

Eren and I walked for a long time in silence. Yet something was different about his attitude. He wasn't cold like earlier, rather he mostly turned his head and smiled at me. I found that surprising, but I liked the new Eren.

"I glad you pulled it off." Eren finally broke the eternal silence between us.

"I should be thanking you by the way."

"Well…I don't believe I deserve all the credit. I only came in to help when necessary. The rest was all you."

"I guess so."

"You are one of the few souls that have been able to attain self-forgiveness. If this keeps up then you are on your way to purity."

"Purity, how?"

"You learn more about that when you meet the Creator."

"I hope so."

The silence took over us once again. We continued walking until we came upon a cave. At the cave's entrance were two golden lion statues.

When we got closer, the statues spoke.

Their voices echoed everywhere and sent chills down my spine.

"Who dares approach the Creator? State your cause."

Eren quickly stepped forward and replied:

"Just a messenger running the Creator's errand."


"Let the soul step forward and enter the Cave."

Eren signaled me with his head to do what the statues ordered.

"The Creator lives inside a cave?" I tried to spark a conversation with Eren before entering the cave.

"No. Sometimes the eyes deceive us." Eren replied with a smile.

Eren after saying this turned and left. Looking closely, I noticed within the cave, there was a portal.

Eren smiled at me when he noticed my eyes were now open to my surroundings.

"We will meet again, my friend." Eren said with a wave.

"Why aren't you coming?"

"No, I have other assignments to complete."

"Okay. You have my thanks."

"Take care of yourself. See you soon, my friend."

After speaking those words, Eren departed and I was all alone in front of the cave. If I hadn't been through all those tests earlier, then I might have chickened out. But now, I felt no fear.

With a deep breath, I walked straight into the portal ready to meet face to face with my maker.

Entering the portal, I had to cover my eyes because there was something shinning at the portal's end. Whatever it was, it shined even greater than the sun.

Even after entering the portal, I still had to cover my eyes. It took me a while before I could take a peek. And when my eyes opened to my new surroundings, I had no choice but to marvel in awe.

I can't perfectly predict where I was at the moment but it looked more like a palace. The most magnificent place I had ever seen.

The whole room including the pillars and stairs were covered in gold and sparked with tiny pieces of diamond.

The balcony radiated with perfect splendor. Within the middle was a golden throne. However, the golden throne wasn't what was marveling with glory. Rather, the person seated on it.

He had a silver crown on his head with the inscription: KING OF KINGS. And, he wore a silver linen cloth that shone so bright as the moon. Above all, his face was the only thing that I couldn't stare at twice. It shone so bright as the sun that it was impossible to figure out his facial appearance.

"So, this is my maker? How magnificent." I thought to myself.

"Step forward, Jayson Bradley." He spoke with soft voice that stopped my heartbeat.

I moved quickly into his presence.

"It feels so good to see you face to face after a long time." He spoke.

"Have we met before?" I asked.

"Not technically but I can say this: even before you were born into the world, I knew you."

"That's no surprise! After all, you are my maker."

"That sounds fair. Still, I am glad to meet you."

I was so perplexed because how could someone with so much glory and power be happy to see me. Yet his tone of voice kept my heart throbbing and I felt so much peace.

"What is so special about me that makes one as great and powerful as you so eager to see me?"

"Hold your horses, son. Afterall, I made you. And every Creator is proud of his creation one way or the other."

"That sounds reasonable. But I feel I am missing the point about why you wanted to see me?"

"That's a start. You are a curious one."

"It just feels strange. You make me feel much more important than I really am. I feel so…"

"Special? A word you grew up to hate later in the years. Interesting…isn't it." He continued my statement.

I choose to look down because his words reminded me of my past. It reminded me of my mom.

"You are wondering why I wanted to meet you and you have every right to. Therefore, I'll cut to the chase."

"Fine, I have all ears."

"I wanted to meet you because you threw away something very precious which you were given. Something that all the treasures in the world can't hope to buy. And, you choose to throw it away without a second thought."

My mind wandered around in circles at his riddle. I felt lost and confused. What could be so precious that money can't hope to buy? I thought for a while and still couldn't come up with an answer.

"What could be so precious that you claim that I've thrown away?"

