

How many times do you need to have an encounter with someone to realize they are the one? For Matt James Frank and Cameron Queen, it has to have happened thrice, for the extra added charm. With secrets spilling, emotions getting involved, feelings intertwining, misunderstanding rising and fallouts would they find their way together or they would give up? One mistake is all it took for them to go their separate ways, would that same mistake bring them together or they would forever stay separated? Get involved in the exciting, thrilling, and scandalous adventure of their lifetime, with a love triangle. 

tanzeel_zafar · Thành thị
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13 Chs

Not your regular fighting club

"AHHHHHHH, you bitch," I twisted his arm around my waist and for the record twisted it for a good measure, before stabbing him once more at his waist. What you thought I was joking all the while inside when I said, I would stab them.

No, I had my protective pocket knife on me, which wasn't really a knife hidden inside my non-existence pockets in this excuse for a uniform, it was something I saw on TikTok and instantly bought, it was the best investment ever, the knife or a little blade was concealed inside a ring, which would look like any other plain ordinary ring but it has a small push button at the side which on being pushed reveals the blade and voila you are ready to stab your attacker.

"Watch who you call a bitch," he was wheezing, squeezing his sides and I looked at the small blade, what a magical creation, it was only then, did I notice the bruises forming on his face, a split lip and the beginnings of a bump on his forehead, Steve did a very good job but apparently not good enough to have this good for nothing piece of shit being removed from here.

"Listen here, if you don't leave right away, I will personally arrange to rearrange your organs, now be off and get lost," I whirled around and was about to go inside and keep an eye on the weasel assigned to transport the children, when I felt the scumbags hands wrapped around my leg and the very next second I was falling down, without anything to support me.

An indignant roar tore through my throat and all the air was sucked out of my lungs as I fall down on the concrete road face down, another scream enticed from my mouth when my palms scratched on the road, any other damsel in distress would have fainted at the sight of blood on their palms but not me, "LEAVE ME, leave me you BASTARD," kicking him with all my might screamed and got up grabbing hold of his hair, or what little was left on his head.

"Leave me or else, I pull out your hair," and I did just that, some of his hair actually ended up in my hands, "You bitch, you are going to die," the bold spot and his screams were music to my ears. I think he hasn't learned his lesson, I pushed open the blade and was about to scratch out his eyes when all of a sudden he was lifted off the floor, off of me.

"Be a man and fight with someone your own size," and a solid punch landed in his stomach, the scoundrel bent down, keeping his hands on Matt's shoulder who like me wasn't feeling very sympathetic towards him, with one push his hands were away from him and he landed another blow to his face. I wanted to get up and join in the fun but my legs felt like stone, on close inspection I found my knees scratched too, his hands had left an ugly reminder on my leg.

"Leave before you'll regret being born," I rolled my eyes at his cliched dialogue like the man wasn't already half-dead by the time he showed up. After this he didn't try another round of Tekken with me, he got up as fast as his noodle legs would support his weight and was out of our sight, I hope he fall down in a gutter.

"You shouldn't try things that are too complicated for you," Matt stood before me, hand outstretched an expression of supreme superiority on his face. I would love to punch him to show him what I am capable of. Ignoring his hand I got up, without screaming in pain, showing him he was right all along.

"And you should try to save your hero complex for someone who actually needs it," it was taking extreme effort for me to stand straight let alone walk and I need to get back inside to see where the man, goes.


"It's Cameron for you and move aside I have things to do," power-hungry perverts to catch.

"What are you doing here?" men, the same, they need to be patted on their heads with a club spiked with nails to make them understand to listen to what a woman says, if I said move then move, I don't require your help.

"Last time I checked I am not answerable to you, just because you are my best friends only other friend those not give you the right to question me or interfere in my matters," I poked him hard in his steel chest.

"That's not the only connection we have," he took one step forward and took hold of my wrist.

"Leave my hand," I wasn't going to waste any more time here, I pushed out the blade, and just like before, I stabbed the pointed tip on his hand but it didn't incite the reaction I was expecting his grip tightened on my hand and with one strong pull I was against his chest, my anger was surging through my veins.

"Your hands are bleeding, don't think I am dying to get you near me," although he was angry his words and actions were contradicting, his face was closer than before, and I opened my mouth.

"Get the cars around here, we are leaving," I whipped my head around fast to notice the weasel and his minions exiting the club through the back door, hurriedly without thinking anything I pushed Matt back, twisted pressed my back against the wall and pulled his head down.

"Don't move," I hissed at him, using him as a shield, his back was against the door and I was hidden behind his broad shoulders and equally big form, I don't know if it was intentional or he knew something was up, he put his hands on the wall beside me, caging me in, hidden from the view but at the same time, I was able to keep an eye through the gap in his arms.

"What's going on?" his voice was barely a whisper, his breath hitting me on my face and I wasn't surprised to notice that he still smell the same, clean and minty.

I put my finger against his lips and shut him up promptly, my eyes intently on the wrongdoers the criminals, a black SUV pulled up and the weasel jumped in before it speed down the road, FL50 WSN, I was barely able to catch the license plate.

"Move, move aside, I need to go," as I was pushing him away another voice sounded from the back door that had me reeling back in the protective circle of his arms, what was I saying I meant falling back against my hiding spot, that would be my last day on this planet if I ever agreed on men being the protectors, oh please I am capable enough for myself.

"WENDY?? Where did this woman go?" ah, why was he coming out the door, go inside if Wendy wasn't found.

"I would cut her pay, not a dime, I tell you not a dime she could get out of me," blabbering to himself, he looked down the road in search for Wendy, my double for today which was I, myself.

"Excuse me fellows?" shit, what was he doing? Go inside now, don't come here, if he spotted me here, he would never let me go, instead, he will have me clean this place spotless until after everyone is gone and I need to follow up that car, I can't waste my time here doing useless stuff.

"Sir?" the sir in question was raising his eyebrow at me, silently asking me to explain all this mayhem caused, I could feel him turning around, he let go of his hand from the wall on my left, ready to address my part-time manager and expose me in return, when I was kicked in the panic mode and without thinking further I grabbed hold of his face and pulled him closer until our lips met.

"God knows where Wendy went," I was able to see my manager anymore but I know for a fact that he would be shaking his head, scowling deeply cursing me in 50 different languages. I heard his footsteps retreating, he was going back in, I just need to find Steve, inform him of my next course of action, and leave but the only problem was the male attached to my lips.

"Hesgoneletgoofme," my words were muffled, not making any sense, instead of letting go, Matt grabbed hold of my waist squeezing it at the same time biting my lip off, this has to be a joke, my arms were trapped against his chest unable to move. The more I struggled the tighter his hold got on me, he is going to pay for this.

Relaxing my body against his, I let my hands slowly travel up, up till his neck where I once again opened my trusted ring and like a goalie after the ball, I pushed the blade deep in his neck, the reaction was instant, he left my lips and I stood a few feet away caressing his neck.

"Are you mad?" he was spitting fire, rubbing my lips with the back of my hand, I slapped him hard on the face.

"Don't you dare touch me without my consent again," and with that, I struggled to get back to Steve.