
Almighty Slash

Typical Story Mc get transmigrated to another world with a system of course MC is not a cold blooded killer so don't read if you like that kind of thing If you like the novel Don't add it to your library yet because sometimes I revisit chapters and edit my mistakes First time writing a novel BTW Image is not mine

rodel_benalio · Kỳ huyễn
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21 Chs

Mag's Situation

Leo anger rose to a very high level, He was very close at killing Mag

He just can't let this boy live , a 10 year old genius who contracted a spirit he must not live or else he will be a huge threat to their family and to the Demon King.He shouts at the person below his arm "Get out of the way!!!!!!!" his sanity is fading he is becoming more monster than human using this evil technique requires a strong mind and he was just a 10 year old kid who didn't experience much.

Audie then tear his arm apart, blood sprayed everywhere and the most terrifying thing is the blood is green.The dean threw the hideous arm away and observe the monster in front of him, he was not a human anymore, his body is constantly changing and turning to a lower abomination .

The dean sighs and draw his sword and the moment the dean draws his sword the head of the monster was cut and fall in the ground. The body it was still moving even though it no longer had a head, The dean then pierced the heart of the monster and finally it stopped moving and slowly falls in the ground.

After a while the smoke fades away and everyone saw Mag and the dean and they also saw a headless huge monster laying on the ground.Panic then spreads on the children ,The scene was too much for them to handle almost all of them trew up all their breakfast . The Dean then talked "Pel handle the children and dismiss the class " Pel who stopped El then nods and proceeds to calm the children . Because the Dean was late he didn't saw that Pel was the one who made the black smoke ,if he saw it perhaps Pel's head was rolling in the ground right now.

El runs towards Mag and saw that his skin is becoming pale and black liquid was coming from his mouth.He clenched his fist ,He failed to stop it, he lost to Pel scheme even though they didn't manage to kill Mag ,Pel still got away. El knows that nobody will believe him if he yells that Pel was involve because aside from the fact that he didn't manage to see Pel throwing something that creates the smoke , Pel's acting was so good that he fools everyone when he stopped El from going in the smoke and giving an excuse that he can't let another student trapped in it.

El talked to the Dean and said "Dean, Mag needs help , He needs medical attention"

Audie nods and proceeds to carefully carry Mag to the Medical.

They arrived in the medical and the dean shouts "Call Fanna right now we need her to save this child" the receptionist was about to say Fuck off when he recognized the Dean he then rans to miss Fanna room and knocks "Miss dean Audie was looking for you he was carrying a dying student " He shouted while knocking at the door

Miss Fanna was shocked and she hurriedly comes out to his room she found the receptionist there but she was in hurry to say something because it must be an emergency if the dean was the one who calls her . She saw the Dean carrying a boy .The boy was very injured his skin is pale and there is a black liquid coming from his mouth and the wound from his knee. She opens her mouth and say " This way Dean " She led them to her operating room and said "I'm not gonna lie Dean the boy's condition is very bad " She inspect the boy and get a sample from the black liquid .

"This is!!!!!"

Dean Audie open his mouth "What is it??"

"Dean this Poison continuesly erodes his body and after a month his body might not hold on and he might die, I can't identify what it is ...mm I'm sorry"she replied

Dean Audie then says "hmmm just keep him alive for the meantime" He actually recognize this liquid it was the same one he saw 12 years ago when he saw Berto was injured black liquid also flows from his wound perhaps he might know how to cure it.

Fanna nods "I'll try my Best Dean" all she could do was cast a healing light to stop the poison for the moment

After a while El reached the medical building The Dean was so fast that he reached the building in a minute so El was left behind .El then saw the Dean coming out from the building, He approached him and ask "Dean can I ask what is my friend situation?" Dean Audie looks at him and said "go back to your dorm for now, Mag was fine for the meantime and he might recover in a few days" El persistently ask for permission to visit his friend but got turned down by Audie "Don't worry leave him to the doctor ,She is very skilled and you can't do anything even if you went there " El was convinced and went to his Dormitory .

After a few minutes Fanna succeed to temporarily stop the liquid and she inspects the liquid and tries to experiment what thing can counter it, She store it in a bottle and goes to the Alchemy Guild in the school. She hand it to the Guild master hoping that they can create a cure for it. The Guild Master there frowned and said "I recognize this poison before after the body can't hold on anymore the boy will not die but he wi become an abomination,Although I'm not confident on finding a cure for it, We will do our best."

Fanna smiles this is the best that she can do, She felt useless on this situation, She also wants to cure the boy not because the Dean Orders it but because she don't want for a child to die before experiencing the beauty of the world.