
Alluna's Tale

Alluna isn't a bad kid, truly. He is just put under circumstances that he wishes to escape from. And that he will. In another world, that is... and with an annoying sentient system. =-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-= !! This is a Pokemon/League of Legends Fanfic. !! Only the characters, and the world/settings are mine, I do not own League of Legends or anything from Riot Game and of Pokemon or anything from the franchise. !! This story will contain homosexuality and a harem of hot, strong Dad-- I mean, men. !! Read 'Warning!' in the aux chapters before continuing

romsszs · Diễn sinh trò chơi
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7 Chs

Chapter 3

[Do you, Alluna, wish to have a better life? One where you will not feel sad nor alone?]

The boy, who forgot the pain that is plaguing his body, relaxed when he heard the blue box who calls itself 'System's answer. However, it does not help because, although the offer is very good and tempting, he is filled with confusion as to how it is supposed to happen.

"I-I'm not sure I understand what you mean, heck, I don't even know what you are, what the hell is a System? Are you an alien? Or some sort of alien technology? Wait... you're not from the future, are you?"

[No, no, and no. While I cannot answer your queries as to what exactly is a system, I can assure you that I do not wish you harm, in fact, I exist to help and guide you on your future endeavors,] It explains.

Alluna, although still confused from the situation, feels elated inside. Yes, the system did not exactly answer, he is still happy, and thinks that his wishes have been answered because of the latter part of what the system said.

All that he wished for was to not be alone ever again.

"U-uhm, are you going to stay with me from now on?" Alluna looked at his feet and asked timidly with a smile on his face.

[...] The System momentarily paused, caught off guard by the boy's question. Its face that is cast in the interface seemed sad, and then it smiled. [Yes, Alluna, I will be by your side for as long as you want.]

The boy raised his head suddenly with a huge grin etched in his lips. Anyone with eyes could see the happiness and glee dripping from the boy's eyes. He cannot believe that he has someone to talk to now, and one that said that it will never leave!

"Is that a promise?" The boy asked.

[Yes... however, I cannot stay long in this world.] The smile on the boy's face instantly falls when the system answered.

"W-what? Why not? Why did you say you were going to stay with me then?" Brimming tears now replace the happiness in Alluna's eyes.

[Do not cry, child. What I said holds true, I can swear it upon my existence, I shall vanish should I break it. I cannot divulge why I cannot stay in your world, but I promised you because I intend to an another world where I can stay with you.] The System immediately felt guilty when the child started to cry, and frantically explained.

Alluna wiped his tears with his arms. He almost felt cheated, because he expected that he finally had a companion, only for it to say that it can't stay.

'Wait... that's not the important thing, is it?'

Wonder filled Alluna when he realized what the System had said. ANOTHER WORLD?!

"Another world? Is it like S-Satune? I heard it from a woman who was reading a book to a little boy. What were they called again? P-plates? Plants? No, those are green and small, the woman said those things were big! P-P--"

[Planets? and it is Saturn,] The System found it cute when the boy struggled to find the right word. How could the boy not know what planets are?

Alluna's life did not make way for him to receive proper education. He was not able to go to school, he cannot even read properly, except for the few words that Ombre taught him. Heck, even writing his name, he cannot do.

"Yes! That! Is it like that?"

[Yes, it is a planet, but it is not near the Solar System where Earth is...] halfway through explaining, he saw the boy's confusion increase. [I'll explain what the Solar System is later. It is in another universe, and the world is called Terrain.]

"How will we go there? Is it far? I get tired easily, I can't walk for a long time!" The boy frets. In the boy's mind, he thinks that the place is just really really far, and because he does not understand or know the distance between planets.

[No being in all of the infinite universe can walk the distance that covers two universes, child. What I am going to is teleport you to that world. I don't believe you want to die so transmigrating and reincarnation are both out of the question, no matter how infinitely easier they are.] The system explains with a slight annoyance in its voice.

If the boy was to be honest, the system lost him at 'infinite', but he can feel that the System was slowly being tired of explaining so,

"...okay..." was all the boy can say.

[You didn't understand a word I said, did you?] suspicion lace the System's question. The boy frantically shook his head and looked away.

"I-I got it... yes, i understood..." the boy chose to lie rather than risk annoying the System should he admit that he did not understand.

[...You know what? I'm just gonna explain those things to you later, I don't know what happened to you. I do not have access to your mind and memories as I have not completely assimilated, since I awakened a couple of years earlier, but no matter. I will just force the assimilation later on.]

"Are we going to leave now?"

Alluna is very much excited to leave this place who brought him nothing but bad experiences. He wishes to leave and never come back ever again.

[We will leave immediately after few preparations have been done, for now, I will show you your status interface,] The face that consisted of 3 bars suddenly disappeared and replaced it was a bunch of words. [Please review your stats and allocate your free points accordingly.]

