
ALONE: Retold

"Kelvin... If I leave, Zula will kill everyone," I said in a shaky voice, before breaking down into sobs. I closed my eyes and allowed the tears to flow freely. If I were to leave, then my previous experiences would come to pass. "What are you saying? You don't have to be a hero! Someone else can do that!" His voice was already rising. "I don't need a hero... I-I need my sister," he pleaded in a small broken voice. Hearing his pained voice shattered my bruising heart into a thousand pieces. "I love you all," I managed to say. "What? NO!" he screamed but I cut the connection. *** A ritual has governed Aromes since its existence. Every fifty years, the first born child of a family has to face Zula and die. This year, Xena is chosen. The morning after her eighteenth birthday, she wakes up to meet her home island devoid of all its inhabitants; including her family. She searches everywhere for all the people but she is unable to find them anywhere. The situation is hard for her to comprehend. At first, she thinks its a joke. She hopes its a prank. She refuses to believe that she has been abandoned. Until she finds the first dead body. The dead mutilated body of her father. Then she starts hearing and seeing things that aren't meant to be. Horrifying screams, a manic creature, a cloaked figure that only comes when she takes off her glasses. Only then, does she realize that there is no escape and her inevitable death patiently awaits her.

Lilian_Nkunga · Thanh xuân
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65 Chs

My Afterlife

There was a time in my life when Kelvin was my only problem. His pranks were the only thing messing with my entire existence. Now, I had hundreds of missing people to worry about. 

Plus, my own brain kept bringing up the most horrific images. I didn't even know what was true or untrue anymore.

Was I even still alive?

I didn't know if I was among the living or the dead.

Was this the afterlife?

As I remained spluttered on the roadside after that creature disappeared, I realized that this was my penance. My very own hell. 

I was here for all the cruel things I said to my brother. For things, I thought about my mother. For the ingratitude, I showed to my dad, who did nothing but love me unconditionally.

I was horrible!

That was why I was here.

"Oh! If only I can get a second chance..." I sobbed on the empty road.