
All Heavenly destiny reduced to ashes

This world is sick, and it must be cured with swords and forged with iron and fire. To slay tyranny, to cut down the unrighteous. To overturn heaven and earth, to mold the human world. All shall begin with the sword in hand. ====== When the Innate Wisdom Bearer An Jing received aid from the ancient Sword Spirit, allowing him to traverse various realms, he knew that his future would inevitably lead him down a path full of hardships and difficulties, hard to be understood by others, yet capable of changing this wretched world. And on this path, he would also crush many deserving scum underfoot. “Heh heh, the Myriad Tribes of this world shall greet the birth of this epoch-making giant like me with fervent wishes. World, I'm coming to save you!” Noble Officials/Demon Sect/Heavenly Demon: “Alas, is reconciliation possible?” Elements: Chaotic times of Martial Arts, cyber cultivation, gates between two worlds

Gloomy Sky Hidden God · Huyền huyễn
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105 Chs

Chapter 61 Fanged Pig Dang Kang

"Two worlds, advancing together."

This was the strategy An Jing and Sword Spirit had devised after their discussion, "If danger arises in the Embracing the Void realm, retreat to the other world. The reverse is also true."

"In the Embracing the Void realm, I need to escape possible pursuit from the Heaven's Will Demon Sect, the searches of the Red Armored Guards, and potential tracking by the Heavenly Demon."

"I need to quickly enhance my strength, leave the deep mountains, return to the towns within the Da Chen realm, change my identity, and hide."

"And in the other world, I must swiftly head to populated areas to gather information, determine the local language, observe their behaviors, mimic their customs, and then conceal my identity to blend in."

"I also have a piece of Spirit Jade on me, and an Ink Jade Skull that can be used for trade. It's just that I don't know their value, but settling down temporarily shouldn't be a problem."