Alluna was stumped. A bunch of words suddenly appeared on the blue box, but it was not it that stunned him, it is because he cannot read a single word in there. Not because it is in another language, but because he cannot read. Not at all.

The boy simply stared at the words hard, hoping to understand what were they trying to say. He just scratches the back of his head while frowning. The system noticed this and was stumped for the nth time today.

[...Can you not read the words?] Alluna was surprised and paused for a minute before shaking his head. [Seriously?! How-]

The system immediately stopped shouting when it saw how Alluna flinched with tears bordering his eyes, terrified of the loud sound.

[You know what? I am just gonna tell you what is written, while explaining in the process. From top to bottom:

Host: Alluna Windsor Strauss

Age: 16

Title: (empty)

Occupation: Homeless, Pickpocket

Ability: (empty)

Level: 1

HP: 220/250

MP: 1000/1000

AD: 80

AP: 250

A: 25

MR: 100

AS: 0.87

CDR: 10%

CR: 10%

MS: 20

Skills: (empty)

Titles are achievements that can be acquired through honorable, memorable, and repetitive actions, there are titles that give boosts and nerfs while some others are purely for display.

Occupation, are similar to titles, but they show your disposition in life, and/or your job. Like titles, they may give boosts, nerfs, or simply display.

Abilities are derived from the Pokemon Universe. I assume you do not know about that, I will explain it further later. These are your qualitative innate qualities, values, and powers that are derived from your natural characteristics.

Levels are numerical representations of your body proportions and ability that is calculated based on the experience you acquire. Experience can be collected from kills and acquired from reading books, learning and using spells or skills.

HP or Health Points are the quantitative representation of your body's state. Reaching 0 points means you die. HP naturally regenerates. An average person has 350HP.

MP or Mana Points are the quantitative representation of your body's capacity to cast spells and skills. Reaching 0 points means you cannot cast any more spells and/or skills. MP naturally regenerates. An average person has 350 MP.

AD or Attack Damage is the stat that determines the amount of physical damage dealt by basic attacks and skills. An Average person has 70 AD.

AP or Ability Power is the stat that determines the amount of magical damage dealt by spells. An average person has 0 AP

A or Armor is the stat that reduces incoming physical damage dealt by basic attacks and skills. An average person has 40 A

MR or Magic Resistance is the stat that reduces incoming magical damage dealt by spells. An average person has 10 MR

AS or Attack Speed is the stat that is the frequency of basic attacks. They are measured and displayed as attacks per second. It varies on the weapon held. An average person has 0.90 AS.

CDR or Cooldown Reduction is a stat that is the frequency of spells or skills. Spells or Skills require cooling down after use, and this stat reduces the time it takes by a percentage. An average person has 0 CDR

CR or Critical Rate is a stat that denotes the probability that a basic attack will critically strike, as well as skills and spells that use critical strike chance. An average person has 0 CR, and has a base of 75% bonus damage. You on the other hand has 200% bonus damage.

MS or Movement Speed is a stat that represent how fast a person travels. A point in this stat is 1km/h. An average person has 12 in this stat.

Skills are the qualitative representations of your knowledge about casting spells and skills.

These stats are derived from League of Legends, a game, which I am sure you don't know of. I will explain it to you further later.

Any questions?]


The truth? Alluna did not understand a thing the System said. It used a lot of words that the boy does not understand, aside from the ones that he knew, however, with how much the System said, he did not want to make him explain them to him in simpler words all over again.

[Good. Now that I have explained it to you, we are now free to teleport. Do you need some time to prepare?]

The boy looked around the small tent that he had been living in for a year. It is empty, because in the first place, he did not have anything to bring here. He was a poor child, money was elusive for people like him. He is not able to buy things for himself, even the clothes neatly tucked in the compartment under the pews that make up his tent were stolen from people who were brave enough to hang their newly washed clothes outside of their houses.

"No, we can leave now!"

Alluna says with all the glee he can muster. He was excited and ecstatic to begin his 'endeavors' or whatever the System said. He did not understand it. All that he knows is that whatever it is, there is someone... or something that will be with him. He will not be alone again.

[Close your eyes, child, the process will not be a pleasant feeling.]

As soon as the boy closes his eyes, bright light poured out of his body, illuminating, not only the makeshift tent, not even only the church but the entire area lit up like it was day.

The light slowly began to diminish, and when it was completely gone, the tent was empty. Only the signs of life here can point out that somebody had lived here, but nothing points at Alluna. And if anyone wonders where the boy had gone...

He's in a better place... no, he's not dead, but you get the point, don't you?

Yall may be irked by how Alluna does not understand quite a lot of things, but put into perspective the boy's circumstance. I hope you understand. This will not stay this way, of course.

Also, two updates in a day because why not?

romsszscreators' thoughts