
Alpha’s Desired Slave

To spare an innocent she has to become his Sex slave. When Jason attacks her pack, Daniella, a half-breed wolf, wants to save a young wolf, but to do so, she has to accept his bargain. She must be his sex toy until the next full moon. Daniella despises the alpha she must now give her body to, but she can't deny the response he inspires within her. sex Exploring the deceased pack's lair Alpha Jason stumbles onto something that could destroy all breeds of wolf. The leaders of Daniella's pack had been experimenting on wolves. The reasons why are still unknown, but Jason will do everything in his power to find out the truth, especially when he discovers Daniella was one of their experiments.

Maureen_Elochukwu · Kỳ huyễn
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159 Chs

chapter 13:Gabby’s POV

what? I met his gaze stunned as I tried to process what he had just said. He looked at me and his eyes seemed as if they were searching mine for an answer.

"Wh..a..t?" I stammered.

"You heard me right Gabby." He brought his hand up running his thumb on my jaw softly as his gaze pierced me and I almost melted in that simple yet seductive touch, "I want to feel your lips on mine."

Oooh daddy! Hera panted in my head and I almost chuckled. so you suddenly back to life now? I asked her, what do I do? You heard what he said right? He wants to kiss me. Are you asking me what you should do? I could sense that she did an eye roll, Girl place your lips on him and fulfill your wish at breakfast! I blushed at her words wondering how she knew what I was thinking earlier that morning.

"Are you going to say something? Hmm." He slid his thumb across my lower lip now and I shivered at the sparks, my lips parting in ecstasy.

"Why do you want to kiss me?" I asked suddenly remembering that he hated me and wanted nothing, absolutely nothing to do with me.

"Cause we are mates..." He said withdrawing his hands and they fell back to his sides. I nearly groaned at the loss of his touch.

"But you want nothing to do with me." I reminded him, "You clearly said that we can never be a thing."

"That doesn't mean I cannot kiss you." He smirked at me, "I know you want to accept my offer Gabby, I noticed the way you reacted to my touch."

I blushed again feeling really embarrassed that he could read me like an open book.

"Is this the only way to free Andros?"I asked, "Me kissing you, is that the only way?"

"Yes." He said stepping closer to me again, "You grant me one kiss and your lover boy is free."

"Isn't there any other option?" I badly wanted to kiss him, take up on his offer and savour the taste of his lips. I wanted to know what his lips felt like, tasted like. I wanted to know If he was going to be harsh like all other men that had forced me or he was going to kiss me with passion.

"I see you aren't ready to have your dear Andros freed.." Annoyance flashed in his eyes and he turned to leave. you better get him back here girl! Hera growled at me.

"Wait!" I called as he reached the door. He stopped and turned around with that smug look on his face.

"What is it you want?" He asked.

"You can't kiss me and still go about with other girls." I huffed.

"Are you going to take up my offer of kissing me or not?!" He gritted ignoring my statement like I hadn't made mention of him going about with other girls.

"No!" I said and he looked at me astonished that had given him an adverse reply. He glared at me and walked up to me angrily as if he couldn't believe that I was suddenly bold enough not to do as he wished. I too wondered how I had become bold at the moment. A million horrible thoughts of him laying blows on me flashed through my mind as he reached me.

"Did you just tell me no?" He asked, "Stubborn I see." He smirked not waiting for a reply, "You will come back to me Gabby and maybe the offer wouldn't be up anymore." And with that he stormed out of the room banging the door behind him leaving me dazed asI tried to absorb our strange encounter. you are Just horny Hera! I snapped at her tired of her inconsistent whining of why I didn't accept Aiden's offer of a kiss.

"you are just plain apprehensive! She growled, what if this is him finally giving in to us? By asking for a kiss? And planning to nmate with someone soon then telling me the kiss wouldn't change anything, I snorted, i don't think I want a repeat of what I have suffered before. He is nothing like Alpha Titan! She snarled. you are not sure, I said to her cutting off the Connection not wanting to argue anymore. I was glad she was back but I couldn't keep arguing with her about the kiss. I leaned my head on the head board in exasperation as I tried to focus on what Amara was jabbering about.

"I want to see Vampires." She whined and I rolled my eyes at her, "I really want to know why they suck blood." She pouted and I stared down at her.

"Hmmm." I hummed.

"Will you take me to see a vampire?"

"I don't know where they are baby." I said standing up, "It's time for your Night bath." I picked her up and wallked into the bathroom. I ran the bath and set her into the tub before reaching out for the soap to lather it over her. I finished her bath quickly, took her out and put her to bed in a very short while. I stood up from the bed with a yawn, drew the covers over Kate and walked into the bathroom to have my own bath. Hera, you there? I asked her as I unzipped my gown and let it slide down my body. It dropped pooling around my legs and I stepped out of it.Talk to me when you kiss Aiden, She snorted and I chuckled, I can't believe you said no to him. I don't want to get kissed then thrown aside and watch him get mated to someone else, I said to her as I stepped into the shower.

How sure are you that your thoughts will happen Gabby? She asked me.

