

I found myself at the entrance of a cave. I looked ahead hoping to catch a glimpse of light. There was none.

I had no choice but to enter. I had to find out where I was and why.

I entered the cave and ran at full speed because I was scared of the dark.

Inside the cave I couldn't see a thing yet I kept running.

As I ran, I remembered one time, I was 6. I was playing a horror game with my mom and dad. My dad was the grim reaper chasing us.

The rule was simple, run and don't get caught. I ran as fast as I could after I saw my mom caught. She screamed:

"Jayson ran, he's coming for you."

In this moment, I heard my mom screaming these words behind me.

I was exhausted but I continued running.

After endless running through the dark cave, I saw light ahead, which gave me hope.

I was glad and relieved but what I didn't know was…

My problems were just beginning.

When I got out, there was a great mist ahead that prevented me from seeing clearly.

Back when I was playing the horror game, I ran until I came across a door that was locked. I did my best but it still wouldn't budge.

When I turned my dad was behind me causing me to shout out of panic.

I felt like I was back in that very moment.

I walked in the mist not knowing where I was heading. I stumbled and fell most often.

It was hard to see anything clearly.

Whenever I looked behind me, i could see a group of people laughing and following me.

Who are they? I asked myself.

But they kept laughing louder and louder.

I was compelled to increased my pace out of fear.

Strangely, they disappeared when I looked once again.

I was so terrified; I started to run in all direction. I ran to the north then turned to the east and back to the north. I was like a mad man.

I heard a loud roar like that of a monster after covering a distance. I nearly fainted.

I ran for about 2 days through the mist, at least that was what it seemed to me.

I was exhauted and weak, I couldn't ran any longer.

I was about to faint when I saw a figure approaching.

It seemed to be the figure of a woman. I immediately tried to hide because I was afraid it could be the rider disguised as that.

But when the figure got closer, I was proven wrong.

It was a woman alright but she was also someone I knew.

Her blue hair made me identify her instantly as Amaya.

She dropped down to her knees and started coughing blood.

That was when I realized that she must have been really worn out.

"Amaya, is that you?" i asked just to be sure.

I was so weak I could barely walk.

"Jayson?" She called out.

I immediately went to her aid.

"Amaya, it's alright I am here." I said to her breathing heavily.

"Jayson?" She whispered softly.

It made me remember most of the times we were together.

I remember one time; she was standing outside a shopping Mall waiting for me so we could do some shopping.

I tiptoed behind her and covered her eyes with my hands.

She whispered my name softly just like she did seconds ago.


My eyes turned watery after I remembered this because I was the reason she was like this. I am to blame.

"Yes it's me, Amaya. You are alright now." I said in a weak voice.

She wrapped her hands around me and hugged me tightly when I said this.

She always hugs me whenever she was scared.

One time; she and I went to watch a horror movie together. She was so scared that she hugged me tightly forcing people to start starring at us.

Whenever she was scared; this was what I did: I would rub her hair gently and slowly whisper into her ears:

"It's alright I am here."

It mostly made her feel relax and secure. I felt the same way too.

Now after a year, I kill myself only to find her here as well.

I couldn't stop weeping because it had been so long since I saw her.

And I feel it is my entire fault having to die before her time was even up.

I slowly rubbed her hair with my hands and kissed her on the cheek.

"I am so sorry Amaya." I said in tears.

We stayed like this for a long time.

"How much do you love me, Amaya?" This was a question I asked her a years ago before she took her life. If I knew that she was going to kill herself because of our break-up; I wouldn't have ended our relationship.

She was the one person that loved me for who I was. Ever since we were 12 when we became friends; she had never left my side.

I remember it all like yesterday.

I was mostly bullied in school; and it was a tough experience for a 12 year old.

No matter how hard I tried I couldn't even fight back. No one came to my aid either.

In school, I was a laughing stock. I was nothing but a joke.

When the video of me dozing off in class got out, everyone laughed at me.

The most hurtful part was that when I was going through all these hard times; my dad never noticed. All he cared about was the grades and performances not how I felt.

I missed my mom during those tough times. If my parents never divorced then; my life would have been better.

In school I isolated myself from everyone because no one understood what I was going through.

I couldn't even eat my lunch in peace because Beckett was always there to spill the food on me. He always did it because he felt good humiliating me.

But no one came to my aid, they instead laughed at me. Some even took pictures and started sharing.

I wanted it to end it all. I was so bitter and vengeful.

One day, I was in a hurry to get to class since I forgot to do my assignment. It was just bad luck that I bumped into Beckett.

"Hey you idiot, you just bumped into me. Get your ass over here and apologize." He screamed behind me but I was long gone.

Beckett Smith was a popular kid in school who enjoyed bullying and humiliating people. He did it for fun and mostly had the support of his friends which allowed him to get away with stuff. His dad was also the principal so how was he supposed to be punished.

