
60. Chapter 60

“You know I could get use to waking up with you in my arms.” Emily says as she presses her head against Louise’s.

Not wanting to spoil the moment Louise stays still, just wanting time to stop and allow her a chance to breath in her wife’s scent. Smiling back at Emily before leaning back to take in the sight of the black-haired woman, now awake and interacting with her. Louise turns slightly so that she could reach for the nurse buzzer, to raise awareness of the change in Emily’s condition, but before she could Emily grabs her hand and stops her.

“Emily you’ve been in a coma for the past 3 weeks, the doctors need to check you.”

“Please, just give us a moment before calling in the nurses. I just want to tell you something. (Emily turns her head to search the room for some water) First could you grab me some water? My throat is so dry.” Louise moves off the bed and makes her way over to her handbag, where she retrieves her water bottle. Louise raises the head of the bed to allow Emily the opportunity to sit up before handing her the bottle. Emily gingerly takes the bottle and raises it to her mouth and takes a sip, she takes another couple of small sips of water before laying her head against her pillow.

With a puzzled look on her face, Louise waits for Emily to continue. “I never have told you about the real reason behind my anxiousness on the night we first made love all those years ago. You remember Officer Smith from the Old Quebec station.” Emily asks.

“Yes, he used to creep me out.” Louise replied as she pulled up her chair alongside Emily’s bed.

“Before the end of my shift on that day, Smith gave me a hard time about my ability to satisfy anyone in the bedroom. He reckoned that because I hadn’t given you a mate bite by six months, then there had to be something wrong with me. Because I had never been with anyone before, I lacked the self-confidence to think otherwise. I thought that maybe there was some truth in what Smith said. The reason why I’m telling you this, is because while I was in the coma, I’ve been reliving important parts of my life; I remembered growing up in the orphanage, my Police training, our first meeting and date, and the day and night, when we gave each other our mate bites.” Emily takes another couple of sips of water.

“From memory of that night, we both were satisfied six times. You’ve never failed me in that area of our lives. And we have two beautiful girls to prove it, although I had thought we had added to our little pack by now.” Louise smirks which causes Emily to begin to blush.

“I walked into the station the next day, and I left the two top buttons of my uniform undone, so that I could show off the fresh mate bite on my neck. I made a point of bee lining for Smith and made sure he noticed the fresh mate bite on my neck. Smith made a comment about me finally getting a leg over. I knocked him over by saying, ‘Yeah, several times and we plan to go again tonight.’ He never gave me a hard time after that.” Emily smiled as she remembered the look on the fellow officer’s face.

“I do remember him being different towards me after that night. Now I know why. (Louise squeezes tightly Emily’s hand, as a sign of convey her affection for her wife.) I had better go and get you a nurse.” Louise rises from her chair and heads out the door.

Emily keeps her eyes locked on the door, hoping that Louise would quickly return, but instead walking through the door was a nurse and a man dressed in scrubs and wore a white lab coat.

“Mrs Faye, it good to see you awake and alert. The nurse is going to take your vitals. You know that you gave us a rough time in the operating theatre, we almost lost you. You lost so much blood and we had to give you a blood transfusion, because you have a rare blood type, we had run out, but if it wasn’t for the quick thinking of your sister, Supervisor Marshall Stranger, who has the same blood type. We were able to take some of her blood and give it to you. The knife that you were cut and pierced with, was made from Silver nitrate. Usually when Silver nitrate enters a wolf’s bloodstream, it is as lethal as a Silver bullet, causing the wolf to die. But in your case, the Silver nitrate entered your muscles and affected your wolf’s ability to heal you. That explains as to why you have been in a coma for the past 3 weeks.” The Doctor explained to Emily.

Emily was in shock as she heard the doctor say that Supervisor Marshall Stranger was her sister. It wasn’t till after when the doctor and nurse left her alone in the room, that Emily began to put together the pieces of the puzzle; it was Hayley who sent the package, Hayley looked so much like their mother and now she had the same blood type: Hayley was her sister and has been working along side her and not say anything. An anger that had been simmering away in Emily, started to intensify to boiling.

