
All I Want Is Your Love [Werewolf AU series]

I was told that it was an act of mercy when my Father let me leave his house to tell the tale. What tale is there ? That he is a bad father ? He was a bad father, but he did not mind people knowing, so there was no tale to tell, since I am dead to him; as he is for me. So living my life as a new person, Diana Danielle, I decided to enroll in Werewolves highest, most calibrated school in the entire Kingdom. As I was already 18, which is the whole reason why I'm only able to leave now, I'll be in my college years, and I will meet all sorts of people there. With the help of my 'faithful friend', Ian, I'm hoping to meet friends that can get me through tough times. Though, I don't mind a bit of a challenge.

azurebluesugar_124 · Kỳ huyễn
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16 Chs


Diana p.o.v

My eyes slowly opened as I awoke, the somber feelings in my heart made me feel like I did not have any sleep at all. My eyes immediately landed on Ian that was sitting in front of my bed, his body was slouching forward while hiding his face behind his hand. I saw him glancing through his hands before he raised his body up upon seeing me awake.

"Diana.. how are you feeling ?" He asked, sounding soft. I did not answer, wrapping the blanket around me as if it could go any tighter.

"I'll get your breakfast. Freshen yourself up, you were in the rain yesterday."

I remembered I was in my werewolf form the last time before I passed out. Only after Ian left the room then I raised from the bed. I took the towel to wrap around my naked body before heading to the bathroom to shower.

While I was getting ready, I saw a soaked blanket in the corner of the room. It was the blanket Noah wrapped around me in the forest.

Just the thought of him made me crave his warmth. I climbed onto the bed and wrap the fresh blanket around me again, imagining it to be Noah.

After a while, the door opened from the outside and Ian entered with a paper bag in hand. He proceed to seat to where he sat last and took out the paper bowl which I knew was soup.

"Eat this, it will warm you." He told me, but I had no energy to give him any reaction. The revelation took most of my positive sides from me as if my world was about to crumble once more.

I shrunk into myself by the wall, feeling even more sorrow thinking about my dad and his decision.

It was not foreign for me to get hurt by him, but it always inflict on me the first time every time.

The room fell quiet, and I could feel worried eyes of Ian continued to linger on me.

"Diana... I'm sorry for not telling you." My fingers and toes curled hearing him finally speaking of the topic. I chose not to look at him.

"You said you wanted a normal life. You wanted to live a life where your father wasn't there. I swore to do anything in my power to make any of your wishes come true."

I knew he would. Growing up, he always made sure I got what I wanted. After that incident 11 years ago, the next year he no longer follows his dad on the vacation. He told his dad he wanted to be by my side. When my hair grew longer, he gifted me the scrunchie I treasured today. When I told him I would love to have some privacy and pour all my heartfelt somewhere, he got me a diary.

When I told him I want to run away from home, he made it happen.

"But the Kingdom is your home, and he will always be there, nowhere in this Kingdom is without him. Wherever you go, there will always be him, in the news, in someone's conversation, they will always remind you of him."

"Nowhere in this world would accept us werewolves other than here. Where else could we go ?" I closed my eyes, never thinking of that at all. He always thought through anything, what I always admire about him.

"And I know, Diana... Luna... I know what you want even without you telling me."

I clenched my hands on each of my arms.

"You began to learn everything a royal should know at such a young age; because you know you are a princess. You never reject the gift from the King even when you knew it was from him; because you knew it was from your father."

A silence stayed momentarily before he continued.

"You learned Swordsmanship, something you thought was scary as a child; because you learned that your father loved Swordsmanship. You did all of that because you always hoped he would love you."

I instantly wiped the tear that escaped from my eyes.

"Diana... your mother, and the blue eyes that are owned by her... Even until now, you are yearning for his love."

At this point, I thought wiping my tears was pointless.

He hit the nail on the head. I never told him why exactly I did all those things.

Learning politics and general knowledge all around the world starting at a very young age, learning Swordsmanship despite my grandpa's scary teachings, and keeping the extravagant gifts I got from him that I never used... all I did was because I wanted him to finally notice me, his daughter.

Over the years, he became more heartless and... emotionless. His eyes became darker and lifeless, at one point the monarchy duties were executed by Jacob. As in, Jacob would decide while dad would only sign them.

The only time I thought he made his own decision after a while, was when he decided to let me go out of the Palace.

"Ian..." His body raised up a bit hearing my voice, I knew he was feeling hopeful and anticipating a positive reaction from me.

"I want a hug."

Like always, he did not hesitate to open his arms for me whenever I asked. I scooted closer to the edge where he was and hugged him. He secured me in his arms and caressed my head the way I always like. I feel a lot calmer now.

