hand was wrapped around her slender waist as I peered down at her, blonde locs framed her delicate facial features, her long lashes casting light shadows beneath her eyes and she looked very peaceful and vulnerable. The longing to draw her closer to me and protect her from any evil roused through me and my hand tightened around her. At least today, most of her worries shall be gone. After my party in the evening, we shall proceed to the hearing of that dolt Titan and the treacherous Laya. And with the influence of my mother and I, they shall be sentenced to death. I would make sure of it. I would get rid of anyone who posed a threat to my mate and they won't be the first. Her green eves fluttered open and she casted me a hazy gaze with a smile pulling on her delectable lips, I wanted to kiss her, "What is that?" She asked referring to the sweet music that still played throughout the castle.

"Come." I stood up from the bed, grabbed my robe and got it on. She followed suit repeating my actions. I took her hand and led her through the wide passage at the other end of my room and soon we got to where there were glass doors and after the doors laid a terrace.

"Wow." She gasped as I led her through the doors and onto the terrace, from here you could see the expanse of the lands and forest greenery. The sun shone brightly and beautifully giving nature it's heavenly look, "It's beautiful."

"I know." I cooed smiling at her. I took her hand and led her to the edge of the balcony where the magnificent stone railing was. We both stood there,

"Look below." I said to her. The royal orchestra were below, playing the traditional birthday tunes which was the sweet music that flowed throughout the castle, "oh my!" She gasped, "They look so enchanting." She squealed excitedly and my heart warmed at how the littlest of things made her happy and all giddy,

"How often do they do this?" She asked.

"On every birthday for every king to ever sit on the throne., from the day he is born till the last birthday he has on earth." I explained. We stood there watching them and soon they broke into the tunes of the original birthday song, the vocal artists joined this time singing to me a happy birthday. I smiled, I never really enjoyed this but seeing Aiden awed by it and having her by my side made it more special and enjoyable.

"Thank you, thank you." I cheered at them as they finished the songs and began their hails, wishes and praises. Soon enough they were done and dispatched.

"That was beautiful." Aiden sighed watching them leave, "I would love to hear it again."

"It was love." I said looking down at her, I placed a kiss on her cheek, "You certainly will."

"I have something for you." She gushed excitedly as she took my hand and drew me back Into my chambers. I smiled lazily as she instructed me to close my eyes and sit still on the bed. From my super hearing, I could tell that she wasshuffling around and putting clothes on and then I could hear the door close and open again. I so badly wanted to peek but I couldn't go against my mate's wishes. "You can open them now." She said and I did. She stood before me, the robe still around my body which made me raise my brows but in her hand she held a sword withamagnificent sheath, "I got this for you." She smiled nervously as she thrusted it towards me. I took it and stood up, examining it in my hands. The hilt was somewhat curved and had a few jewels encrusted it. The sheath was silver colored with grey shining linings and a few tiny jewels embedded in it. I drew it out in one move and Gabby jumped in shock which made me chuckle. The blade glinted at the tip and I could tell the blade was pure silver, so sharp, perfect for beheading transgressors. I sheathed the sword.

"I hope you like it. I didn't know if you would. I thought it will be perfect andI wanted you to be happy, so if and I..." I grabbed her and slammed my lips on her cutting off her blabber. I love it, I fucking love it. It is the must wonderful gift I have ever gotten. I drew her away from me watching as she gasped for air from the kiss, "I fucking love it Gabby." I grinned looking at her bright green eyes,

"And I love you." I captured her lips again in a Sweet kiss before pulling her away from me,

"Thank you." I kissed her on her forehead. I loved this woman before me and I'd do anything to keep her by mny side as always. I could lay my life down for her. "One more thing." She pushed me back on the bed and stepped away from me. Her hands holding the rope of her robe fiddling with it as her cheeks tinted red. I cocked my brow at her watching what she was doing, "Okay." She nmurmured to herself before tugging at the rope and letting the robe fall to the ground. My jaw dropped talking in what was underneath the robe, holy moon goddess, My innocent little kitten had turned into a seductress, standing there in a sheer lingerie set striking an aphrodisiac pose. My cock hardened instantly and my jaw twitched. The black lacy material clung to her pale skin, tiny straps ran around her delicate shoulders, the sheer fabric covered her small breast which I completely adored, i could see her puckered pink nipples, the flimsy excuse of tiny pieces of fabric called panties clung around her lower body, high waisted with the curved band around her slender stomach, I could see the outline of her pussy lips, that sweet, sweet pussy. We were definitely going to be late for all activities today. I stood up from the bed and walked over to meet her, "Did you wear this for me?" I asked skimming my fingers across her waist, I could feel the goosebumps on her skin and the way her breathing heightened.

"Yes." She moaned slightly as I wrapped my other hand around her throat. I bent my head down and licked at where her mark was, she became a moaning mess, I drew her close to me, rocking my raging hard on against her, "We are going to be late Aiden."

