
Almighty Author

Steven is an ordinary writer, who is accidentally transported to a very different world, and he is given the title of Creator which makes him omnipotent, able to do anything and not limited by logic or logical thinking.

EXMonominomi · Kỳ huyễn
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44 Chs

Ch 29 Upgrade

Infinite Absolute Domain as well as Battle Form Divinity Mode.

"My domain is already strong enough, Maybe I should lower the temperature in my Domain."

Jeane her body released a bit of ice and cold smoke.... Instantly the temperature there became very low maybe around -99999999 Desiliun°K, how can it reach that low? Because Jeane created her own logic, even though the cold temperature wouldn't be able to get that low for Jeane it could be done.

Even the Strings within the domain froze instantly, no longer atoms but to the Strings stage.

"It's good enough to make the damn Titan give up on me."

Suddenly one of the strongest fallen angels approached Jeane.

"Who are you??."

"I am Lucifer, the only creature equal to The Creator."


Jeane immediately releases enormous energy to Lucifer, but he makes the energy mental and destroys this dimension (Jeane's artificial dimension).

"Humph not baaa....."

Lucifer isn't done talking yet...

"Everything Is Mine." Jeane completely controls Lucifer's body,,,, in fact, any control cannot be exercised on Lucifer, but Jeane is different.

"Absolute Control." Jeane controls everything, She controls the molecules and atoms in Lucifer's body, Jeane can also control all parts of her body in the context of matter that cannot be seen physically.

"So this is Jeane's power..." Lucifer suddenly disappeared

"He really is quite strong."

"Hummmmm is it because I here do not have a physical body and I exist between reality and unreality, I exist and do not exist at the same time I can be immune to all elemental and conceptual attacks?"

In Jeane's mind came a voice, "Even if you don't use the domain you have immunity to elemental attacks, concepts, time control will have no effect on you."

Jeane thought for a moment...

"Can story and plot control be applied to my destiny? My story exactly?"

Again in Jeane's mind... "You have the special blessing of The Creator,, you are free to determine everything, you cannot be influenced by plot control, destiny, storyline, etc."

"Is this useful enough???? Who is The Creator why can I only remember one thing about him, when I use very fast thought acceleration I don't think I can access that info and my head actually hurts."

"I forgot something, because I also belong to time itself,,,, so I am time.... as long as time is in the story I can continue to live because every bit of time is me, no need for the past, just the present, and I am anywhere of course I can move anywhere as long as there is time."

Not only moving, Jeane is always there in every bit of time.

"Hmmmmm what can I do here, because in the domain I am very powerful, even I am like the Creator himself, I have absolute control over everything in the domain."

Manipulation of a mathematical theory that was once created by a clever human figure, Jeane's understanding, Jeane's reasoning is above that of humans, 3D-12D creatures will not be able to understand Jeane, who tries to think deeply about himself will go crazy and even break if his brain is not strong.

"Bot has been created."

"What is this? Why is it here?"

In Jeane's mind immediately came a voice "This is a bot to measure your ability by using numbers and created by The Creator directly, but this is the weakest version."

"Oh, I see...."

Jeane immediately tried to expend a bit of her energy and used "Endless Magic"

The magic is just like normal magic but it immediately appears a number.... 666666 Desiliun

"What does this number mean????"

"This is the number of your power layer, meaning if someone has immunity of 666666 Desiliun it will immediately penetrate and lose the immunity"

"I see..... It's some kind of immunity breaker."

"Then what again???"

"Jeane transcends absolutely anything and everything. This includes all dimensions, life/death, beginning/ending, concepts/ideas/principles, creation/destruction, boundaries, context, potential, possibilities/variables, levels of reality, existence/nonexistence, perfection/levels of perfection, embodiments, their personal status, being/non-being, etc. It may be impossible to categorize or find an exact description for them in any way as they can exist completely above and beyond all classification and definition. are unbound and are free to defy absolutely all things; even logic itself."

Jeane resides or can be present outside of everything: space, time, non-space, non-time, duality, probability, improbability, possibility, impossibility, nonexistence, (absolute) nothingness, existence, etc. Due to being outside of all forms of existence, they cannot be affected by anything, even temporal paradox or reality warping; and are immune to virtually everything, even Universal Irreversibility.

"You can create, shape and manipulate phenomena, facts or events that may or may not be susceptible to scientific description and explanation, rare or significant facts or events or an exceptional, unusual or abnormal persons, things or occurrences."

Phenomena is an observable event. The term came into its modern philosophical usage through Immanuel Kant, who contrasted it with the noumenon, which cannot be directly observed. Kant was heavily influenced by Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz in this part of his philosophy, in which phenomenon and noumenon serve as interrelated technical terms. Far predating this, the ancient Greek Pyrrhonist philosopher Sextus Empiricus also used phenomenon and noumenon as interrelated technical terms.