
Chapter 309: Handsome (Extra by Alliance Hierarch Feather)_1

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Industry insiders discuss the strategies while netizens are more interested in the excitement--

Feather's two apprentices bursting into the seasonal rankings is a spectacle that many netizens love, hence the lively discussions online:

"Feather is just so freaking awesome!"

"Did you see how awesome Feather is?"

"Feather is seriously impressive, both his apprentices have made it into the seasonal rankings. If he were to personally take action, wouldn't it be an absolute slaughter?"

"Hasn't Feather slaughtered many times already?"

"Whenever this happens, a piece of information flashes through my mind, Feather is actually still a university student..."

"I can't help but fantasize about a scenario: Feather's composition teacher suddenly says in class, 'Why don't you teach?'"

"Hahaha, so he is going to teach too?"

"I heard Feather has a third apprentice, a girl. Tsk tsk, will there be a complete fish feast on the charts in the future?"