Two hours pasted and Emily had been put through a couple of scans and tests, and now she was back in her hospital bed, when Louise walked back into the room holding two little hands. Two little blonde girls greeted their Mummy with the biggest grins on their faces as they climbed up onto the bed. Moving slowly and carefully up the bed to give their Mummy the biggest hug. “MUMMY, you wake now. We missed and love you. Mama now happy, not sad.” The twin girls say with smiles on their face.

Emily holds her girls tightly against her breast and breathed in their scent as tears welled up in her eyes. “I’ve missed you so much. And I love you both. Have you been good girls for Mama?”

“Yes, we good. We have been staying at Aunty Nicole’s house. It’s fun playing with the babies.” Both girls reply.

The little family spend time with each other, Emily tells Louise as to what the Doctor has said and that she had been for some more tests. They were going to have to wait to see what comes back, before deciding what to do next. The twins fall asleep and Louise lay them down on the overnight lounge, this was when Emily choose to approach the subject of Hayley being her sister.

“Another thing the doctor said was that if it hadn’t been for Hayley having the same rare blood type, I may not have made it through the surgery. Did you know that she was my sister?” Emily says with a hint of anger in her voice.

“I only learned about it when she said that she was your sister. We’ve had a chance to talk over the past couple of weeks. I know that it must be hard for you….”

“You know how hard it is for ME.” Emily’s voice becomes angrier; she stops herself from yelling because she didn’t want to wake the girls.

Louise lowers her eyes, refusing to make eye contact with her wife. Just then Marshall Dolls and Supervisor Marshall Stranger walk through the door. Both Black Badge officers smile at Emily and Louise, “It’s great to see that your awake. Your Doctor says that they are waiting on results.” Dolls points his thumb towards the door, while Hayley leans against the wall with her arms crossed.

Dolls and Hayley stay around for an hour, just discussing how Jeremy run tests on the knife which Tucker used on Emily and informed the Doctor of some ideas on how to treat the high level of Silver nitrate in her body. All the while Emily’s anger was beginning to rise to the surface and with each passing minute, she was struggling to keep control over her Alpha.

Glancing over at her sleeping daughters and wife, Emily suggests, “Louise, why don’t you take these sleeping beauties home. (Emily points over to the two girls) Dolls could you give Louise a hand. Um, (Emily swallows the lump in her throat) Marshall Stranger can you stay, there’s something I need to talk to you about.” Emily stares directly at Hayley.

“Um, are you sure, we can sleep here for the night. The girls look so peaceful there.” Louise tries to plead with Emily.

“No they need to sleep in their beds. Please can you just take them home.”

Dolls glances between Emily and Louise before making a move over to the girls, he gently lifts Alison up to rest her head against his shoulder, she briefly stirs but snuggles back to sleep. Louise sighs before lifting Vicki to rest against her shoulder. Dolls and her bid Goodbye to Emily and Hayley. Leaving the two women alone for the first time since the realisation about Hayley’s identity had been made known.

Dolls and Louise had only made it halfway down the corridor before hearing the loudest smashing sound coming from behind them. Turning around they see the door to Emily’s room had been broken and laying in pieces on the floor, with Emily, who had turned into her wolf form, tumbling with Hayley along the floor, until Emily is positioned so that she could pin Hayley to the floor.

Emily’s wolf snarled, baring her teeth at a scared Hayley before snapping her jaw just inches away from the other woman’s face, “I’m going to make you suffer.” Emily snarled. Raising herself up onto all her four paws, Emily raised her right front claw and rips a gash to Hayley’s left upper shoulder. Her blood soaked into her green button up shirt and the injured woman whimpers in pain.

Louise asks Dolls to take Vicki before rushing to Emily’s side. Running her hand through the fur of the black-haired wolf, Louise released her scent hoping that it would calm Emily and she would stop her onslaught on Hayley. Just then Louise felt her wife’s body loosen under her touch as the blonde whispered, “Shhh, baby.”

Emily flipped over onto her back and released a blood curdling cry as she reached to grab her right thigh. Hayley clambered up onto her two feet and rushed past Dolls, leaving the hospital behind. Louise peeks at the location where Emily was grabbing onto and notices a bone sticking out of Emily’s thigh, indicating that in the tumble with Hayley, Emily had not only broken her Femur, but that it had broken through her skin.

