

How many times do you need to have an encounter with someone to realize they are the one? For Matt James Frank and Cameron Queen, it has to have happened thrice, for the extra added charm. With secrets spilling, emotions getting involved, feelings intertwining, misunderstanding rising and fallouts would they find their way together or they would give up? One mistake is all it took for them to go their separate ways, would that same mistake bring them together or they would forever stay separated? Get involved in the exciting, thrilling, and scandalous adventure of their lifetime, with a love triangle. 

tanzeel_zafar · Thành thị
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13 Chs

Simmons hot on heels

I would have loved to record their faces right now, if only this weren't so darn serious you know like life-threateningly serious, serious with a capital S. They both had their jaws hitting the floor, metaphorically, I waited silently hands folded on my lap for them to digest the information. It was a lot to take in considering the fact that they thought I was in danger but the danger was there just not for me, it was to the little clueless girls, who hadn't even learned what it is to live.

"And how are you so sure it was him?" Steve was slowly recovering.

"Well because I know,"

"How. Do. You. Know?" I groaned it was another long story I would have to explain to them, I looked down at my watch, alright 5 minutes and I need to move my butt and find him.

"I told you, the news channel I worked for was going to cover this whole story, but something happened in the last few months and now I am jobless with ton loads of information, which I got from someone from my old office, I think disclose her but trust me I know," I got up and went to stand over his head.

"All I want from you is the address you got, I need to go after him,"

"And how are you planning to stop him?"

"I have my ways, the address Steve,"

"I'll come with you,"

"NO, no, no you aren't coming anywhere,"

"He is right we are coming with you," I whipped my head towards Matt, who has been sitting here quietly.

"You both don't understand it's dangerous," I raised my hands in exasperation.

"And you are what danger proof?" Steve got out of his seat and was standing in front of me arms folded.

"Either we all go together or you won't get the address,"

"Why haven't you contacted the police?" Matt too got up from his seat and stood next to Steve, both of them towering over me. Hey, I might be tough but I am only 5'3" and I don't like people, especially men looking down at me like a bug they could easily crush under their boots.

"That was something, Simmons at our office was dealing with, I don't know why haven't they made any progress, I just did my own thing,"

"So, shouldn't we go and talk to the police first, inform them how serious the situation is, we would at least have a backup," an argument was ready on the tip of my tongue to join him in a verbal battle but then I thought it through, he wasn't wrong, why didn't I thought of it before?

"What evidence do we have?" good point well made Steve.

"We have no evidence, I, on the other hand, have plenty,"

"We should get moving then, I have a reference down at the police station, hurry up," he took out his phone and was out the door, Steve on the other hand was still looking at me.

"Cameron, you have to listen to me carefully," he turned serious all of a sudden, more serious than his usual serious expressions.

"When I told you to meet me here, I did not call you to inform you about the address," he looked guilty?

"What do you mean?"

"You have to understand, it is not easy to look for someone's address and that too if that someone is a powerful man like him," the frown on my forehead had turned into a full-blown angry scowl.

"You do have his address, right? You know where we would find him?"

"Cam, all I got is that he is someone we shouldn't mess with, your friend here was right to inform the police they would find him and the children," I cannot believe my ears, he got me all excited for nothing?

"Tell me you at least have a name?" it was getting difficult for me to remain calm, my insides were screaming, and images of many little children were drifting in my brain.

"Saint Charles," how ironic, Saint working with Satan himself.

"Let's go, I have talked to the officer in charge," he took one look at our faces and then opened his mouth again, "What happened here? Who died?"

"Our expectations, Steve doesn't have the address," I wasn't intending to make him feel bad about himself but the way he dropped his head, he resembled a big softie, who just saw a cruel man kick a puppy to the curb.

"But we at least have a name for the culprit, Saint Charles,"

"Saint Charles, you say?"

"Did it ring any bell?" A little ray of HOPE shimmered inside me.

"Nope, I don't know him," great, fantastic. Men, a complete disappointment.

"I need to go home first, I'll change and then meet you two at the police station with the documents,"

"Why do you need to change?" I looked down at myself and then back at Matt.

"Oh, I don't know maybe because this skimpy waitress outfit isn't the best attire to visit a police officer discussing the case relating to human trafficking," his eyes roamed my form from head to toe, returning back to my face and after seeing that I wasn't really amazed by his scrutiny he looked anywhere but at me, coward.

"Ouch, ouch, ouch," it was a task to get your pants up your bruised legs, it burnt like hell. I had taken a quick shower, cleaned up my wounds real quick, and was trying to get myself in a pair of trousers, which proved a task on its own, now only if I were in a Victorian era, I wouldn't have to worry about wearing pants, I could just don a dress and be done with it.

Quickly I threw over a t-shirt and a cardigan, next came the socks and I was done. Tying up my hair in a ponytail, I marched quickly over to my vintage wooden closet, getting in the space next to the closet I pushed it aside with all my might, I was panting hard by the time I was done pushing the dead weight aside, sitting down on my haunches I pulled away the rug, revealing the wooden panels, that were installed everywhere in this house.

I pulled out a loose board, took out the bag from there, from the inside of my shirt I got the necklace out with a key and entered the key in the lock on the bag, this lock was my grandma's, the only thing I inherited, Miss Rose, used to tell me I was very attached with it, slept with this lock by my side, it was only reasonable if I use it to safe keep the most precious thing I own.

The manila folder, containing the information.

Olivia proved good on her promise and delivered me the folder the very next day with all the information I have worked my ass off to collect, making me realize how very mean I was to her. Getting the folder out of the bag, I skimmed through the pages once before closing it again. All good, I put the bag in its place, placed the loose board back on, spread the rug over it, and pushed the cupboard back in place, some extensive workout it was.

I was locking the door behind me when my phone started to ring in my back pocket, thinking that it would be Matt or Steve, I answered it without looking towards the caller ID, "I am on my way,"

"Cam, don't go back to your apartment," What? I saw the ID.


"Cam, where are you?" she sounded very panicked.

"I was leaving my building,"

"Oh god, are you alone?"

"Yes," I looked left and right, what was she worried about.

"I was just leaving work when I overheard Simmons, he got a call, did you get the police involved?" she was talking in one breath, how did she get to know?

"Yes but only because,"

"You shouldn't have, the police had informed Simmons, he's after you,"

"What are you saying? What does Simmons get to do with any of this? Why is he after me? Why would the police call him?"

"Just leave your place, go somewhere safe, he knows the file and papers are missing," my mind was not processing the details, it was not ready to dive into panic mode just yet, does Simmons want the files back? I looked down at my files and my heartbeat started to race, I can't lose this.

"Alright, I am leaving but are you safe? Did he know it was you who delivered these to me?" I was now running towards the stairs, there was no lift in this sorry excuse of a building.

"Not yet, just message me once you get somewhere safe, take care," and she ended the call abruptly. Taking two steps at a time I had just gotten to the landing when I heard it.