

I opened my eyes only to find myself levitating in mid air. Just that everything around me was purely dark.

"What's happening?" I asked myself.

Suddenly, I saw a giant head emerge out of the darkness and it was staring at me coldly. I couldn't see it clearly because of the darkness. But I knew it was there and it was staring at me intensely.

I heard It lick its tongue as some of the saliva launched unto my face. I felt it presence drawing closer and closer my face. I had to cover my nose because of the foul breath.

I was forced to swallow because I thought I was done for.

I thought I was going to be consumed wholly.

I wanted to find a way to stop levitating and escape. But it was fruitless.

The head reached closer and started to sniff me. I moved my head away because of it's foul breath.

My heart pounded beyond normal. It kept pounding to the extent it echoed everywhere.

After getting my scent, I felt the head retreat back into the darkness.

"What's going on?"

A hilarious laughter started to echoing through the darkness.

I was so frightened that I began to pray.

Suddenly I remembered the old man's words:

["But don't say I didn't warn you. Where you are going, there are no second chances."]

So, this was what he was talking about.

"Another human enters the world of the death. How interesting..."

A hoarse voice spoke from the darkness.

"Who are you? What do you want?" I yelled out of fear.

There was no response only an evil laugh echoed back.

"You want to know what I want?" The hoarse voice asked.

"Y...es..." I stammered.

"It's simple. I want to eat your soul."

No sooner than these words came out, the giant head appeared in a flash.

The familiar foul breath made me aware that it had it's mouth wide open ready to devour me. I could tell because of the intensity of the odour.

I closed my eyes unable to watch my fate.

Unexpectedly, I heard the head gave out a loud cry:

"Ahhhhhhhhhh! Let It Stop. Make It Stop."

I slowly opened my eyes to find out why it was screaming.

Astonishingly, a great light had emerged out of nowhere.

It lit everywhere allowing me to witness where I really was.

What was standing in front of me was a giant Cyclops. I figured because of its one eye and giant features.

Looking below, I saw blood everywhere.

That drew my attention to where I really was. Inside a huge lava cave. Most of the bodies were left burning in the lava. Body parts rip apart and scattered everywhere. Blood was spilled everywhere.

I closed my eyes unable to watch. I wanted to free myself but I couldn't. The cyclops was screaming in pain.

And here I was levitating in the air.

The light was so great that it compelled the cyclops to take 3 steps back.

"It Can't Be...you are the Prophesied One!"

The Cyclops screamed at me.

That was when I became aware of the origin of the light.

The light was coming out of my heart and it was so bright that everywhere was lit.

"How is this possible?" I asked myself.

"GET AWAY FROM ME!" The Cyclops screamed.

I was completely lost. I had no idea why this was happening.

The light kept shinning and shinning causing the Cyclops to back away one step at a time.

"GET IT AWAY FROM ME." It screamed again.


The Cyclops angrily charged towards me with it's mouth wide open.

I was forced to cover my eyes unable to sever my fate.


When I opened my eyes,I found myself in deep darkness. I looked around hardly seeing a thing.

Where am I?

Is this place Hades?

Was this the price to pay?

These were the questions rushing through my mind.

Suddenly, the memory about the Cyclops rushed through my mind.

My heart started to pound faster realizing I was so close to being consumed.

Or...I'm already consumed?

As I sat down in the darkness; I reflected on everything that happened.

I remembered the Cyclops afraid to consume me when the light shone from my heart.

"But why was my heart shinning?"

What is the hidden meaning?

The Cyclops called me the prohecied one. But why?

Unfortunately...I had no answer for any of these.

Where am I?

Because everything here seems strange, mysterious and horrifying.

I was compelled to ask the ultimate question:

Did I do the right thing by taking my own soul?

In that instant I remembered what the old man said:

["You are not going to find anything there if you jump."]

Was he right all along? I thought.

The old man's words suddenly began to play in my mind:

["Every day, in my world, people come in like ants because they were blindfolded. They think like you and believe suicide is their best option only to find out they made a mistake. In order to correct their mistake, they seek what cannot be granted."]

