
All Just a Game !! Kirito x Fem Reader !! Book 1

bubblyxx · Tranh châm biếm
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1 Chs

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Beeping noises filled your room as your alarm went off, meaning it was time to get dressed. Throwing your covers off of yourself, you made your way to the door. Walking down the hallway towards the bathroom. You lived alone, your parents left for a business trip months ago and haven't came back. Though you gave up morning for the loss of them weeks ago.

Getting out of the shower you dried yourself off, grabbing your clothes as you quickly change not wanting to be late for school. Walking at a fast paste out of the bathroom you quickly walk down your stairs desperate to see the time on the clock in your living room.

"Only 7:00" you announced.

School started at 9:00, you were up way earlier then usual. Deciding to play video games to pass time you walk back upstairs, back to your room. You decided you were going to take a look at the new game you got. It was called "Sword Art Online."

Slipping on your vr headset you settled in your bed getting into a comfortable position before saying "Link Start".

In a blink of an eye you were in the game. Looking around you saw a login button. Putting in your username as Y/n. Picking out your avatar you picked a normal (f/c) outfit.

Finishing setting up your avatar you hit the join game button. Loading on you looked around you, you were in a beautiful field of flowers, trees outlined the field. The wind blowing hard against your face. 'This feels so real. Like I'm actually in the game' you thought.

Walking further into the forest, you could hear talking in the distance, the voices sounded afraid.

"What's that?!"

"I don't know! Kill it!"

"Aww, come on guys it's so cute!" Well at least some of the voices sounded afraid.

Trying to make yourself go unnoticed you quickly and quietly walked to were the noises were coming from. Surprised to see that the voices that you had heard were talking about a hog. A big one.

'This was in the tutorial!' Thinking back to he tutorial you took, the hog was shown as it was one of the easiest of beasts to kill. 'Double Spin, Flip, Strike' You repeated in your mind, the tutorial gave a explanation on how to kill the hogs.

Quickly running up to the group of people who you had heard speaking earlier, you quickly struck the hog on it back taking 50 health away from it. This just seemed to make the hog angry as it can charging at you full speed. Quickly striking at the hog again, you managed to chop its head off. You reached down to collect the items you get for killing the hog. 'Nothing but meat' You were hoping to at least get something valuable from it.

Turning around to look at them, you saw more than just 3 people, you saw thousands, and thousands of people. You weren't playing a normal game. You were about to find out how much of a mistake you made.