

Maxton and Skylar were getting wild shopping and decided to go get ice cream but Skylar bumped into a wall, or so she taught "hey princess " she recognized that voice "Alejandro " " that's me baby " "w-how did you find me " perhaps because I own this territory " "oh" Someone cleared their throat grabbing their attention. " Alejandro this is my friend Maxton " they shook hands and Max began to flirt with him."my my aren't you handsome " Max don't you dare " Skylar warned " I'll see you around Alejandro and please don't tell anyone about me " "princess I promise I won't but on one condition" "which is ?".

~At the Ice cream shop~

"Are you nuts" Skylar whispered yell at Alejandro " c'mon princess I don't do anything for free that's the least you can do" "I'm not submitting myself to you " Skylar responded in a venomous tone surprising Maxton and Alejandro."I don't care I'm out" with that she left with Maxton running to catch up with her 'who the hell does he think he is' sky thought to herself she was fed up with people bullying and ordering her around."Sky hey wait up" "what" "woah chill I don't think he meant it the wrong way " "look Maxton you can defend him for all I care. I'll probably have to leave this place too" "slow down sky, ok did you even ask him if he had a mate,No you just concluded" "whether he has a mate or not I.Don't.Care" "well unfortunately he was rejected by his mate who is now carrying someone else's pup" " and.... " "come on sky give him a chance besides you'll probably get over your ex-mate". Skylar hadn't think about going into any relationship but decided to give it a try.

Maxton and Skylar got home tired "ok Max I'm gonna go take a nap" she said yawning. "Me too"he responded with a tired voice.

Once Skylar was inside her she leaped on her bed and let out a sigh 'can my life be anymore complicated' and dozed off to sleep