So this was what he was talking about? I figured. Everything he said was true. Why didn't I just heed to his warning?

Even though some part of me regretted jumping off that building; I also knew that now wasn't the time for mourning. The mistake has already been made. It can't be undone.

Surprisingly the darkness began to clear.

After it cleared, a fog came up and surrounded me.

"What's going on?" I screamed.

I felt scared.

Am I going to see that Cyclops again?

I was so frightened that my heart popped out into my hands.

My ears itched at the sound of footsteps. It seemed to be coming from the North.

Looking around, I didn't know where to run to. The footsteps became louder and louder. My heart throbbed loudly inside me. Is this the end?

Sluggishly, I saw shadowy figures walking towards me from the North.

Dum folded at what was emerging, scampering away was the only solution.

"Stop!" A familiar voice among the shadowy figures ordered me.

Could it be the old man?

I froze and waited patiently. The three shadowy figures drew nigh towards me.

That was when I realized...

They were people I already knew- old man, Ben and my mom.

The old man was the first to draw near to me. He placed his hands on my shoulder and smiled.

All he said was:

"It's quite unfortunate that you refused to heed to advise. Still, no matter the outcome of your decision, you are still worth something. Always remember that life is about perspective. So, choose to see the good in things instead of the opposite. I'll see you soon in Exeria."

Then he walked past me. I didn't know where he was going and before I could even ask, Ben spoke. This stole away my attention from the old man's direction.

With a smile on his face, he said:

"Even though I couldn't save you; I know that at least you are going to help my son find his way. His name is Chris."

Then my mom also came up after Ben was gone. She hug me tightly and said:

"Jayson promise me you will come back; I am waiting for you. I am sorry for everything I did to you. just come back to me."

Creepily, her body began to fade as she held onto me. She turned invisible and vanished.

Tears welled up in my eyes causing me to drop to my knees.

"What have done?" I asked myself in tears.

I was broken inside. Did I make the right decision or I just fucked up so bad?

I fell down on my knees and wept.

The darkness reappeared like it never cleared.

It made me regret ever jumping off the building.

Some may ask:

What the hell was going through my head that made me commit suicide?

But it was too late now. I have to accept the consequences.

My only answer is a lot of things.

I wanted to be loved and adorned because I was so broken. But when I found the love I was always seeking, I had already become blind.

Now I understand the words of Orochimaru:

"It's human nature not to realize the value of things until they have lost it."

Madaara also correct when he said:

"Wake up to reality, nothing goes as planned in this accursed world. The longer you live, the more you will realize that the only things that truly exist in this reality are merely pain, suffering and futility. Listen...everywhere you look in this world, wherever there is light, there will always be shadows to be found as well. As long as there is a concept of victors, the vanquished will also exist. The selfish intent of wanting to preserve peace, initiates wars. And hatred is born in order to protect love. There are nexuses, casual relationships that cannot be separated. I want to sever the fate of this world. A world of only victors A world of only peace. A world of only love. I will create such a world. I am...the Ghost of the Uchiha. For truly this reality is a hell."

I thought the world was a living hell but I just realized that where I am is a greater hell.

Now, I perfectly understand Suzuki's last words to me. And I am forever keeping it inside my heart:

"I see. I pray you stop this foolishness before it's too late. It's alright to not care about people. But, turning your back to the people you love causes pain and regret that can never be erased. MAY YOUR SINS BE FORGIVEN."

As I thought of this, I suddenly heard something coming from the dark.

"Jayson, get up and follow my voice." I heard a voice speaking out of nowhere.

I panicked and sprang up like a scared car.

"Do not be afraid, follow the light to the bridge; I am sending someone to you." The voice said this time deeply. I could hear it echoing.

I saw a light shining very brightly through the darkness. It moved straight towards me in a flash making me cover my eyes instinctively.

It was like looking at the sun. When I opened my eyes, the light had passed beyond me and had parted the darkness.

I was so astonished. It was like walking through the red sea.

