
Almighty Author

Steven is an ordinary writer, who is accidentally transported to a very different world, and he is given the title of Creator which makes him omnipotent, able to do anything and not limited by logic or logical thinking.

EXMonominomi · Kỳ huyễn
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44 Chs

Ch 10 The Sadistic Slayer

Zero's thinking is very different from most other creatures, he currently views other creatures as fictional characters that he can change or delete at any time because Zero has the authority to do so.

Zero went to other planets, but he didn't find anything good "Boring, maybe by creating something to make me happy"


He created a sword, it is a very strong sword.

Zero teleported to planets and slaughtered all existing creatures, starting from those with levels 1 to 6, all of them were slaughtered.

The Galaxy was removed from the world of "Endless Big Bang" Everything was destroyed without a trace, but Shizue had her soul transferred into the world created by Zero, and was reborn as a Goddess.

Because indeed I will write on the new timeline as well as an explanation of several systems.

EXMonominomicreators' thoughts