
All Creation: I Have A Fictional Gacha System

"Cain El Serpento "VCTR Eterna" The Seventh White Glow Le Art Immortal "Helios" Almighty" (Cain for short) is your average reincarnator. He got truck-kun into a different world. What wasn't so average was the World of Gods he got reincarnated in. In this world , trillions of gods create planets and compete with each other. As soon as you reach the rightful age of 16, you get to awaken your godly name and awaken your planet! Cain thought he was the protagonist of the world, until he awaken his planet! Luckily he also awaken his cheat! Gaia Gacha System! It can materialized all kinds of things from anime, games, books, or movies! Sadly, there's no top-up system! He needs to keep devouring worlds to gain World Origin Points to roll! Cain will devour every world! And create them new! AN: This is my take on the chinese genre of All Gods/Creation/Era Of Gods. hope you like it

cybolg · Tranh châm biếm
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4 Chs

Kicked Out

Cain left the awakening room in a hurry. Soon he was greeted by drowning laughters. Cain held but his lip in anguish. He then held his head high and walk into the auditorium with all his strength.

There he saw everyone laughing nonstop. His pride as a creator is being insulted.

"Hahaha! As expected, a commoner is a commoner! It cannot compare to us nobles!"

"Kukuku! Genius? This is the genius of our school!?"

"He took so long inside? He was probably so embarrassed! hahahaha!"

"Record Breaker! I have never heard of a single digit planet!"

"Amazing! I didn't know you could get a barren planet! It doesn't have a power to support natural life at all!"

Cain couldn't take his head high anymore. Quickly, in downcast, he left the auditorium.

Soon he found himself in front of the Dean's office. But before he could go in, he could hear shouting inside. He stood there waiting for his cue.

The door of the Dean's office opened. And a man walk out. It was the Head Of God Affairs. The head is a fat bearded man. He stared at Cain for a moment before saying

"You are a disappointment!"

Then left angrily.

"Come in student Cain."

The dean said behind the door. Cain cleared his throat before going in.

"Present! Student Cain! Coming in!"

Cain said, and went in. There he could see the dean tiredly sitting in his desk. leaning and staring at the ceiling. Cain didn't speak, he waited for the dean to speak. The dean sighed, straighten his back, and look at Cain.

"You are now kicked out of Krent Academy. Your records will be expunged from the Academy."

Cain lowered his head and bit his lip and said. As someone who got the lowest record in creation study in the whole universe, probably. This punishment is very leniey

"Yes, dean! I have tarnished the Academy honour! I shall leave immediately."

Cain turned to leave but before he could leave the dean stopped him.

"Don't leave yet. I still have something to ask you."

Cain stopped and turned back

"As you wish dean."

"What will you do now?"

The dean asked patiently. He was trying to gauge Cain.

"I will go to the endless stars and try to invade a fallen world."

Cain answered resolutely. Even if his world is the worst world possible, he still have the Gaia Gacha system! Who knows, maybe it can bring him hope.

The dean then said.

"That's suicide! There's no doubt you're talented as a god! I can arrange you work as a god in my world. Forget about being a creator, you can work for me, the pay would not be so bad!"

Cain shook his head and said.

"My dream is to be a creator. I will rather die than live as a god for someone else dean! Please do not insult me further as a god."

The dean closed his eyes and sighed.

"Very well. seek your death stupid child! Before you leave, sign this vow of silence contract and take this. It's a million divinity coins, remuneration for the contract. it's enough to live for a while if change your mind of killing yourself!"

Cain quickly signed the contract and took the divinity coins and left. As soon as Cain left. The Dean took out his communicator and called someone.

"Hello? Dean Herthold it's been a while! What did you call for?"

A feminine voice answered.

"It's about the child you recommended..."

"What!? Stop him! I'll go back right now!"


On a small barren asteroid or planet, in an unknown system and galaxy. Cain sits crossed legged. Not a moment earlier, he was surveying his planet, it didn't take long because it's small size. In the end he didn't find anything. No resources, no life, no energy, just the core of the small asteroid to facilitate the unborn World Consciousness.

