
Alexandra QIN

Alex Dunbar is a business man and a well known billionaire, who wants revenge at all cost for the death of his mother along the way, he met Lilly a girls whose life was miserable but somehow she brought light into his life but when Lilly find out Alex's father is responsible for the death of her 9parents, his step brother who wants to kill Alex by every means possible or his evil mother who wants Alex gone from their life. will she believe Alex and stay with him and forgo her quest for vengeance or will she expose Alex's father deeds

SilverSkyla · Hiện thực
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
30 Chs

chapter 4

Murmur's filled in the crowd, "I taught Alex is allergic to women, because I have never really seen him with any lady" Mr Standson spoke, "what makes her so special that Alex is asking her for a dance?" another lady laid with jealousy.

Mr Steven smiles and replies "who knows maybe because she's beautiful, even I am fascinated by her beauty". the lady frown in anger.

"Well when the right woman come along, you won't think twice but fall for her charm" Mr Norman replied them.

Lilly looks at him, shocked and confused, she speaks to her self -oh my god his even more handsome than kyle, but he looks cold is there a different planet for handsome guys?, did I accidentally fall in there wow -. but why in the hell did he ask me for a dance there are lots of ladies with dignities he could just ask why me.

Kyle smirks at her, "your spacing out again", he whispers in her ear.

Alex frowns on how close they are but, he immediately switches back to his ice cold emotionless face, tights his other fist, "why am I so angry i only just met her once and am feeling this way what is wrong with me", he mutter to himself, "why is she here with kyle does she even know me" he asked himself.

Lilly snaps back still looking confused she turns to kyle, "who is he?"

kyle chuckles, "meet my older brother Alex Dunbar, ". he said introducing them.

She gasps and covers her mouth with her hand, "are you serious?, I.. I didn't know" she said with excitement, she straights her hand out to greet him, "nice to meet you sir i'm Lilly storman".

As she puts her hand on his he felt so damn good, he felt a surge of pleasure inside him, I want to do all kinds if wicked things to her, I want her I need her, he shakes his head slightly what is wrong with me, "may I have this dance miss Lilly?"

She turns to kyle then he nods at her go on, before she followed Alex to the dancing hall.

Mr Xavier Qin, surprised and shocked at the same time turns to His secretary, "what is Lilly doing with those people how the hell did she get to know them" he fumes in anger.

"sir, I don't know she never told me she knew them" she spoke to him in a low tone, "well then find out".

He smiles mischievously and walks towards miss Lilly, after her dance with Alex.

"may I have this dance miss storman?" he asked with an evil smirk on his face

Lilly is shocked to see Mr Qin, but she masked it all too soon, and puts a smile on her face. "am sorry but No" she takes a few steps back, her express wasn't so good anymore, Alex and kyle notices the change in her mood.

Xavier smiles and moves closer towards her sensing her fear, "you don't need to be scared", he drags her close by the waist, "why did you leave huh, you know how much I need you", he whispers to her, and bites her ear.

Alex fumes in anger, "as he was about to walk there".

Kyle reached before him and landed a punch Xavier in the face, "how dare you?"

"Lilly are you okey?, I'm sorry I wasn't with you hope you're fine?, he said with a worried look, .

" i'm i'm fine it okey", Lilly said with a smile.

Mr Nicolas arrives at the scene, "I'm sorry, Mr kyle security please help Mr Qin up and take him to the hospital for treatment", he turns to Mr Qin i'm sorry for the inconvenience" he knew well enough not to get on the bad side of Mr Dunbars.

Alex turns to walk away, "Mr Dunbar please wait I want to speak with you", Alex halts, and turns 'Okey" they both walk away, he didn't know why he even agreed to talk with him, maybe he wanted to impress her.

"Lilly are you're okay, hope you not hurt? it's all my fault that scum bag got close to you".

"No.. no it not, his my ex... boss" she said it like it was an abomination.

"you've worked at Qin enterprise?, wait" he frowns is that where you sustained your head injury? kyle was too smart for his own good.

"Don't worry about that, just a minor injury.

"you're not good at lying, you no that don't you,

it alright I won't ask okay, but I should have punched him a few more times" he said.

"let just enjoy the evening okay?" he takes he hand and leads her towards where the snacks were placed.

she smiles, "is Mr Dunbar really your brother"?.

"yes, Do you know him"?.

"I don't know him to being with I was confused as well".

"Then why did you accept the dance?" kyle asked her curiously.

"can't tell maybe because I'd felt bad if I had declined him" she said plainly.

"oh! so you haven't actually met my brother, wow that surprising well you still owe me a dance", "May I" he leads her to the dance floor.

Lilly had already gotten home, kyle dropped her off after taking her shower she lands on the bed and faces the ceiling, as she slips into deep thoughts.


In the dance with Alex, her heart was pounding like it was gonna explode any moment soon, Alex whispers to her while holding her waist, "so your the girl my brother talks about huh?"

"umm, yeah I guess, his a really nice person I like him, it really nice to meet you in person I never thought i'd meet someone like you in this my life time" she said honestly.

Alex smiles a little, "so tell me, what do you like doing in your free time?"

"I um, I love painting most of the times I love going to the beach, she smiles, "ah twists her ankle a little, but Alex catch's her on time, her lips mistakenly rubs on Alex jaw.

Alex felt her soft lips brushed against his jaws, he clenches it trying to suppress the urge growing in him, it's hard enough seeing her beauty face up close.

"oh i'm so sorry i'm really not good at this it's my first time" she said nervously.

He touches her cheek, "it alright".

OMG, I tink i'm gonna go crazy from all this things i'm seeing and feeling, how can a guy look so damn hot when just smiling she blushes.


She stand up, "I need a drink", she walk to her fridge and grabs a can of her favorite strawberry drink and sips all in one go, then heads to the bed and sleeps off.


In Alex room kyle just kept talking asking him how he got to know Lilly he kept on pestering him non stop, "common tell me the curiosity is killing me I have to know"

"Fine, he raised his hand up in the air in defeat, "she the girl I met at Qin enterprise"

"oh, now it all makes sense now, I was wondering who could it be, but it turns out to be the girl you bumped into, is also the same one I met wow fate is playing a really dangerous game now". he frowns "but wait how in the hell did you recognize her in that crowd?"

"I can't tell, maybe it's the injury in her head or my instincts"

"So tell me should I invite her over for dinner maybe in a few days" he continued with is questions.

Alex eyes Flickered with excitement for a minute, "do you think she would come?".

He laughs out loudly, "man it the first time I have seen you this excited in along time, okay it a done deal, wait Alex I hope your not planning to take my girlfriend from me", he said jokingly.

Alex stares cold daggers at him.

Okay i was only kidding bro don't get all serious she's just my friends" he was happy his brother was beginning to show interest in a lady, the Alex he knew couldn't care less of anything the doesn't matter to him more less women.

"Don't get to close to her" he cautioned his brother.

"hold on, your already so protective when she doesn't really know you it gonna be fun heh", laughs and walk out.

Alex lies on the bed thinking back to the dance, the moment her lips brushed with his jaw he felt his heart skip a beat, he stands up.

Why do I keep thinking of her I can't be falling for her now can I? no way, he walks straight to the bathroom takes off his clothes standing naked with his perfect body and muscled back he slides into the tub to cool off.

And then he sees flashes of his mother in a car accident lying lifeless in front if him, jerked up with force.