I kissed around her neck and licked at the space between her breast. Her head was thrown back in pleasure as I continued my teasing, "You should have thought of that before baring yourself before me." I murmured against her ear, "Before teasing me with these tits." My thumb traceda torturous path around her hardened bud, "Before flashing this tight little pussy before me." I ran my fingers across her slit through her panties to find her already wet for me, the scent of her arousal maddened me. I shifted the panties aside and slid a finger into her tight cunt, her wetness coated it as I pumped it in her. She moaned my name and clung onto my shoulders as I added another finger. Her sounds filling my ear sending pulse straight to my cock which grew harder.

"I am going to fuck you so hard, you will wobble on those legs." I threw her over my shoulder and walked back to the bed. I dropped her on it, discarded my robe not missing the way her eyes trailed over my torso, I discarded my boxers and my cock sprung free slapping against my lower belly. I climbed unto the bed and immediately caught her lips in mine, my tongue teasing and licking as my hand fiddled with her bra, I ripped it off. She gasped. I peppered kisses down her neck and to her breast. The perky mounds staring back at me with the taut pink nipples. I swooped my head down and captured one in my mouth, her hands laced in my hair tugging at the strands as I laved my tongue around it,

"AidenShe moaned as I bit down on it. I shifted my head to the other breast giving it the same inclusive attention. My hand splayed across her torso caressing her slender waist before dragging down to her panties, I fingered the thin straps before ripping it off, "It was costly!" She whined.

"You can always get more." I caressed her clit with my thumb as I kissed down her belly, her whines turned into moans, "You do not even need to wear anything around me." I moved lower and lower, kissed along her waist line as she thrust her hips up to meet my face. I braced mny self up and parted her legs, her wet cunt glistening with juices, staring right at me, her swollen nub reddened with arousal. I dropped my head and took a whiff, inhaling her wondrous scent.

"Please." She moaned begging me to taste her as I parted her folds with my fingers. I captured the numb in my mouth, suckling on it and she thrust her hips up grinding on my face, her juices spurted on my face all over my facial hair. I lickeda wet strip across her slit, her sweet moans filled the room as I feasted on her sweet pussy, lapping it up like a starved man. Of course I was starved, I wanted her everyday. I wanted to always taste her, I could never get tired. I probed my tongue into her entrance and I could fill it tighten. Her juices coated my tongue as I caressed her weeping pussy, "I could never get tired of how you smell." I bit down at her delicate numb and she moved her hips in force, "How you taste." I pushed in a finger and added another pumping them in and out of her wet hole. My cock grew harder and it throbbed with pain, seeing her writhe beneath me as I sweetly assaulted her dripping cunt, it almost drove me to a climax and I so desperately wanted to flip her over and plunge deep in her.

"Hermosa." I murmured lifting my head, I licked my lips licking off her arousal which coated my face, I saw her eyes follow the action of my tongue, Get on top." I commanded as I laid down on the bed facing up with my cock jutting up from my body standing proudly.

"I have never..." She moaned, her eyes glazing with lust and desire as she looked at me, "I don't know how to.."

"You would learn." I picked her up and straddle her on my waist, I moaned out her name in a sweet call as she rocked against me coating my cock with her wetness. I could feel my pre cum leak from me running down to mix with her own arousal. She lifted her hips up, lined her entrance with my cock and began to take me in at her pace. Her face tightened as she took in my length, "That's it baby." I groaned as her tightness enveloped me, I wanted to slam her down on it, "Go slow, take all of me." I cooed rubbing her hips, She pulled herself up and slammed down on me. I gripped her hips and with a strangled moan she began to ride me. Her blonde locs waving and scattering all over her face and shoulders. I thrusts my hips up to me hers, feeling her warm, wet hole around my length, she was so tight. I snaked up my hands and caressed her tits as she increased her pace, riding me to the brink of insanity. The feeling of her wet cunt as she bounced on my cock was insanely erotic. I am going to Cum." She let Out a breathy moan as she increased her pace, "uuwww." She squealed as I felt hot liquid spray around my lower area, her face contorted in pleasure as she continued to ride me.

"You feel so good." I groaned pumping up me hips to me meet hers, feeling her tighten against me and her mouth constantly open, moaning out my name, my moans joined hers as she rolled her hips and soon screamed out my name as an orgasm rocked through her, her eyes were shut. My cock tightened and I released mine, coating her insides with my warm seed. Our moans got fainter and sweat ran down our bodies. She got off me and laid down the bed breathing heavily.

"I think I should let you ride me more." I snaked a hand across her waist and pulled her closer to me. That was intense and different yet pleasuralble as always." She sighed and pulled me in for a kiss.

"You do know we should be getting ready for the party right?" I hummed against her lips, "If you continue with your lewd antics we might never leave this room." I groaned as she rocked her front against me. She disentangled from me with a giggle and slid off the bed. My eyes trailed on the arch of her slender back and the expanse of smooth pale skin as she walked into the bathroom. Damn I am lucky!I breathed with a smile of satisfaction across my face.