Cain grab a handful of sand then raised his hands

toward the stars, letting the sands pour out of his grasp.

"Well it's a bit late, but I name you, my world, Eden. In my old world, it meant paradise. I will make the greatest world this universe have seen! Our journey is toward the sea of stars!"

Suddenly the world begin a cacophany. The tiny planet roared and roared. As the creator of this world, Cain understand, the world is joyously repeating it's name. Usually this process would be done during the awakening. But the system hijacked it, so Cain could only do it now.

"This godheads...Gambling and Reincarnation? I never had any of this priesthoods, when did I get them? Other than Elemental Godhead which is consider the most average godhead. I got no idea what these two are."

"System what are these godheads?"

[The system doesn't know, It only knows gacha related products and services, please don't ask unrelated question to Gaia Gacha System.]

Damn it. I'll have to figure it myself out what these godheads do. For the Elemental Godhead, as the name suggest, it governs the natural elements of Fire, Water, Earth and Air. This godhead is consider the average godhead, it was the easiest and cheapest godhead to make and mostly used by commoners.

"System, open the goods, give me my newbie welfare!"

The system made a dinging sound and then I was flooded with illusory messages.

[Newbie Packages begin Rolling!]

Golden illusory lights field Cain's vision! What the heck! Is the newbie package also a gacha!? damn profiteering system!

[1000 World Points!

10000x Time Skip Voucher

Basic Life Guidance Selector

Generic Magic Pool

Generic Energy Source

Random Resources Generator Ticket

Ore Mines x 10

Water Source

Random Ocean Spawner

Rich Soil 10x]

This system really is unrelliable, who makes newbie welfare randomized!?

[Congrats the host for stepping on the road of Gacha Hell! 1000 world points and 10000x Time Skip Voucher is guarateed in the roll! Please use it wisely. The System suggest to use it on Beginner Discount Gacha, with 1000 points the Host could do 40 PULLS! Amazing right? Please praise the Great Gaia Gacha System for fair services, also rate me 5* in the app store.]

Cain decides to look at the description of the items he got.

"Rich Soil,water source, energy source is basically a volcano? What do I need this for? I'm a God Of Elements ya know!? Random Resource Generator Ticket!? Even the price is in gacha form! Ore Mines... I guess they're useful in the future. Wait a minute... 10000x time skip voucher!? Isn't this guaranteed item Amazing!?"

Cain was shock, if he could sell this item he would be rich for eternity! Time manipulation isn't alien in this universe, a lot of gods have painstakenly cultivated the godhead of time, and all of them are ancient mysterious gods with unmatch treasures. Time Gods often sell sands of time that can manipulate the world time to as much of ten times. Then there's the Crystallization of Time, it is the most expensive of all time manipulation items, decades ago, one was sold for a whopping trillions of divinity! AND IT ONLY MOVED THE TIME A THOUSAND FASTER! Although anyone with single divinity and a priesthood of creation can move time faster by a year, but adding this voucher together with my divinity... Cain was shocked at the realization

[Does the host finally understand the greatness of the system? Please apologize to the system!]

"Hmph! Fine sorry system! guhehehe, time voucher!"

Cain took out the voucher from the system, smelled it, licked it, then start rubbing it on his face. As if it was the greatest treasure he have hold.

[Now host please use world points to experience the real gacha.]

"Can't you see me enjoying myself!? Fine, Fine!open the gacha menu!"

Cain saw the Beginner Gacha called Multiverse Starter Banner, he wasn't interested in it at all, what he was interested was the arrow on the side pointing right. Cain got a devious idea, this system sure wants him to do this trap gacha! Who do you think I am, fool, I have rolled in a thousand gacha games, unknown to rates nor known to whales...

[Host please stop! whatever your planning isn't good!]

Hearing the system cry! Cain quickly press the arrow in delight of his mischievous ways.


[Host please!]


The system desperate cries was music to Cain's ears. Finally reaching his destination, Cain laughed at the funny coincidence.

[(Magic Monday) Current Rate Up: Nasuverse Banner!]