
Interlude- Jiraiya/Kak/Dad


A dreams contents often showed a side of a person's soul- that which made someone unique. The ancient texts of your clan said eyes were the window to the soul, so, how clean were your eyes? Half your clan was asking for blood, the other rejecting the idea as if it were a rotting corpse. A clan divided is weak. The Uchiha are weak.

How did things get to this? Every meeting is the same. You show how foolish a revolution will be, but emotions blind your people. It takes your all just to stop a civil war from breaking out within your own houses. And now, you're plagued with nightmares of what you assume to be possible futures? It's the stress, obviously. Still... the horrid outcomes have made you think.

Is this really the world you want your children to grow up in? They'd be executed, just as you and everyone else would be if this revolution fails. Are you willing to risk the life of your family? The life of your children?



You were a proud man; someone that put the clan first. Your father taught you to be strong- to be the ideal ninja. Someone that endures.

Yet... when did you grow so soft? Was it when you married Mikoto? When Itachi was born?


Small, chubby cheeks come to mind. A smile and your name being called. No. Itatchi was just like you- he was the ideal and perfect son. A true genius.

Sasuke... he wasn't any of that. He was clumsy, childish, yet his eyes held a certain weight to them. When you stared into those orbs of his, you saw curiosity and fear. He scared, yet he hid it extremely well.

Seeing your son achieve great feats made you proud. But having your son show an interest in you and want to stay by your side made you happy.

And that was all the difference you needed.

You sighed, mind wandering toward the new member of your family. Would they be a boy or a girl? That strange nervousness was swelling within you again.

You'd cast aside your pride for your family.

Strangely... that didn't feel so bad.

Hiruzen would not be happy about what you had to say. You needed to plan this out carefully.


The life of a ninja was one filled with hardship. You weren't anything special, just a fool who wasn't strong enough to protect his friends. Yet... a part of you dreamed. It wanted to enjoy life- to live for those that couldn't.

But how could you? The dead weighed you down, pulling you deeper and deeper every day. One of the few things keeping you going was you job and the few short glimpses you caught of your teacher's daughter. The Hokage had been kind enough to let you guard her for a time. Sadly, all good things come to an end.

Your exit from Anbu was heartfelt and disappointing. Your peers held a small party, and there were even a few hugs. Yet... not being by her side anymore meant you couldn't interact with her.

It was for your health, he said. Obsessing over a single person would only lead to disaster.

It wasn't fair.

Nevertheless, the Hokage was wise in years. Having had some time away from Naruko, you realized how childish and disturbing you had been. Would Minato really want to see you hiding in the shadows, skulking near his daughter like some kind of bat? She wasn't your teacher and never would be. Looking after her wouldn't bring him back. Still, you wanted to make it up to her, at least as a gift to her departed father.

Being a teacher yourself didn't sound so bad.

On another note, your dreams have been nothing but conflicting. You saw a future, one where Naruko was chosen to be a part of your team. It was... sweet. It made a small smile blossom on your face. Sadly, the good came with bad. Seening the same nightmares every week was making you justifiably paranoid. Was someone pulling a prank on you? If so, they had some serious explaining to do. Not only did they sully your best friend's image, but they also dared to make him seem like some sick monster.

Obito attacking Konoha? Summoning the nine-tails? If there was someone messing with your sleep, they'd have hell to pay if you ever met.

You'd have to go speak with the Hokage about this.


"So, what do you think, old man?" You asked, eyes lazily fluttering out the window. "You've been having the same dreams, right?"

He took a puff of his pipe, brow furrowing in deep thought.

"It's far too widespread to be a coincidence." He hums. "Several other people, including a certain Clan head have come forward with the same story."

Damn it. Then it's definitely not normal.

"So it's infiltration, then?"

Who the hell could sneak in and do this without triggering a single alarm or being detected?

"Perhaps." Hiruzen takes another puff from his pipe. "It could also be a warning..." His gaze hardened. "A certain someone informed me that some of those events hold a bit of truth in them."

Your eyes widen.

"You don't mean-"

He nods.

"Yes, but let's forget that for a moment. There is one particular part that concerns me greatly."

It doesn't take a genius to know what he's talking about.


He nods.

"It's our job to be paranoid... and having heard some parts of the dream are true-"

Your tongue clicks.

"You want me to look into it?"

He nods.


A sigh slips from your lips.

"Alright." It'll be a long trip, but you have time. Besides, these dreams are both bad and good.

"I'll head of in the morning-" You hesitate, hand sliding into your pocket.

"Hmm?" Hiruzen's brow rises.


"Here, give it to the kid." You say, tossing the small box into the Hokage's hand.

She's given you some really good ideas for a new book. A small reward is only fair, right?

The large, wrinkly smile on Hiruzen's face has you jumping out the window.

There's work to do.


[4 wish points used! The Great Konoha Conspiracy!]
