
All-in-One System: All I Need is Erotic Coins

[Mature Content] [NO NTR] The day dungeons appeared on Earth, everything changed! From ordinary beasts to monstrous ones, attacks were common throughout the globe, and no one was safe. After countless studies using these beasts as subjects, Humankind developed a serum capable of awakening incredible abilities in humans, leveling the battlefield. With the serum came heroes and villains, those who wished to use their powers for good or bad. The Garmony Upper School was a place for the elite with the sole purpose of creating heroes to fight the villains and explore more of the dungeons after the beast attacks increased for no apparent reason. Damian Romero, a youth who received the serum after turning 18, yet got no unique ability. It was not uncommon for one to not receive power, but it was still a blow to one's pride. He went rogue after the news, drinking alcohol and having a good time with women, and it was at that moment, when he was putting his toy to play, he got a surprise. [All-in-One System Unlocked] Damian's unique ability was a system with multiple functionalities, but after he studied it, it seemed this system worked with a different type of coin called Erotic Coins! Improve his body? Buy any item or unique ability from his system's store? All Damian needed was Erotic Coins, and he knew how to earn them! ~~~~~ The MC will not start as a villain, but something will shift his mind in the future.

Ryongul · Kỳ huyễn
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320 Chs

All-in-One System - First Ability

Damian's father, Giovanne, was incapable of awakening his abilities. He was wealthy and hoped to use the serum to become a superhuman to earn even more money! It did not work, and the sad truth was that his bloodline was not good.

Scientists discovered that the ability one would get after using the serum was already written in their DNA, which meant it was almost impossible to change it.

"If I can't get an ability, my son will become superhuman and make our family great!"

When Damian turned 18, Giovanne sent him to the hospital to get the serum, hoping his son would change the broken fate of his family — it did not work.

Both father and son were among the percentage of people who could not awaken any abilities at all, and that was frustrating! Damian wanted power so badly, especially after seeing his friends drift away, unwilling to befriend a nobody like him.

The afterparty of his failed serum injection consisted of drinking lots of alcohol, beers, whiskey, and anything strong Damian could find behind the counter of the Moonlight Night Club.

"Pour me another one," Damian said, gesturing to the bartender to add more to his cup.

"Damian, you drank too much already."

"Can you do your work and pour me some more?"

Even though the bartender knew Damian was not okay, he poured more alcohol into his cup — it was his job, after all.

A few drinks were only the starting point of Damian's night. The Moonlight Night Club had many things to offer and was not in shortage of women who loved a handsome face like Damian's.

Damian's slick back hair, black as charcoal, was a charm to any girl who saw it. His amber eyes were ordinary, adding flavor to his perfect facial features and toned body.

That night, he had the time of his life, having multiple girls on his bed, providing pleasure to make him forget he was a failure. Damian returned back home with the help of the bartender, who drove him back to his house.

A good friend, one who wished things got better for Damian.

"What happened?"

Damian got up from bed, feeling like a truck had run through him multiple times. His head hurt like hell, and the urge to throw up appeared right after waking.

Last night, when he was having sex with some girls from the nightclub, a notification popped in front of him, showing his new unique ability! But, unlike what he thought, Damian was not a failure, and the serum had worked for him.

But Damian was so drunk last night he had yet to notice the appearance of his new ability, which was a system.

"What is this?" thought Damian as he noticed a small circle he could touch using his fingers, like a touch screen.

He did precisely that, making an immense tab appear in front of his eyes.

<Name: Damian Romero>

[Erotic Coins: 10]


<Strength: 1>

<Agility: 1>

<Endurance: 1>

<Ability Power: 1>

<Price: 1 Erotic Coin for 1 point, increases as the attributes get higher>

It looked exactly like the screen of a game character, allowing the user to increase attributes, thus increasing the body's power. Not only that, but there was an attribute called Ability Power, and Damian was almost sure it could boost his other abilities!

But what abilities? Even if his system could improve his body, what use was that when confronting incredible abilities from all the other people? Or worse, the beasts from the dungeons?

Damian started to feel apprehensive, but when he scrolled down the stats screen in front of him, he could not believe what his eyes were seeing.

"A store!"