When I bumped into him, I didn't have time to stop and apologize. I was in a hurry. I also didn't notice that he was following and shouting behind me.

I was about to enter class when Beckett's friends blocked my entrance.

"Where do you think you are going?" They asked.

"Look guys, I am not looking for a fight." I said trying to cool them off.

"Hey asshole." Someone said behind me.

When I turned; it Beckett and he was really angry.

"You can't even say sorry?" Beckett said intentionally raising his voice.

This caused all the other students to turn their attention to us.

"I am sorry Beckett. I was just in a hurry to get to class." I said in a soft voice.

"Say that to my fist." Immediately he said this; I was knocked to the ground by a hard smack to the face.

I fell head first and turned completely deaf.

I slowly got up only to notice the great crowd that had gathered around to witness the fight.

I couldn't hear a sound.

Beckett grabbed me and started shouting.

I couldn't clearly hear what he was saying because I was completely deaf.

The only thing I saw was the young blonde lip's moving slowly:


He was about to punch me again when someone grabbed his fist.

It was a girl. It was…Amaya.

Where have you been all this time? This was the question going through my mind.

Beckett tried to punch with his other hand but she evaded and jabbed at him straight on the nose.

Everyone was amazed including me. The reason being that was no one ever had the guts to punch the school principal's son.

Beckett's friends quickly got involved but she whooped their asses as well.

"Could she be wonder woman's daughter?" I asked myself.

Slowly my hearing was restored.

"How dare you touch me with your filthy hands?" Beckett said to her.

He angrily ran towards her ready to punch with his fists.

But Amaya caught it and turned him around in a circular manner.

"Catch!" Amaya said as she swung Beckett towards my direction.

I didn't know what came over me but once Beckett got closer; I smacked him to the ground on the jaw.

"That's what you get for your endless nights of bullying and humiliating me. Who is the asshole now?" I said excitedly.

It was like finally getting freedom from a cruel master. Only slaves would understand what I just said.

All the other students were amazed at what just happened.

I tried to act tough in front of them and said: "Do any of you motherfuckers want a beating too?"

Everyone was silent.

"Yeah, just what I thought. You are all a bunch of cowards. Losers." I said boldly for the first time ever.

Amaya came towards me and offered a high five.

"Thanks. I owe you." I said to her.

she smiled and said: "No need to thank me. Anyway, I am Amaya. You?" Her voice was so soft and refreshing.

"My name is Jayson. Pleasure to meet you." I said as I offered her a hand shake.

As we shook hands, she kept glancing at me and smiling.

"Are you sure, you are not a Chinese?" I joked.

"Actually, I am a Japanese." She said with a smile.

"Really? Because you look too beautiful to be a Japanese." I flirted.

She chuckled and said: "You are funny."

Narrating what happened feels like it happened yesterday.

When we stopped hugging I helped her to her feet and caressed her face.

"Jayson look out!" Amaya screamed as she pushed me out of the way.

I didn't know why she did it. I fell on my back because she pushed me so hard.

When I got up I became speechless.

A long sword was thrust into her chest. She dropped to her knees and vomited blood.

My eyes were watery to the brim.

I couldn't hide my tears anymore.

"Amaya!" I screamed as I attended to her.

I placed her back on my chest and said: "Don't worry Amaya, you are going to be okay."

But I knew it was a lie. I wept bitterly.

She slowly turned her head and caressed my face with her right hand.

My face was covered in blood but I didn't care.

"Jayson?" She said.

"Yes Amaya? I am here." I said.

"Do you still love me?" She asked.

"Of course I still love you. I love you, Amaya." I replied to her in tears.

"Why did you break up with me if you still loved me?" She asked.

Before I could answer, her hand had already dropped from my cheeks.

"Amaya! Amaya!" I called her but there was no response.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!" I screamed to let out my frustration and pain.

"You can't leave me not when I have found you again. I am so sorry, Amaya." But all these fell on deaf ears. She was long dead.

No matter how hard I shook her; she never responded.

The sword in her chest, slowly turned to ashes.

It was alarming but I held Amaya tightly.

Soon, she too turned to ashes and was carried by the wind.

I stayed on my knees and kept mourning.

Suddenly I heard a voice speaking. An angry one.

"This is all your doing Jayson! I loved you with all my heart but you choose to stab me in the heart with a sword. Why?" The voice said.

"Who are you and what do you want?" I asked.

"I gave up everything to love you. I was always there for you. But what did I get in return? You threw me away like a worthless thing. I was so much in love with you, Jayson. Why did you send me out of your life like that. With you my life was meant something. You were everything to me. So why did you let me go?" The voice became louder and louder.

That was when I realized it was another Amaya.

"The me you watched dying; was the me that who loved you with all her soul." Amaya said.

"But now; nothing remains of her anymore." Amaya continued.

I couldn't believe it. "What is going on here?" I asked myself.

"Now, you are going to pay for what you did to me." said Amaya vengefully.