"Whatever you wish for Luna, I will make it happen."

Those were the words I always heard from him. I rested my head on his shoulder when a thought came to my mind.

"Noah." I mumbled, and the vibration on his chest from his laugh made me smile.

"I knew you would ask for him. He will take you out this weekend." My smile grew bigger, pulling myself from him and looking at him for confirmation.

"Really ?" I asked, and he nodded.

"But, rest first for a few days. I already write to the school that you're not well." He pushed me back to bed, and I threw away his hand from my face.

"Buzz off, I want to eat the soup."

Seeing him smile again made me relieved. He finally excused himself to attend his class. He told me he already skip once for the morning class.

I lay back on the bed again after I finished the soup, already thinking of the weekend with Noah.


I did not know where Noah would take me, so I wore something comfortable and easy to move around, also looking cute at the same time. I ended up choosing to braid my hair.

As I waited for him at the gate of the school, I looked at my wrist at the bracelet that was part of my birthday gifts from home. This was the only gift I did not know who it belonged to. I never told Ian that I liked having a little accessory on me. However, it took a special part in my heart and I would wear it sometimes. That was why I brought it with me.

Suddenly, I felt some vibration from my phone and I saw Amelia on the line. I was about to pick it up but then the call was canceled. I looked down at it in puzzlement, but a voice snapped me from it.

"Diana !" I heard a familiar voice, and immediately a smile was brought to my face. Noah had the same wide smile as he jogged toward me.

"How was your rest ?" He asked, and I nodded.

"It was okay. I could not stop thinking about this weekend." He smiles again and his hand is spread before me, waiting for me to take it. The fireworks in my stomach made me feel giddy as I took his hand, intertwining them together.

"You look super cute, sweetheart." I smiled bashfully as he pulled me to his side.

"Thank you." I said, feeling awkward a little being with him after what had happened. I felt like he already knew who I was and I have not explained anything to him. Nevertheless, he still smiles and tried to make my day better, so my worries just washed away.

"Have you eaten ?" He asked as we walked down the pavement. It was the weekend and I saw many others around our age walking around in their casual outfit. I also saw couples just like us.

"No. I was thinking of eating outside with you." Noah pursed his lips as if an idea brewed in his mind with the hum.

"I'll bring you to the best place to have lunch, and we can go to the arcade game close by." He leaned in close to my face, and I smiled cheekily as his eyes held my own. I nodded at his idea and I followed him to the said place.

We ate our lunch and went to the arcade afterward as planned. The day with him was so much fun that I forgot what I had been through these past few days. Not once he ever brought about it and I appreciated him for that.

When we had done all the fun things, it was already dusk when we walked back to the school. Our hands naturally held each other and it was just giggles and nudging each other, just feeling content with each other presence.

On my other hand, I held the bear he got for me in the arcade after many trials and errors.

"I want to spend more time with you." He said as he refused to let go of my hand. I stared at his face, at his attractive smile and soft-looking eyes, I spoke.

"Let's go to your dorm, then." I told him, and his eyes widened at my suggestion.

"Really ? Are you sure ?"

"Yeah. I'm sure the room is personally for you right ?" I asked.

"Yeah it is, but.." I squeezed his hand and walked closer to him.

"I'm fine. I want to be with you longer, too." I gave him a reassuring smile, and he just nodded before guiding me to the boy's dormitory.

Noah tried his best to hide me from other boys' views behind his back, probably trying to avoid rumors as much as possible. Do boys interest in rumors too?

Then, we reached his room. It was simple and clean. Everything was arranged neatly and in order, unlike my place where I set them randomly.

"Welcome to my safe place. I never let anyone enter here, not even Ethan." My brows scrunched amusedly at his confession.

"Even Ethan ? I find it hard to believe." I told him.

"Honestly I won't mind his presence, but he cannot do anything without touching anything, and I like to keep my things in order. As for Chris, you know where he would be most."

"How about Natasha ?" His brows crooked in confusion at my question, almost in disbelief.

"Why would I invite her here ?" I nodded slowly.

"... How about your ex-girlfriend ?"

He suddenly laughed at my questions.

"Nope, none, and never. This is a place I feel like I can be myself." He sat on his bed, laying on the perfectly made bed.

"I am friends with sociable people. I love them, really, but sometimes it was too much for me and this room always gave me the peace that I seek." I sat on the edge of the bed.

"How about your home ?" I asked, and that made him silent for a moment.

"That place just reminded me that... I'm not really important." He placed an arm over his eyes, and I stared at him with an apologetic look.

"My parents devoted to my brother. Who am I to get in between them ?" It seemed that he did not want to talk about it further. I looked down, feeling even sorry for bringing it up.

