
Alien in the Cultivation World

We're so used to magicians, reincarnators, transmigrators and other race in the cultivation world. But what about an alien? Even better.... An evil one ?

InnocentFox · Kỳ huyễn
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49 Chs

Culprit Part 2

Fang Xuan ran deeper into the forest, his heart pounding. This was the first time he had ever left his village, and even though he was stronger now, it made him afraid of the unknown. 

'When I'm not consumed by anger, I turn back into my old pathetic self,' he sighed. His berserk mode would have been useful right now, but he needed something to trigger that state.

He also felt his stamina weakening. It was as if the more he breathed in, the more it seemed to drain his energy instead of helping.

And though his legs moved faster than ever, he struggled to control his new strength. From time to time, he tripped over roots and rocks, his body unsteady. 

'I need to keep moving,' he muttered, trying to stay focused. 

With each movement, he felt more aware of how hard it was to handle his speed. 

'This power means nothing if I can't control it,' he thought, feeling both angry and scared. He felt like a kid using a tool too heavy to lift, his movements clumsy and awkward. 

Pushing all the doubts, he forced himself to keep going. He slowed down to avoid further accidents, but he stayed determined. He needed to find a place to hide and think, away from immediate danger. 

Finally, he spotted a dense thicket that offered some cover. He stumbled into it, collapsing to the ground, gasping for breath. His body shook with exhaustion, and his mind raced with thoughts of revenge and survival. 

As he lay there, hidden among the trees and brush, Fang Xuan knew he was at a turning point. He had to find a way to adapt to his new abilities.

With a deep, steadying breath, Fang Xuan pulled out his dagger and examined it closely. 

'I might not know any techniques, but I need to at least know how to use this,' he thought, trying to calm his racing mind. 

He gripped the hilt tightly and started swinging the dagger. His movements were slow as he practiced the basic slash. 

Fang Xuan repeated the motion over and over, trying to get a feel for the blade. Each swing was a bit smoother than the last, but he still struggled to maintain control. 

He focused on the technique, aiming to make each swing as precise as possible. He imagined different scenarios where he might need to use the dagger and adjusted his movements accordingly. 

The forest around him was quiet, but the sound of the dagger slicing through the air was a constant reminder of his need to improve. 

He took occasional breaks to catch his breath, his heart still racing from the fear and exertion. Each time he paused, he checked his grip and posture, making small adjustments.

The dagger was becoming more familiar, but Fang Xuan knew he had a long way to go. 

'It's still very basic, but at least it's not as awkward,' he thought to himself.

With a quick glance around, he tucked the dagger back into its sheath and continued running through the forest, determined to escape and find safety.