
All Caste Jason Todd in HP

During the events of Under the Red Hood, the Batarang released by Batman slices Jason's throat unable to move, as Batman saves the Joker and Jason dies in the explosion. He transmigrates into an alternate DC universe where his mother, Catherine Todd, is a witch from Britain living luxuriously in Gotham. The All - blades that are attached to his soul arrive with him. With a training "system" in tow, watch as Jason Todd takes on the duties of All Caste to eliminate evil both in DC and HP world. DC AU, HP AU. I don't own DC, HP, or the cover image.

ashwini_prasad · Tranh châm biếm
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Ilvermory travel and suspicions

Jason and Pamela were trained in magic combat by Catherine. She taught them not only stunners and flipendos but also lethal spells like Reducto, Confringo etc but many curses and their counter curses. She did not refrain from teaching them Hexes and Jinxes as she knew if they were against multiple enemies they need all the arsenal.

Jason and Pamela picked up quite quickly and they duelled from time to time during the 1 month so that it becomes natural to dodge, block and even deflect spells. Catherine did not teach them Unforgivables as just like in Britain there is a ban and only the MLE( Magical Law Enforcement) are allowed to cast them if the opponents are too powerful.

She observed that Jason is mobile and has quick thinking adapting to battle while Pamela was not too fast but she is very good at blocking and neutralizing spells. The two of them had two different ways of fighting with their own advantages and disadvantages. 

On September 1st Jason released his third book "Scorers" in an event organized by "Todd Publishing". Since it was a book on Baseball many sports enthusiasts flocked to buy the book. They were mesmerized mostly by the matches described in the book as it was every tension inducing with development of characters along the way and a proper narrative in place.

The Critics gave peak level reviews to the book. Those who were against Jason had played their tricks but this time Jason's fanbase did not take it lightly to their criticism. They were roasted in media channels and also by public who expressed their discontent through messages.

Jason's fame which is attributed to two time luck has vanished and he has planted himself as a genuine author who has his own ways to tell stories.

Jason on September 4th announced that he will be releasing another book after an year and it will be a Detective thriller. 

Many readers who were his fans went into uproar on hearing those words. The detective movies and novels in this world were an utter disaster because of authors and movie makers neglecting the deduction approach and concentrating more on the action, gun fights and steamy scenes.

Last month Catherine went a magical shop in New York who were expert extension charm suit makers and asked them to make customized suitcases.

These suitcases inside had a kitchen, living room, bedroom, dueling room and a store room. Jason asked her to make it after he came to know about Newt Scamander's suitcase that fits even big creatures into it.

Rather than using those trolleys to bring the his luggage and animals it would be better to put them in a small suitcase easy to carry.

On September 7th, all three of them appeared at the bottom of Mt Greyback where the bus will take them to the mountain. There were lots of wizards and witches waiting there. Some came with their parents and some came alone.

"So, how are you two doing?" asked Catherine as she experienced the first day jitters during her time.

"I am excited." replied Pamela.

"I feel good. I just want to experience the feeling of having friends and going to school again." replied Jason.

Catherine smiled and said "That's the spirit. I hope you gain new friends and have a great year."

Jason looked at other 1st year witches and wizards in their uniforms. Some of them were glancing at Jason and whispering.

"Jason, why are they whispering while looking at you?" asked Pamela.

"There must be some Muggleborn who must have seen me in TV. They must have known who I am." said Jason.

Pamela pouted after hearing it. Jason pinched her cheek and said "Cute, but don't care about them. This is a normal reaction and we both have to get used to it."

"OUCH, stop it, you red devil." said Pamela rubbing her cheek after Jason let go.

"Hahaha. Now I am confident that two of you will be completely fine seeing your bickering." laughed Catherine.

Three buses came from the mountain after 5 minutes and Jason sat on second bus with Pamela. Through the window "Mom, I'll be coming back for Christmas. Take care of yourself." shouted Jason.

"The same goes for me Mom. Don't overwork yourself and eat well." shouted Pamela.

Catherine felt a tear leave her eye as she nodded and waved. Jason and Pamela waved with smiles as the bus took off.

Jason sighed as he felt relieved because the bus is not a Knight bus in the movie and it is a bus enchanted to travel roads of mountains and steep terrains easily.

"So, what should we do now?" asked Jason.

Many students were glancing at the duo with curiosity. There were wizards in the bus who did not know about Jason because of them living in Wizarding world of America and don't have much info on the Muggle world.

One girl Tiffany Hamilton who was from wizarding world asked another girl Sandra "Hey, what's so special about the guy that you keep staring at him?" out of curiosity.

"He is an author who wrote 3 novels and obtained fame in the muggle world. No one expected that guy to be a wizard." said Sandra.

There were two teachers in the bus. One male and One female. "Edward Powell" and "Rosalie Parker". 

Even the teachers were surprised to hear those words. They had smiles on their faces that someone accomplished is joining the school.

Pamela thought for a bit and said "How about some cards?"

Jason took out the deck of muggle cards game and they began playing "War".

Others eyes widened as they were playing games kids shouldn't play. Since there were no bets, they were playing for fun.

Slowly others interest waned and they began doing their own thing. Jason could see glares coming from the back of the bus and saw some boys and girls looking at him with disgust. Opening Appraisal on them gave him the answer.

