

"Yo! This is a recording as you've probably realized so it is after this happened that I wrote it. Anyway, the world's gone to shi* as you've seen unless you're a filthy parasite then screw you and try and be a good person by listening to this at least since I'd to be known for the horrors I've experienced so please just listen...with that, we go to part one. Schedule = Wednesday patreon.com/Filler_Chan

Auther_Uchiha · Kinh dị ma quái
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25 Chs

File #8

As I ventured out of that eerie house, clutching the metal box containing the parasite's heart, I decided to make my way to the local hospital. It seemed like a counterintuitive choice, considering the chaos that engulfed the world, but my reasoning was simple and tinged with a hint of dark humour.

"Doctors are a precious commodity," I mused to myself, my voice dripping with sarcasm. "I mean, who wouldn't want to spend over five years of their life training to be a proper doctor, right? So naturally, the hospital should be a safe haven. Makes perfect sense."

"As I made my way through the desolate streets, cautious but hopeful, I couldn't shake the feeling that danger lurked around every corner. The night grew darker, amplifying the eerie silence that enveloped the abandoned city. Eventually, my weary eyes spotted a house that seemed somewhat intact. It would provide some much-needed shelter for the night."

"With a mixture of relief and caution, I barricaded myself within the confines of that broken wall, finding a semblance of security within the decaying structure. Exhaustion overcame me, and I drifted into a deep slumber, embracing the temporary respite from the horrors that awaited me outside."

"Within the realm of dreams, my mind conjured vivid images. A colossal heart, pulsating and alive, dominated the surreal landscape. Veins snaked across its massive surface, throbbing with a life force that seemed to synchronize with my own heartbeat."

"As I drew nearer to this enigmatic organ, the pulsations intensified, resonating through my entire being."

In that hazy state of a lucid dream, I could sense the power emanating from the heart, a power both awe-inspiring and terrifying. Compelled by a strange curiosity, I reached out and touched the pulsating mass, its warmth seeping into my fingertips. It was as if I had tapped into the very essence of life itself.

"And just as I was on the precipice of unravelling the mysteries concealed within that ethereal heart, the recording abruptly cut off, leaving me suspended in a moment of uncertainty and anticipation."

"Wow...never imagined that I'd run out of tape but let me just...alright we're back!"

As I found myself immersed in the surreal dreamscape, my mind yearned for a familiar voice, a touch of sarcasm to keep me company in the midst of the unknown.

"Hey, Mr. Giant Pulsating Heart," I quipped, my voice echoing in the dream realm. "Hope you don't mind me crashing your party. I must say, it's quite the cardiovascular spectacle you've got going on here. Reminds me of my ex's love for drama."

The heart seemed to respond with an intensified throb, as if mocking my attempt at humor. Undeterred, I continued my one-sided banter.

"You know, if I didn't know any better, I'd say this heart of yours is the very symbol of life. Maybe it holds the secrets to immortality. Or maybe it's just a sign that I should cut back on those greasy hamburgers. Heart disease and all that."

The surreal environment around me shifted as if the heart itself was amused by my sarcastic commentary. I couldn't help but embrace this imaginary dialogue as a way to fend off the encroaching sense of loneliness.

"Alright, Mr. Heart, spill the beans. What do you want from me? A dance? A heartfelt conversation? Or maybe you're just here to remind me that I have a heart of my own, buried beneath layers of cynicism and survival instincts."

"What the actual f***, you're here because I forgot to watch Care-Bear's last episode? Well, guess what! I DELETED THE RECORDING! as Lord was tired of being reminded of being on his own;

The heart pulsated in response, its rhythm somehow conveying a sense of understanding. It was as if my sarcastic tone had pierced through the barriers of the dream, creating an unconventional connection.

"Well, Mr. Heart, I appreciate the chat, but I've got a world to navigate and mysteries to unravel. So, until next time, keep pumping away and don't go breaking any more hearts. Including mine."

As the dream began to fade, my consciousness pulled away from the enigmatic heart, leaving me with a lingering sense of companionship, albeit one crafted from my own sarcastic musings."

"I'm almost out of tape so, I'll have to get some more but that Heart is annoying as the Kool-Aid ad guy...Oh yeah!...That was very cringe anyway bye~"


[Please Insert Tape]

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