Crying out in pain as tears ran down through her fur, causing Emily to change back into human form due to the extreme pain she was experiencing. Emily cries in pain, “Louise, I need you. Please don’t leave me. I love you.” Louise who was crotched next to Emily, sees the distress in her wife’s eyes and says, “I’m never going to leave you. I love you.” Louise is filled with a depth of love for her wife, her hands reach out and grab the sides of Emily’s face and brings their lips together in a heated kiss.

“Um, I’ll just grab your keys and drop these two off at Nicole’s.” Dolls says as he approaches the kissing pair. Louise pulls back and reaches into her pocket and hands over the keys and lets Dolls know as to where he could find the car. Then Louise returned her focus back onto Emily, who was in extreme pain. Stroking her wife’s sweat soaked hair from out of her eyes and tries to get Emily to focus on her breathing. It didn’t take long before the nurses arrived and within minutes Emily was surrounded by several nurses and doctors. Once Emily was stabilised, she was sent off for an X-Ray.

Louise waited in the room until Emily returned with her Doctor in tow. The doctor informs Emily that she had sustained a compound fracture, which was going to require them to give her some strong medications before they could reset the bone. Emily was going to need to have surgery to place pins, screws and metal plates to hold together the broken ends of the bone. As her brake appeared to be in the middle of the Femur, it was most likely that she was going to need to have a metal rod placed through the centre of the bone. As she has broken the skin, they would not be able to place her leg into a cast, until the skin had healed, and this meant she was going to have to wear a full leg brace to keep her leg immobilised, meaning Emily would be on crutches for at least 6 to 8 weeks before she would be able to start physio therapy.

While Emily was in surgery, Louise caught a taxi over to make sure that Hayley was ok after the incident with her wife. Not expecting to find Hayley packing her bags into the back of her SUV, Louise decided to try and persuade Emily’s sister to stay.

“Hayley, I know that Emily is so full of anger at the moment, but she will calm down, you just have to give her a chance to get her head around the fact that you’re her sister. Please stay.” Louise says as she reaches out and places her hand over the Hayley’s which is holding one of her bags.

Tears have stained Hayley’s cheeks as her eyes appeared to be clouded with more tears ebbing at the seam, wanting to break the dam walls that hold them back. “I …. (cries) don’t know …”

“Ever since I have known and loved Emily, all she has ever wanted was to belong to a family, a family who loved her and cared about her. I remember the day when I told her that we were going to become parents, I was so nervous as we had only just gotten married and we had gotten pregnant on our honeymoon. Instead of being angry, she was over the moon and wouldn’t stop bragging to everyone for the next two months, that she was going to have her own little family. You are just going to have to give her time, because I know she wants you in her life.” Louise draws Hayley into an embrace that says it will all be ok.

“I’ll stay till things are sorted at Black Badge and if things work out with Emily, then that would be good as well. I won’t push her; I’ll leave it up to her.” Hayley starts to unpack her bags; they walk back into Hayley’s hotel room. After grabbing a coffee and a bite to eat together, Louise heads back to the hospital and waits for Emily to come out of recovery.

Thinking about everything that has happened over the last 5 months, Louise knows that if her and Emily were ever give their marriage a real try, it was going to need some help. The doctor came and found her and informed Louise that the operation was successful, but Emily really needed to get some psychological therapy before she would be allowed back to work. This only made Louise’ decision of suggesting that they get marriage counselling all the more being the right direction for them to go.

Emily had been returned to her room, where her surgeon explains the plan for her recovery, which included being referred to a Psychologist, physiotherapist and the fracture clinic. The doctor had already booked in for her first visits with all departments.

“I don’t need to see a psychologist, I’m not crazy.” Emily bangs her hand hard down on the bedside table. She is unable to look at Louise, who flinches at the noise.

“Emily, you need to talk to someone. You have been through a lot over the last months. (Silence) We need to get counselling if we are to make this marriage work. I want us to work on saving our marriage.” Louise’s voice quivers as a single tear runs down her cheek.

Seeing and hearing the pain in her wife’s eyes and voice, makes Emily realise that the blonde woman is right, if they were to save their love, they need to get help. “Ok, I go to the psychologist and marriage counselling. I love you and I want to be a better mate for you and our pups.”