

--- "Are you aware that the technique you practice goes against the very heavens?" "Oh, I'm so scared" --- "You ignorant fool, do you think this is play" "Play, me play?, i don't play, i slay devils, when i appear, ghosts shall mourn, gods shall weep and worlds shall be reduced to dust" --- "You idiot, who do you think you're to say such daring words" "Who i am?... I Am The Almighty Thunder Monarch"

DaoistZsYckV1_ · Kỳ huyễn
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20 Chs

Chapter 1a- Changlei Fang


Chapter 1- Changlei Fang

The sun was high in the air, as the spring breeze gently blew through everyone sitted, filling their noses with a natural scent, the birds were flying around in flocks, chirping and singing nature's tune.

"The path of cultivation is endless, in this cruel world that the strong preys on the weak, this world runs on the law of the jungle"

The man that just spoke was an old man whose bears and hair was plain white on clad white garments he had a straight back as sturdy as a mountain and a face full of wrinkles.

He was tutoring the youths that were sitting on a very spacious land and was listening to the man attentively with their eyes filled excitement and eagerness.

The old man was precisely the general of the Changlei family, he was a fierce cultivator whose repute was known far and wide in the Morning Moon city.

The old man continued

"The path of cultivation starts with The Body Refinement Realm

This realm is where the person trains his body, makes his body hard as iron, where one is resistant to swords and sabers and can resist raging flames with their body"

The old man stopped when he noticed the excited and surprised expressions of the youths


"whoa, that's nice"


"Isn't that like immortal"


"such power"


Many youths felt their blood boiling and they became instantly restless.

"Humph" the old man snorted coldly with an expression of disdain on his face, even the more senior geniuses glanced at them in mockery.

"The body refinement realm is just the beginning of it all, they are many other realms above the body refinement realm that can kill a body refinement  realm warrior as easy as flicking his hand" the old man said indifferently.

"Above the body refinement realm, is the spiritual core realm this is where the warrior accumulates Qi in their dantian area to form their spiritual core" continued the old man slowly.

"Our Patriarch is at the Spiritual Core realm, this is also the same for the partriachs of the other three families, the body refinement realm and the spiritual come realm is divided into 9 tiers, with each tier more powerful than the last" said the old man


"Wow,  that's how strong our Patriarch is "


"I wish I could enter that  realm "


" You think you qualify, I think is the patriarch daughter that can enter that realm"


"Yeah after all they say she is A one In a thousand genius"


"Yes, but don't forget about Grand Elder's only son, Changlei Kong, they say his talent even surpasses Patriarch's daughter "


"Unlike that useless son of Patriarch, Changlei Fang"


" That trash is still at the First tier while his sister who is even younger than him is at the seventh tier "

Currently That useless Patriarch son, Changlei fang heard all those insults but was indifferent towards it, as if it didn't concern him, it looked like he had been used to it.

This Changlei Fang was a very handsome man with an angular chin, calm blue eyes, sharp eyebrows and a cool expression.

The old man took an extra glance at Changlei Fang, noticing his uncaring expression towards the insults, he couldn't help but praise the young man in his heart.

He then said this before leaving

"Remember to train hard all of you, the future of the Changlei Family rests on your shoulders"

Then he disappeared from their sights by probably utilizing one special movement technique.

Changlei Fang stood up and picked the basket besides him, because of being the trash of the family, the family often sent him to carry out common errands like picking herbs.

As he was exiting the martial training ground, he heard a disdainful voice behind him 

"Oh isn't that our esteemed young master, which herb picking realm gave you broken into"

The whole training ground rang in laughter towards his sarcastic joke

Changlei Fang stopped in his tracks, he recognized that voice, it was Changlei Shing he was an ugly looking boy who constantly humiliated Changlei Fang, he was basically the opposite of Changlei Fang, he had a small nose, big lips, and shifty eyes.

Changlei Fang being used to this, turned and looked back to him and said with no fear

"Shing, leave me alone trying to carry out my tasks, you ugly shit" then continued walking towards the forest.

Changlei Shing stood there with a dumbstruck expression, then face was filled with rage

"You trash, you are courting death"

He came swiftly to Changlei Fang's front and blocked him, then he struck out with his fist, a muffled sound was heard


A punch collided with changlei Fang Stomach causing him to vomit blood, as he was pushed back, then Shing went further to kick his knees making him Changlei Fang to kneel down before him. 

Changlei Fang knelt there with a belly full of rage, his facial expressions very ugly from how much anger contained, but he knew that he was only at the First tier Body Refinement Realm, while Shing was a third tier body refinement realm cultivator.