"Follow the light Jayson." The voice echoed.

I stood there frozen not knowing what to do. I decided to give it a deep thought but it only made me realize: I didn't have much of a choice.

I decided to do the voice's biding and walked towards the light for what seemed like days to me.

I had no idea about where I was going neither did, I have much of a choice.

"This is pointless." I said to myself.

I was about to give up when something shiny flashed my eyes. It was like glowing and sparkling crystals.

"What is that? Man, I have to see it." I said to myself and ran towards it.

I ran like a horse and just when it seemed I was getting closer, I slipped and fell on my back.

"How did the ground turn so slippery?" I asked myself as I rolled and sat up on my knees.

My eyes widened when I saw the ground shiny brightly.

Looking around I figured; I wasn't walking through the light anymore. The bridge was light itself. It was very long and wide bridge. It was simply magnificent since it was a shinning footbridge.

It shone as if covered with crystals with a glassy surface.

Although it looked fancy, it was so long that it would take days to fully cross it.

I was puzzled as to why a footbridge could be this long and wide.

I walked to the side to find what was beneath. When I got to the end and checked, there was pure darkness below.

The bridge was the only light to this place. I couldn't tell how deep the ground was because of the darkness.

I took in a deep breath and continued my journey as I wondered what was ahead.

After endless walk, my body was totally exhausted. I dropped to my knees taking in deep breaths.

it seemed I was paying the consequences for choosing death over life. It seemed death was even worst.


I heard a loud roar behind me. it shocked the bridge violently causing my heart to fall into my hands.

When I turned there were mysterious creatures beyond imagination. There were terrifying volcanic dragons with horns, lions with wings of eagles and long horns, giant trolls with red eyes, green ogres with broad swords and shields, minatours, red eyed and horned centaurs, giant Cerberus, Succubus and other worst creatures. Those that could fly were soaring in the air as the rest rushed at me from the bridge.

They were so many causing me to freeze in shock. I immediately lost hope.

Strangely, a cloud of dark smoke was speeding towards me. What was horrifying was it had blood eyes and; if you examined closely, you will find that it had sharp blood teeth ready to devour something. Demons, if I may call them. All these monstrosities were heading for me.

Two of the demons sped through the air towards me. Soon, they developed long iron claws ready to slice me in half. I tried to flee but I slipped. They were about to devour me when I heard something block their iron claws. I felt my ears tingle up at the sound of the clash.

When I looked back was when I realized it was a clash between shield and claws.

I looked up behind me and saw someone covered in a full golden and black leather dragon armor, wielding a golden shield. He was without a helmet and had black leggings with golden dragon scales and black leather greaves in dragon style.

He smiled widely and a golden aura slowly formed around him.

The demons started to evaporate in the air. They were burning up.

"Ahhhrrrrrrrrrrr!" They screamed.

"Shield of righteousness isn't meant to be touched by the unholy." He said with pride.

Realizing the vast army heading his way, he lifted his hands up.

"Sword of faith... COME FORTH!"

Light shone brightly from his hand and

a broad sword surged forth.

What he did next was shocking to me.

He drove the sword unto the bridge and spoke:

"Ajax, Lord of Exeria calls you forth O mighty beast. Come forth, my righteous beast. COME, AZAZEL!"

Instantly, a magic circle with a star in the middle was conjured on the underneath his feet. And, a bright light once again shone. This time; more brighter than ever.

A golden scaled dragon surfaced out of the magic circle and flew into the air. It gave out a loud rumbling growl.

He turned back and smiled towards me.

"How magnificent!" My savior said out loud.

That was when I realized how handsome my saviour really was. Ajax was his name, I guess.

He had a short curly golden brown hair, golden brown eyebrows and an amber eye color. His nose was pointed and he had a beardless chiseled jaw face and an attractive smile.

I also noticed the large crest that was at the back of his armor. It was a throne with a dragon encircled around it.

The same crest was on his shield. I wonder what the crest meant.

