
Chapter 60 is broken on the spot



A torch is ignited, and a lot of fire shines through the woods, making people see everything in the woods.

Several people were lying side by side on the ground. Under the light of the fire, it was clear that they slept very badly, and a figure was kneeling in a single leg and kneeling, just behind the torch.

The old Muller scorpion asked:

"Who are you!"

At this time all the guards, as well as the garrison team, came, and more than twenty people were half-enclosed, surrounded by a figure half.

"Who am I?, I am the Baron of Gelman, and you are a loyal person!", the figure got up and turned to the body, the face is indeed Gelman is right, but the premise is to ignore the flashing beast-like green mans And the pair of knuckles are short and long.

As long as there is no eye, you can see that the other party's status is wrong, so the escorts and garrison members who were quietly notified but did not believe, are subconsciously setting aside weapons.

Rowling looked at the front of the German.

He understands that the other person is indeed German, but the personality has been distorted. Just like a normal person enters the bottomless abyss, the character will become violent and like to destroy it unconsciously. This is why it is necessary to divide the camp because these pure Evil forces can distort humanity.

Looking at each other, it is indeed from the nine-layer hell demon.

Demons usually first plant evil species on the target, and then lure the target to sacrifice to themselves according to the ceremony.

The whole process can be called 'spoken', so there will be words like 'the demon swearing' that the pastors often hang on their lips.

Completion ceremony will sacrifice the soul to the demon living in the nine layers of hell, then the strength and power of the other party will grow slowly.

Unlike the bottomless abyss demon who like to destroy and destroy character, the demon prefers secret killing and the process of watching the soul fall.

It seems to be burning with green flames. At this time, they are constantly looking at them. "German" seems strange that they will appear here.

"Is it doubtful that the dust of sleep is useless?" Luo Lin shook his hand in a damp cloth.

He knows what the other person is wondering, and the other party will spread the dust before going to work every time. This kind of thing can be avoided by holding the nose with a damp cloth.

The missing person is subconsciously ignored because the evil ritual comes with mysterious power, and people will subconsciously ignore the sacrificed person. This force will become more and more complete with the work, but fortunately it is still early, otherwise it will be seen. The body also does not associate with the missing person.

At this time, German is already a demon.

Seeing the wet cloth in the hands of Luo Lin, 'German' naturally understands why the sleeping dust is useless, so he said with a smile:

"This preparation will slowly dedicate you to my master so that it will not be wasted, but it seems to be A one-time sacrifice, although the effect will be weakened, but it will also allow me to grow rapidly!"

At this time he looked at Luo Lin's eyes, like a beast watching the fat and tender prey, filled with greed and desire.

The reason why he used various means to become a baron is definitely because of the influence of the demon. If it is not because of the shadow city, he may become a real baron, and finally the whole town will be sacrificed to the demon behind him. .

In the history of Noon, let alone the town, even the destruction of the city is endless, many of which are the bottomless abyss of the lower plane and the nine layers of hell.

A black scent appeared from 'German' and then spread around.

Fear of light!

Spell-like ability, if the will is not firm, it will panic, just like the weakened version of the four-ring spell fear, the most powerful of these spell-like abilities are demons, and the demons can be learned from each other.



The black breath swept over, standing among the people around Luo Lin, the garrison was almost all recruits, and the escort was no one.

If it is really a four-ring spell fear, the guards are definitely recruited, but the weak version of the fear of the light, for these defensive team members who have been trained a lot and have had countless battles with the trolls, the power is worse.

In the face of this situation, the main combat power is of course the old Muller, the black iron peak strength of his first time to put out a big sword with both hands, rushed to rush.


Say nothing can make the other party escape, otherwise they have become the target of the ceremony, and will face the sneak attack everywhere.

The old Muller who has seen this situation is not for himself, but also for his loved ones, so his warfare can be much stronger than any previous one.

Luo Lin, who knows this too, is no exception. It is because he knows that these nine-level hell demon act styles, he will take the initiative to participate in this action, and also give a lot of proposals, but this is no compensation action, the only reason is that he I know that if you don't marry the other person before you grow up, it's absolutely troublesome.

Fighting gas blessing!

Using the old Muller's figure to cover himself, Luo Lin instantly entered the state of vindictive blessing.

In the face of this kind of running, there will be no limit to the goal. He will not play the game of retaining strength. The difference between the demon and the devil is that it is incomprehensible. If you feel dangerous, you may escape. If it is a demon, it will be fighting to death.


Old Muller had a big sword with his hands and did not know where to come from the black long whip.

The small whip handle is compared with the two-handed sword. The weight of the two sides does not seem to be in a grade at all, but the two-handed sword can completely cut the whip handle of the other hand.

call out!

Luo Lin took the opportunity to flash out, the right hand silver moon spurt out, the air tearing sound has not yet reached the 'German' ear, the sword tip is the first step to stab, showing how fast the sword.

However, the other party is not the ones who are powerful and the reaction is not fast. Even this kind of spurs can respond in time. A dark tail is swept from the back and will sweep away the silver moon.

"The power has not changed yet!"

Luo Lin held his sword in his right hand, and the silver moon almost did not fly away.

However, he understands that although the strength of the other party is stronger than himself, he has not yet entered the level of crushing. If the other party sacrifices all the people in the team, the strength may enter the golden level. At that time, even if so much power is assembled, it may not be useful. It is.

At this time, 'German' can be said to be a demon wearing his body. In addition to sharp corners and green dragonfly, there is a tail behind him, and the dark green pattern is slowly climbing on the cheek.

In the face of the black iron peak, the battle experience is very rich, the old Muller, the other side's hand whip to deal with it freely, and even can be said to have the upper hand, if not Luo Lin constantly spoiled, maybe the battle has long ended the battle.

But even if it was two-on-one, the two were not the "German" opponents of the silver ranks. After a dozen rounds of fighting, after the exhaustion of exhaustion, Luo Lin waved his left hand and sprinkled something on the other side and then pulled back. At the same time, shouting:

"Let's throw!"

When using siege, using a ranged attack can cause more damage than melee. This is common sense.

As a commanding and experienced commander (in-game), Luo Lin naturally will not forget this point, so he specifically told the escorts and garrisons to carry long-range weapons as much as possible. Although the garrison is still in a state of panic, there is still left. Ten people in the lower guards can fight normally.

call out!

call out!

A short bow of a handle continually shoots the arrow.

Flying toward the front of 'German', the old Muller has a prepared body, try to pull the distance, and use the big sword as a shield to block the body.

So close, plus the torch lighting in the place, it is really difficult to shoot.

The escort usually has bow and arrow training, and the head and strength are not low, especially the short bow power is much stronger than the hunting bow.

Before I saw this scene, these people said that they would not listen to this arrow-ordering command, but now they can see it, even if they are stupid, the monster in front of them is not the one they are familiar with. Man Knight.