They were from traditional wizarding families in America. Jason knows that racism and bigotry in American Wizarding world is not much prevalent than in Britain but there are bigots present in America.

He knew their family names were Hamilton family, Sayre family, Calder-Boot family, Cromwell Family, Dahlman family, Jones family and Kedward family.

He saw that leaving Sayre family all other heirs were in the bus. "Hope they aren't irritating as Draco Malfoy because I can say with certainty it wouldn't end well for them." thought Jason.

Luckily MACUSA in 1949 banned any inbreeding among the families so the wizarding families had to find wives from the children graduated from Ilvermory for furthering their families.

Jason felt good while reading it in History of Magic book because there will be less chance of lunatics like Lestranges, Yaxleys, Carrows etc. to be born here. Even if there are dark wizards they aren't as psychotic as the death eater bunch in USA. After Miss Dark Hunter's rampage Dark Wizards had to control themselves from crossing the line.

After 1 hour the bus reached Ilvermory school of Witchcraft and Wizardry.


In Hogwarts, 

McGonagall was looking through different letters and she came across the odd letter she received a month ago. This letter was from USA. It is not uncommon for Britain Wizards who settled in USA to receive letters from Hogwarts and vice versa.

She did know it was a rejection letter but something attracted her to the letter. She read the letter and didn't find anything odd at first. She went to the book of admittance and saw the name "Jason Todd".

But slowly something appeared at the side of the name that completely shocked Minerva. "Jason Todd-Prewett" was what appeared in the book. She did not understand how it happened.

She didn't know that Catherine placed a fidelius charm on the Prewett family name itself and only made sure that the name will be revealed after Jason enters a school. Since Molly was married to a Weasley she will not be using the Prewett family name. After the death of Gideon and Fabian the family assets were given to Molly but they did not manage their money well.

Catherine didn't want any assets or money in Britain so she left with meagre money. She was trying to save her own life at that time and money is not something she had in mind.

As for the secret keeper, it was none other than Nancy Young.

"What is this?" said McGonagall unable to believe her eyes.

She entered Dumbledore's office.

"Ah, Minerva. Did something happen?' asked Dumbledore enjoying Lemon Drops.

"You need to come with me Albus. Until you see it with your own eyes you won't believe it." said Minerva. 

Dumbledore went with Minerva and she showed him the book of admittance. The words "Prewett" were present beside Jason Todd's name.

"How did you miss this?" asked Dumbledore.

"I don't know. The family name revealed itself few minutes ago." replied Minerva.

"This is both good and bad. We know now Catherine is alive and we can assure Molly that her cousin is alive.

The bad news is that even if we find her, there is less chance of her returning to Wizarding Britain. " said Dumbledore.

"She is the only one who knew about Tom's secret of Immortality that even I don't know." thought Dumbledore.

"She has deliberately hid her family name using a fidelius charm Minerva. That is the reason the name appeared later." said Dumbledore.

"She was a smart witch who was better at hiding herself in school days and Flitwick had the opportunity of having her in his house." said McGonagall with mixed feelings.

Dumbledore's thoughts were different because it is because Catherine is a smart witch, she knew his mentality and methods of doing things. Unlike Molly who blindly followed him, Catherine didn't believe in him or Voldemort.

She had a realistic thinking and saw things in a direction others refused to see. That is the reason why Dumbledore could not bring her into the order and she was openly hostile towards the headmaster during the war. While others blindly fought along side him with death eaters she decided to escape from Britain knowing that she was no match for Voldemort and his pack.

The Order has lost important people in the war against the death eaters. He tried searching for Catherine with help of Molly and Moody. They even went to USA to find her but it was of no use.

They had to give up since the community had to recuperate. She had outsmarted Dumbledore using the same charm he suggested to Potters.

McGonagall remembered that Catherine didn't have the mentality of Pure Blood families but she also wasn't like Molly and Weasleys who are too accepting towards Muggles.

Catherine had friends among both Pure blood families and Muggles but she kept her distance after they all graduated. Since it was a war time she did not know who to trust. Dumbledore was an advocate of not killing which she found pretty naïve during the wizarding war and also grasped the manipulative words he used to attract others.

Catherine knew that if she joined the Order of the Phoenix she will definitely die and there is no way they can win a war against death eaters without using Curses or powerful lethal spells to kill.

"It is not the time Minerva. We will search for her again after this school term finishes." said Dumbledore.

"I have no doubts that she is safe. Dark Wizard activity in US is at an all time low due to Miss Dark Hunter's efforts few years ago." said McGonagall.

Dumbledore's eyes twitched. He has heard the title a few years ago. A Hit Wizard who hunts down and kills dark wizards without mercy. Her identity is kept a secret by MACUSA and refrained from revealing it to other countries.

He tried to use his position as Supreme Mugwump through ICW and tried to not only find the identity but also tried to pass a resolution that would limit her killings which was disposed off after wizards from USA argued that she was hunting them after receiving orders from the Congress itself.

His resolution was squashed and he could not even find her identity after US wizards stated the importance of keeping the secrecy of their own Law Enforcement members whose names were sensitive.

"Let us go. We have our own things to do." said Dumbledore swallowing the drawbacks he received during those years.