
Chapter Seven : Eventful Nights often end in chaotic mornings.

Thud. Thud. Thud. Someone was knocking on the door or rather banging it. Her head felt dizzy as she sat up and tried to open her eyes, but they didn't. She removed the duvet and went to open the door.

'Lily!' She immediately stopped rubbing her eyes when she heard the familiar voice. Now her eyes wide open she looked at the person in front of her in pure horror, she'd totally forgotten where she'd spent the night at or more importantly with whom.


'Don't ever think of going back to him.' He had said coming close to her.

'Why not?' She'd asked. That was exactly when Scorpius had let go of all him inhibitions and gave in to the temptation.

His mouth took hers and then began a quest to find out decided who had resisted whom and for how long. The kiss was all about Scorpius claiming what he always wanted to but couldn't and Lily claiming what she always wanted and Scorpius didn't let her. She put her hands around his neck and pulled him closer, making all the gap between them almost non-existent. That was when he slid his hand to her waist and picked her up, only to place her on the small wooden shelf near the wall, letting it's contents fall carelessly on the floor.

Their lips never parted as if they didn't even needed to breathe, Scorpius's hands slid towards Lily's shoulders and then slowly further down to the side of her legs, his thumb touching her thigh. This made her moan and he broke the kiss to move his lips to her shoulders, licking and sucking at her collar bone. Lily threw her head back to give him more access and her hand went to his hair pulling at them slightly. Scorpius pulled the side of her sleeves from the shoulder to expose more of Lily skin, he was addicted to her shoulder ever since he'd seen her wearing that off-shoulder dress yesterday for her supposed date.

Their making out session was like a fire of passion which never wanted to die out and thing would have gone further, but just when Lily's hand went to Scorpius's jeans' button, he stopped and stepped back.

'Lily?' His eyes were questioning her if she was sure and in her answer she brought his lips back to hers. This time it was Scorpius who groaned. Unable to take it anymore, he removed Lily's heels from her feet, throwing them as if they hadn't costed he a single penny. He gave her a hungry look, matching to hers and then scooped her up to drop her on the bed, then climbed on top of her. Attacking her neck this time, he was hell bent on leaving his mark, to make sure people like Samuel knew who she belonged to.

Just when Lily began opening the buttons of his shirt, both of them heard a faint noise. Scorpius looked at Lily, who quickly dismissed the noise, 'It's probably the window or something.'

Scorpius nodded and was about to get back to what he was doing when they heard the noise again. This time both of them sat up.

'It's definitely something.' Scorpius got up and took his wand out. 'You wait here. Let me see who is it.'

'No! Don't go alone. I'll come with you.' Lily said getting up immediately.

'Lily, it could be Albus too. You're forgetting both of us are sharing this room.'

'Oh. Then you go ahead but be careful.'

Scorpius nodded and went out. There was no one in the living area, so he moved to check Albus's room. Turning the door knob he quietly opened the door and peeped in only to get a shock, for a repeat telecast of what was happening in his room could be seen here, only with different people.

He knew his best friend was dating someone but he didn't knew who that someone was. Scorpius had a doubt for he'd seen the two passing each other looks when they were in close vicinity but never had he imagined that his doubts would be confirmed like this. It took a moment for Scorpius to realize he was watching on his best friend in an intimate moment, he immediately stepped back and closed the door even more quietly as he had opened it and went back to his room.

'What is it?' Lily asked as he returned.

'Um, it's Albus.'

'What?! He here? Did he see me? Did he ask about me?'

'Calm down. He didn't see any of us.'

'Then why do you look nervous?'

He scratched the back of his head and said, 'I might have seen him making out with someone.'

'Ew!' Lily's face scrunched up.

'I know. It'll probably take ages to remove those images from my mind.' Scorpius said disgusted. Looking at his expressions, Lily cracked up and laughed. 'Shh, he'll hear us.' Scorpius silenced her but she couldn't control herself. She placed her hands on his shoulders as if to take support and laughed close to his chest.

When she looked up, he was looking down at her in amusement. 'What?'

'You look really pretty when you laugh like that.'

'Really?' He nodded to her and then gave her a peck on the lips.

'Just don't laugh like that with someone else.'

'When have I...' Then she understood he was talking about Samuel.

'Were you jealous? Well am I even asking, what you did made it clear you were jealous.' She teased.

'Don't meet him again. I don't like the way he was smiling at you.'

Lily stood on her toes to give a kiss on Scorpius's cheek. 'Never. I don't want to see anyone other than you.' Both of them smiled and went to bed. Nothing further happened between them as they agreed they wouldn't want to do anything with Albus in the room opposite to them. So they slept next to each other, Lily's head on Scorpius chest as he held her tightly as if to remind himself of her presence even in his sleep.

The eventful night ended with a sweet good night kiss, both of them unaware of the chaos which was to follow in the morning.



She stood there in horror, staring at her brother, Albus who looked at her suspiciously.

'Lily, what are you doing here, in Scorpius's room?'

'I...I..um.....' She was thinking what to say to him when Scorpius came out of the shower making Albus's face change. He looked ready to charge at Scorpius but the latter handed it well.

'She was drunk last night and all the rooms were booked. So I allowed her to sleep here in my room.'

'Scorpius...' Albus began but he was interrupted.

'Don't worry, I slept outside on the couch.' Scorpius said and Albus went outside to check the living area. Thankfully the pillow and covers that Scorpius had brought there before their make out session, was still on the couch.

'Why didn't you come to me?' Albus asked still a bit suspicious.

'You were with someone. I didn't think it was right to disturb you.' Lily quickly said.

Albus's face turned red. 'Oh. I'm sorry I should've checked up on you.'

'It's okay Al, I know you were busy it's fine.' She smiled at him and he looked away in embarrassment.

'Um, I think we should go back home now. Get ready.' Albus said and left the room.

Both Lily and Scorpius breathed a sigh of relief. 'Thank God.'

'I shouldn't have lied to him.' Scorpius said.

'I'm sorry you had to lie to him because of me.' Lily said feeling guilty.

'Hey come here.' He pulled her close and continued, 'This is not because of you. I decided to lie to him. This is all on me.'

'We should be careful from now on.' Scorpius nodded at her suggestion.

Three of them had breakfast together and then Lily got a call from her Dad who wanted to meet her in his office so she left Scorpius and Albus to sit opposite each other in an awkward silence.

'So you and Wood.' Scorpius said and Albus dropped his fork to look up and stare at his friend. 'I saw you to together last night.'

'We are not together.'


'It's casual.'

'I didn't think you were the casual types.'

'Me neither.'

'Al, what is it?'

'Nothing. It's personal.'

'We're best friends. What's personal between us?' Scorpius said sternly.

That's when Albus stood up. 'Both of us are hiding things from each other. We're even.'

'What do you mean?' Scorpius stood up to.

'You spent the night with my sister and then.....'

'I told you I slept outside....'

'No you didn't.'

'Albus you're misunderstanding.'

'No I'm not!' Albus shouted. 'Stop lying. I know the two of you were together because I slept on the couch last night. So just stop lying to me.' Scorpius's heart sank as he saw nothing but disgust on Albus's face.


'Also I might wear glasses but the mark on her shoulder is pretty much visible without them.' With that Albus left the suite, as Scorpius stood there and watched the beginning of what might be the end of his friendship with him.