He then postured himself ready to leap into the air and launch unto his pet. I thought it was impossible but I was proven wrong. He leaped high into the air about 1km. His caught unto his dragon by the horn and sat on it.

Then he steered it back towards the bridge as his dragon set the bridge ablaze.

I was stunned and watched him tear down some of the monsters, block their attacks and kill them with his broad sword.

The rampage was short lived due to the numbers advantage. Soon Ajax couldn't keep up and was knocked off his dragon by a demon.

As he was falling, his dragon was also distracted by three volcanic dragons with large horns which had engaged in a fierce fight with it.

Even as Ajax fell from mid air, he kept fighting the demons, flying lions with horns and scales and even flying centaurs. Yet it still wasn't enough. He was struck down by a large sword wielded by one of the flying centaurs. His shield was knocked away by the impact as well.

The demons, flying lions with horns and flying centaurs sped at him like a defenseless prey. Despite all this, he kept swinging his sword not ready to give up.

Since the golden dragon and my golden saviour were distracted, there was no one to protect the bridge.

So, the rest dashed towards me.

Suddenly I heard a loud whinny sound causing me to look back.

When I did, I saw a large black flying sword with it's rider carrying a spear. He was a brunette in a heavy blue armor with the same crest as my savior. Perhaps, he was his teammate.

He threw his long Ahlspiess spear towards the creatures attacking my savior.

Miraculously, every single spear he threw multipled to a hundred. It took out all the many flying creatures seeking to kill my savior.

After taking out the monsters, he steered his horse and saved my savior from falling into the darkness. Ajax seemed worn out from the endless battle.

As the horse went around the bridge, it's rider continued to throw the spears that multipled to take out numerous targets on the bridge.

He also helped the golden dragon to break free and fight it's foes since they were continuously distracted by his spears.

Ajax was slowly regaining his strength.

He wiped the blood off his lips and stretched his hands to the right.

It was almost like Thor calling for his hammer.

"Thanks Klaus." He said to his comrade.

The golden shield appeared for him to wield once more.

He walked to the back Klaus' flying horse and jumped.

He kept smiling as he fell towards the darkness.

His dragon caught him in the nick of time.

It was so cool.

They flew back towards the bridge as the battle became fiercer than ever.

Ajax got up and stood on his dragon. It appeared he was getting ready to launch himself unto the rest volcanic dragons, demons and other flying creatures whilst his teammate took care of those on the bridge.

When he jumped, one of the volcanic dragons swallowed him.

Did he just die?

I waited for a grand comeback or whatsoever but there wasn't any.

I was about to accept Ajax's fate when..

A broad sword appeared in the volcanic dragon's belly.

it continued to slide the dragon's belly.

Ajax came out with his sword much larger than before.

"He's so cool." I said to myself.

As he was falling, the flying creatures went after him.

Aware of the fact that they were getting closer, he held his sword firmly and swinged it.

The sword incredibly turned gigantic, so large that it sliced them all with a swing.

He was retrieved from the air by his Azazel once again.

I guess his magic could enlarge weapons to whatever size he wants.

Out of nowhere...

I heard huge whilstling sound from behind.

A giant eagle appeared with it's rider wearing a white Jack of plate, black scaled leggings and white leather greaves.

He carried a longbow and arrow with a quiver at his back. He started taking down as many enemies as possible.

His arrows could teleport, multiply and explode at his command.

The three of them started at each other with smiles on their faces as they took down the creatures, all of them.

I found the three of them to be incredible.

I didn't know what they really were but I just admired them.

Their teamwork was splendid.

Ajax charged in with Azazel as his teammates covered him.

It was an amazing sight to behold.

They seemed to be the victors until they heard loud footsteps which caused them to halt.

"How could footsteps be this loud?" I asked myself.

The footsteps became faint as it got closer.

A dark a shadowy figure dressed in black long coat walked towards them.

Ajax and his teammates froze like they had just seen a Ghost.

The shadowy figure didn't have any weapon yet when the three of them saw him, they felt afraid.

"Belial..." They said in unison.