A store that used the same Erotic Coins. What did the store have? Superhuman abilities! Damian, scared of not having one ability, could buy as many as he wanted as long as he had the money for it. Not only that but there were even items on display, those one could find deep in the dungeon, which had strange properties.

It was a superhuman power capable of doing anything, and Damian could not wait to enroll in the finest university in the country, where some of his 'friends' went.

"Imagine their faces, those bastards."

Many people had drifted away from him as he was someone without ability; for them, he was seen as weak and unfit for the world. Damian wished to change that, especially now that he had the help of a powerful system.

"Now, what ability should I buy first?"

Damian scrolled through the abilities, and there were many to choose from: fire manipulation, water manipulation, wind manipulation, telekinesis, etc. Anything one could think of was there, even some abilities that looked too overpowered to be true.

But what could Damian buy with his meager 10 points? All the abilities there had grades ranging from grade 1 to 10. The higher the grade, the stronger the ability was, and based on his analysis, Damian could upgrade all the powers he bought, which was incredible!

Take the Garmony Upper School, the best superhuman academy in the country. People need to pass a writing test and a practice one. One had to do well in those two tests and have an ability with at least grade 3!

People could upgrade the grade of their superhuman ability through training, and other methods, such as the ability crystals one could find deep in the dungeon — although these were rare and expensive, if you could find one for sale, that is.

Damian checked the abilities available to him, and with his 10 Erotic Coins, he could only buy grade 3 abilities which weren't that extraordinary.

Not that these abilities were terrible. Damian knew any ability was strong; it depended on the user and the situation. Of all his choices, the telekineses ability looked the coolest.

Why did he choose that? Well, it was the most versatile skill he could buy. With it, Damian could pull and toss any objects and even enter inside one's mind to control it — if he mastered it.

He could also use the telekineses to make his own body fly, which was fantastic, and not many people could do that. So, having the power of the mind would grant him many possibilities and be useful in many situations.

It was not the strongest ability to have in a fight, but it had many functions, and remember, it was only the first ability Damian would get. With the help of his system, he could have multiple skills, which was incredible and almost impossible.

Damian knew some humans had more than one ability, but those were rare, and based on what he saw on the TV, the highest number of powers a person had was three. That was already considered a genius, but what would Damian turn to if that was the case?

With one click, Damian bought the telekineses ability, making it appear on his character screen where the skills were.

<Telekineses (Grade 3)>: You can move anything with your mind and enter inside the mind of others.

That ability alone cost him his 10 points, making him poor again, but that would change once he arrived at the Garmony Upper School.

"Now I have to show this to my father," Damian thought as he looked for something to move inside his bedroom.

He wished to start with small things, afraid he would mess up and hurt himself. The object to choose was a pen above his table near his laptop.

With his palm open, Damian moved his hand toward the object, like a character from a TV show. He tried his best to concentrate, using his ability to pull the pen toward his hand. Nothing happened at first, and that was expected.

It was hard to use one's ability, especially for Damian, who was not supposed to have one in the first place. But after a few minutes of trying, it worked! Damian's hand was like a magnet, attracting the pen, which flew from the table toward his hand.

"It worked! Hahaha! It worked!" Damian yelled, jumping with excitement, waking his father up.

The door of his bedroom opened, and a man that looked like an older version of Damian showed up.

"What happened? Son? Why are you so happy?" Giovanne asked, frowning his eyebrows, trying to understand what would make his son so happy.

Damian looked at his father and said, "Father, father, the Serum worked, and I am a superhuman now!"

"What? Don't lie to me, son. You know how this is a dream for me, to rebuild this family," Giovanne said, getting close to Damian and grabbing his shoulders.

Giovanne felt like his son was playing with him, but then he remembered that Damian never pranked anyone, especially his dad, someone important to him.

"Son, can you show me?"

"Absolutely. Watch and learn," Damian said.

He went to his desk, placing a pen above it. Giovanne could not understand what his son was doing after seeing him open his hand. But then, the pen on the table flew toward Damian's hand, just like before.

"This... this..."

"I told you I am a superhuman now, dad. Now, is the best school in this country still accepting students?" Damian said with a smile, as he could not wait for it.