"Ahh, still so clueless."

"Stop talking in riddles. I can't understand what you are trying to paint."

He paused for some time before responding:


"What do you mean by that?" I questioned even more amazed.

"I gave you life, something that money or nothing in the world can buy and you chose to throw it all away. That is why I wanted to meet you."

"You got to be kidding me. What was so precious about that life that you claim to have given me! A life in which I struggle to do anything right. A life in which I am looked down by everyone. A life in which I am just a disappointment to even my own parents. A life in which I am…just…nothing."

I broke out in tears as I said that. I thought I was free of my past yet the more I faced it, the harder it was to remain stronger.

"So that is what you thought your life amounted to?" He asked.

The tone that he spoke it was so calm that I couldn't say a thing.

Then he got up from his throne and walked past me.

"Follow me." He ordered with a soft tone of voice that moved me off my feet.

I wiped my tears and continued with him.

After some time of walking around, He halted and snapped his finger.

Unexpectedly I found myself in total darkness. Taking a quick look behind, the Creator standing still and calm.

"Go on, and see for yourself." The Creator said.

Slow as a tortoise, I made my way into the darkness. It didn't take long until I found myself lost in it.

I guess the Creator was out of his mind. There is nothing here but complete darkness.

In a twinkle of an eye, I found myself in a mall with lots of people gathered around for my autograph.

"What's going on?" I asked myself.

"It surprises you, doesn't it?" Someone whispered behind me.

I turned and found Amaya smiling broadly towards me. She looked so stunning with her ocean blue hair.

"I think I am lost here." I replied.

"Your dream finally came true. You are a bestselling author." She ran and hugged me after saying this. Then she pointed her hand towards my face which led me to discover a wedding ring on her finger.

"I also have to break with you, we are married." She kissed me on the cheek to signify her happiness.

"I feel like a total stranger here. What else don't I know?"

"We are having a baby."

She took out my hands and placed it on her belly. I felt the baby's movement which caused me to laugh.

"This feels so…"

"Amazing, isn't it?" Amaya finished my statement.

Suddenly, I heard someone yell out my name ["JAYSON!]"

I glanced around to try find the source and it led me to discover a familiar face-my mom.

She hugged me so tight which made me feel light as a feather.

"I missed you so much, son." She said warmly.

"Don't forget about me too." I heard another familiar voice speak up. It was Suzuki. He walked up to me and joined in the hug.

As quickly as everything appeared, it all disappeared and I was back into the darkness.

In time, the darkness too vanished and I was left facing the Creator once again.

"That was my plan for you. That was what your life would've amounted to if you never gave up on your life and most importantly, your loved ones."

I regretted all the decisions that brought me to this point in that moment. But nothing could be done so I chose to speak up.

"In as much as I want to ran away from the consequences of my actions, I can't. Because I made those decisions and I accept every consequence no matter where I will be sent to."

"Speaking of which, I think your calvary is here to pick you up."

I turned back and noticed two men in dark and long robes walking towards us. There was a dark cross on their foreheads and their robes reached their toes.

"My King, we are here to take what belongs to us." They spoke in unison.

"I understand but can you give our guest few moments to prepare?"

"Of course, my King." They said once again in unison.

"What are they talking about?" I asked my Maker when we gained some level of privacy.

"They are here for you. They aim to take you to the Dark ruins."


"Because you are a lost soul. By choosing the path of suicide, you earned a place amongst the lost. It can't be undone. You will have to go with them."

My eyes widened in disbelief.

"No, I can't go with them. Please give me another chance."

"I am sorry, Jayson. It doesn't work that way. You are going to be transported to Exeria (World of the lost) where they will take you to the Dark ruins. Everything will be explained on the way. I am so sorry."

The two men quickly rushed towards us and grabbed my hand.

"No, I AM NOT GOING ANYWHERE WITH YOU!" I yelled and punched one in the face.

Then I forced myself out of the other guy's grab and ran. Unfortunately, there was nowhere to run to.

It didn't take long for them to catch up to me. They both grabbed my hand and dragged me into a portal they created.

I yelled at the Creator for help yet he didn't come to my aid despite being moved by my pleas.

"ALL I WANT IS A SECOND CHANCE!" I yelled as I was dragged into the portal.