He then raised his body up from the bed and looked at me. Our eyes held each other gazes, and I knew what he wanted to speak was something he had been saving for so long.

Then, his hand carefully take mine, and he caressed his thumb on the back of my hand softly.

"When you ran away that day, I was so worried. I had no idea why and where were you, and at that moment I came to regret why I never asked to mark you sooner." I was taken aback by his confession, his eyes were covered with sadness. I knew now that was what he wanted to speak with me about all this time.

"And when I saw you in that forest, underneath that tree soaking wet from rain, my heart broke. You were looking so frail, I..."

At this moment, he was vulnerable. I was told the Alpha lines would never show their vulnerability in any case. They had to hold their strong image to not reveal their weaknesses.

However, for Noah, my pain was worth every weakness shown.

I climbed onto the bed and brought his head onto my shoulder. He immediately wrapped his arms around my body and pulled me closer, and I let him be.

"I'm sorry, Noah. I'm so sorry... I was being selfish for leaving you behind confused and left you worried. I promise you, I won't do it again."

Noah pulled himself from me, and I stared into him. He continued staring into my eyes, and his thumb then went just below my right eye.

"I always knew you were a mystery, Diana. I'm sure anyone that laid their eyes on you would second guess themselves." I looked down, knowing he was talking about the resemblance of me with my mother with bright blue eyes.

"We were taught about the tragic incident that befell the Royal family eighteen years ago at some point in our history class." My eyes widened slightly, anticipating what had been told to him about that incident; my mother's death.

"We were told that both the Queen and the Princess died on that day." I gasped at hearing that, closing my eyes.


My dad really wanted me dead.

"Ian never told you, did he ?" I felt him wiping my cheeks, and only then I realized I was crying.

"He taught me everything I needed to know. He told me there would be no secret anymore." I told him, and my voice changed due to the sob stuck in my throat.

"I'm pretty sure it was hard for him to tell you. You were living your life, how are you going to accept your own death when you are still breathing ?"

I understood what he was trying to say. Ian looked after me since I was a toddler. He just wanted to protect me from the pain just like he did with the news of the upcoming Princess into the Royal family.

Ian knew how much it would hurt me when all this time I was longing for his love.

"Ariana Hayes... she's from a family of the King's far cousin. She was the only one of our generation that has Royal blood in her... well..that before I know of your existence."

I shook my head, cannot bear hearing about that anymore.

"All this time, I am dead to him. No wonder..." He pulled me into a hug again, and I clutched onto his shirt as I cried into his shoulder.

It was much more painful knowing he loathe my presence and that I am no less than death in his life. He wished me dead, and I foolishly searched for his love.

There was no love spared in his heart for me, and it will stay that way.

As I am truly dead to him.

"But now, you are living again as Diana, with friends surrounding you along with good things that await you all this time." He pulled me away from the hug, staring into my eyes with his hopeful eyes.

"And most importantly, your mate that had been made just for you, that had been waiting for you." A tear slid down my eyes as all his words struck my heart as if it finally dawned on me.

"I will be the second person that will love you with all my heart, and I wish to share all the pain and suffering you had been through and will go through, Diana."

He held both of my cheeks before leaning in to land a peck on my lips. He pressed it tenderly, It was such an innocent peck, but it sent butterflies to my stomach.

A moment later, he pulled himself away.

"Will you let me mark you, my love ?"

Marking, an act of surrendering to your mate all your heartfelt and mindfulness that I found rather beautiful. What we are about to do has meant that only werewolf kin would understand. It established a more powerful bond that no one can sever willingly. The act of continuously loving your partner and becoming exclusively for each other.

It was even more powerful than marriage, a human way of tying their fate together.


With that, I loosen the top I had to reveal my shoulder. He watched me as I put my braided hair on another side, and exposed my naked shoulder to him.

He looked nervous, just like I do. Slowly, he brought his hand over my shoulder, admiring it for a moment. His fingertips that brushed against my skin sent shivers down my spine.

Then, he pressed at a certain spot.

"I will mark you here."

He told me so I would be ready when the time comes. I nodded hastily, getting even more nervous.

Noah gently held my back as he made his way between my neck and shoulder. My hands instinctively moved to his shoulders when I felt his canines brush against my skin.

Finally, I felt his canines sink into my skin, and I yelped silently. I clenched onto his shirt as he steadily marked me, being the calming one. I slowly calmed down when the pain ease into numbness.

It was not long until I heard sniffles. It surprised me so I quickly pulled him away, trying to get the look out of him.

When I saw his state, I was taken aback.

Tears won't stop falling down his cheeks as he stared into my eyes, as if he was looking at something else.

What do you think so far ? Thank you so much for reading !

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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