
Chapter 45—Escape and Convergence

After the upgrade adds 5 health.

There was a warm current in the body, so that the softness of Luo Lin felt that his body was suddenly weak. At the very least, he could not become a moveable bomb.

The battle process may be less than a minute, just like electric fire and flint. This is the real battle between life and death. If it is a discussion, the time for the fight may last until the end of the human body.

When the tolerance of the severe psychic rose, Luo Lin smoothly picked up a black transparent stone in front of a finger.

After the death of the shadow creature, there is a very small chance that the shadow of the body will condense into a shadow stone, which is a casting and alchemy material.

After getting up, Luo Lin first smashed the silver scorpion, not to cut the handle into two long swords.

Carefully cut a piece from the shirt to block the wound, and quickly walk with the hand in the direction of the road. He doesn't want to stay here. Don't talk about the shadow army now, even if he comes to the beast, he will be tragedy.

Because it is dragging the chase and the road in parallel, the battle place is only about 100 meters away from the road.

Luo Lin quickly returned to the road, just to see the huge cloud-covered pillars that were surrounded by the sky.

"This is...!"

Looking at this familiar scene, he felt as if he had touched something in his mind and felt that he had seen such a scene from somewhere. Following this touch, he finally remembered where he had seen this scene.

In the sword of the soul of the soul, there is a 40-level copy of the 'shadow town', just like the present scene, but it is not a forest but a desert.

At this time, he was somewhat suspicious. The copy was a talk of the town. Because the northern ghost city is located in the Enoch Oak Desert, it can be 'live' and can continue to expand around. After a hundred years, the town will be swallowed up.

Don't wait for him to ponder.

The corner of the eye saw the tide like a shadow coming out from the dark clouds column, so I immediately turned back and followed the road toward the south, facing thousands of shadows, not to mention that he just stepped into the black iron step, even if the golden step came Also have to run.

Because the wound was blocked by a piece of cloth, there was no bleeding. Otherwise, blood can also kill him. Unfortunately, he did not see the hemostatic grass in the woods, or the wound could heal faster.

Not far from this road leading to the southern part of the kingdom, Luo Lin saw a carriage parked on the side of the road. He didn't have to think about him and he knew that he was waiting for him. Others could not escape, and how could they stay.

Taifu rushed over.

"You are hurt!", when he was close, he saw that Rollin was almost stained with blood by the red waist, and his face was worried.

"Nothing!", Rowling waved his hand and refused to help him.

The wound heals with the return of his health, and he can look for herbs, so this injury is really nothing, but another serious injury.

The back bones were cut off by the shadow warrior with a gun handle, and there was a slight pain in the action, let alone fighting.

But it is not a big problem. Noon is a magical world. As long as he finds a priest, at most it is a healing thing, so he doesn't worry about the injury. Otherwise, he may not worry if he hurts his bones for a hundred days.

Teve worried about accompanying him back to the carriage.

When they walked to the carriage, both Yalian and Xiweisi greeted them. Only Minnie climbed in the carriage and looked worriedly to come to Luolin.

"Lolin...you are hurt!" Hexis saw his waist injury, his face brushed white, and his voice trembled.

"Reassuring, but it is a small injury. If you look for the priest to heal, you can heal. We will leave soon, and the Shadow Army will catch up!" Luo Lin had no time to comfort her, but only urged everyone to leave.

There is also a tsunami-like shadow army behind, although the speed of advancement can not catch up with ordinary people walking, but the other side can have no physical limitations, so there is no time to waste.

As for a few people before, don't ask Luo Lin to know that he must first escape. They are waiting for themselves to stay, but others can't do it. If it is not Tuff, the carriage is not strange.

After climbing the wide carriage of the carriage, Luo Lin finally relaxed.

Before, it was not running or fighting. His physical strength has long been left. He can continue to move. He is completely supported by the will. Now he feels sore and sore after relaxing.

The car is at least ten feet long and the four-foot wide is very large.

Even with dry food, forage, water, clothing, and rolls, plus Luo Lin and Xi Weisi and Minnie, there is still space for idleness. Taifu is carrying a felling axe and Yalian sitting in front of the carriage to prevent accidents. .

The atmosphere in the carriage was a bit silent.

Minnie doesn't like to be close to Luo Lin. It may be that the original master bullied the other person from the small, and Xi Weisi secretly sneaked into the wounds of Luo Lin from time to time. His face was always worried about his face, but he did not know what to say.

The wheel rolling and the hooves continued to sound, and like a lullaby, Luo Lin fell into a deep sleep.


Luo Lin woke up while the carriage stopped.

"What's wrong?", the right hand subconsciously touched the waist, and the silver behead was there.

"Nothing, Tiff's brother said to stop to add grass and water to the horses!", also sitting in the carriage, Minnie whispered, Xi Weisi did not, may be getting off, there are many voices outside, not only weeping Sound, and even children playing.

Trying to sit up, Luo Lin felt that the waist wound was initially crusted.

With his current 1.2En physique, he can recover in a few days without external force. However, if you use force in these days, the wound will definitely re-crack. If the physique is more than 5 points, the wound may not be able to. I can heal myself in one day.

There are folded and neat clothes around, it should be specially prepared for him.

Carefully close to the body, and there is a small hole shirt to replace, put on this gray linen shirt and jacket.

Put it with you when you are done.

Three alloy coins, one red blood stone, dragon blood grass, shadow stone, endless water bottle, these scattered things are all his family.

After thinking about it, I picked up the alloy coins and the red blood stone, and then pushed the rest of the things forward and pushed them to Minnie, who was curious.

"These things are kept by you!"

Minnie could only stay in the carriage because of her legs, so Rowling decided to give him a task, lest she think she was useless and uneasy.

"Really!", heard the words of Luo Lin, Minnie's clear eyes kept squinting, and the expression of the caper was full of slaps.

Seeing Minnie so happy, Luo Lin feels a lot easier, but still swears.

"Of course, but these things can't be seen by others!"

After all, these things are really precious, whether it is the endless water bottle, the dragon blood grass and the shadow stone, the value is not lower than the gem in the hand, if not Because ordinary people can't recognize it, he doesn't dare to hand it over to the other party.

At this time, Luo Lin missed the yuan bag very much.

It is a special kind of thing that can stuff a lot of things into a small bag.

The premise of manufacturing is to master the five-ring spell secret box, as well as the corresponding expertise and skill level. He does not need to talk about the material beforehand. The other aspects of the light are too much, or don't think too much, honestly wrapping the back. It is the right way.

"Of course, I will not let people know... except for my sister and Teve brother!" Minnie nodded seriously, but in the end she added one.

"Well!", Luo Lin smiled and nodded, then gently got up and pulled out of the car, of course, the silver crest was carried on the body.