Very sure, I said sighing as the cool water ran through my back, He is mating with the Beta soon, I confirmed it at the table. Hera whimpered in pain at my words as the realisation downed on her I am sorry Hera, I apologized, i am sorry that he doesn't love us cause of me. What the hell are you doing Gabby?! I questioned myself as I slid out of bed and went out of my room. I had the strangest conviction to succumb to Aiden's demands.

Did I want to kiss him? Yes Was I scared of what will happen after that kss? Also yes. But, I didn't let these thoughts pull me down any longer. I traced his scent following it as I tried to find him. It led me to a door. A pretty huge one and I guessed that it was either his office or room. I lifted my hand to knock but my action was halted as he spoke.

"I know it's you Gabby." He said and I could tell that he had a smirk on, "Come in."

I followed his words, pushed the door open and stepped into the office. I closed the door and turned to face him. Holy moon goddess fuck! He was shirtless, and I couldn't tear my eyes from his naked chest. I stared at him with my mouth slightly agape. He was standing before his work table, leaning on it with his hands by his sides on the table supporting his frame. Desire washed through me at the sight my eyes met with. His arms were lean vet muscled and they were sexy, I wondered what they felt like. His pecs were round and they had dark rosy colored pointed nipples that I wanted to caress with my tongue and his packs, goddess his packs! I wanted to run my tongue on them. who is the horny one now? Hera snorted snapping me out of my daze.

"What do you want?" He asked with his smirk growing, "Changed your mind?"

"Uhmmn.." I cleared my throat, "I lost my way, I was trying to find the bathroom." I lied and immediately after my words came out they felt stupid to my hearing and to his too cause he


"There is a bathroom in your room Aiden." He said walking around the table taking a seat on the chair,

"Should I call for someone to lead you to it?"

"No..." I shook my head staying rooted to where I stood with my head bent.

"Are you going to take up my offer or leave?" He asked going straight to the point. I could hear his fingers drumming against the wood work. My legs moved on their own accord and so did my hands as I went straight to the table, grabbed his face in my hands dropped a very fast peck on his lips and pulled away.

There.." I said not being able to look at his face as I was red with embarrassment, "I kissed you, you will release Andros now right?"

"I want a kiss from a woman." He stood up and got close to me, "And not a child." He said taking my chin in his hand and lifting my face to his, my eyes met his.

"Have you ever been kissed before?" He asked rubbing his thumb on my lower lip.

"Hmmm." I didn't know what to say, if I should lie or say the truth.

"Tell me..."

"Yes." I breathed not telling him if it was consensual or not.

He frowned a bit at my answer and I didn't know if he was jealous or not.

He didn't say anything and his face descended. He dropped a kiss on the corner of my lips and I shivered, he did the same for the other corner then his lips came on mine.He kissed me. His lips caressed mine moving against my lips. I stilled in shock and somewhat pleasure. His mouth moved against mine and he bit my lip causing me to open up with a moan. His tongue slid into my mouth gliding against mine. I was on fire.

Aiden picked me up wrapping my legs around his waist and my arms threaded around his neck. I picked up courage and began moving my lips against his against his as his tongue danced on mine. His scent enveloped nme as the kiss deepened, I was getting aroused and I moved against him, his hands gripped my waist tightly. I had never been kissed like this before, every other kiss I had gotten was forced and harsh leaving my lips pained after wards but this, this was different. His lips were soft yet ruthlessly passionate against mine and I actually moaned, I had moaned in pleasure for the first time. His lips left mine and he kisses my jaw. He began to trail kisses down my jawline line and he reached my collar bone. He licked across it and I cried out in pleasure gripping at his neck tightly.

"You like that?" He growled as his tongue continued its erotic dance on my collar bone while peppering kisses along it, "I asked you a question." He threaded a hand in my hair pulling my head backwards, "I said do you like that?"

"Yes." I moaned and his kisses continued leaving my collar bone and deepening as the front buttons of my dress came apart.

He licked the valley between my breast and I threw my head back witha moan, "Aiden ."

He hummed littering kisses over there and then his hand came up squeezing my breast, fondling it.

"Fuck!" I rasped in pleasure. His thumb grazed my hardened nipple, rubbing it gently causing my arousal to grow.

"I can smell your arousal." He growled against my chest, "Fuck, it's intoxicating." He began to slide my dress baring my shoulder and that brought back memories that I didn't want. A vision of Alpha Titan baring my shoulder flashed through me and I jumped off him, backing away from him

"What's wrong?" He asked wondering why I acted like that., "Is anything the matter?" He sounded worried as he searched my features.

"You asked for a kiss, only a kiss." I mumbled fixing my dress and buttons.

"Right." He said running his hands through his hair looking irked, "Leave!"

I looked at him stunned, did he just ask me to leave harshly after what just happened? I looked up at his face and he looked furious, his hands were fisted by his side.

"L "

"I said leave!" He thundered, "Leave if you do not want me to bend you over this desk and fuck you raw till you can't walk!" I gulped as desire washed over me, part of me wanted to defy him to see if he would follow with his threat but the other part of me said run! And that was what I did.